US will ban WeChat and TikTok downloads on Sunday - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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They weren't trying to shut down Facebook and Twitter. Take your head out of your Russian troll ass. It wasn't censorship, either. it was adding fact-checking. Seeing as facts are the last thing you want to deal with, I can see why you'd hate that.
A deal has been reached: ... ncept.html

Oracle to own 12.5%, Walmart to own 7.5%. The other 80% stays with Bytedance. The ban will get delayed for at least another week so they can continue to hammer out details. Like I said, I'm sure one of those details is that all the data has to stay on US servers and cannot be sent back to China.

Rumors are that a new company will be formed as part of this, and will likely be HQed in Texas (I'm going to guess here in Austin). 25,000 potential new jobs across the US. This looks similar to how foreign companies in China often have to form joint venture companies in China.

Now for speculation:
I think Trump can claim this one as a win. Something he can boast for his campaign. I could see him say stuff like "I stuck it to China". This isn't really that big of stick/deal all by itself, since this is tiktok; a stupid social media app. However, it is a big deal because I don't think anyone has ever stuck to China like this in that past. This could signal/open larger changes with how Chinese companies operate in the US. This could affect more important/critical sectors like 5g (huawai, zte). Who knows, maybe even change how the US open research institutions are with Chinese entities as well (some of the tech used by China to do genealogy studies/tracing on the Uyghurs came from a joint US-China university project, without the US researchers knowing what China would do with it).

I think @Patrickov got it right. They gave China their own medicine for sure. The only thing is, in China it's often (not always) 51% has to be Chinese owned. In this case, it's just 20% American owned. Still, I think this is unprecedented and a signal that this might happen with more Chinese companies operating in the US (Huawei, ZTE, etc.). The gotacha of this is that if China complains about these practices, they can just throw it back at their faces and say "you do do this to foreign companies. If you want it to stop, then you should stop too." Of course, this could all just be a one off, and everyone forgets about it in a year.

Personally, I think the US should reciprocate this policy with all Chinese companies operating in the US. That is, mirror the same list of requirements that China places on foreign companies (There has to be US ownership, data stays in the US, etc. etc.). Apply these requirements to Chinese companies operating in the US (with strict US oversight, much like how the CCP does). Basically really give them their own medicine. If they don't want this, then they need to stop doing this too.
Last edited by Rancid on 20 Sep 2020 14:57, edited 1 time in total.
@Politics_Observer Who did TikTok steal it's algorithm from?

The US should pass a data protection law banning the transfer of all personal/ consumer data out of the country. Of course it won't because that would prevent the NSA from circumventing spying laws via the 5 eyes members.
So this is al about USA not being smart enough to ensure that companies in USA are 51% owned by US citizens? :roll: I guess not making rules for capitalism is biting them in the ass. :lol:
AFAIK wrote:The US should pass a data protection law banning the transfer of all personal/ consumer data out of the country. Of course it won't because that would prevent the NSA from circumventing spying laws via the 5 eyes members.

This would be awesome. Yes, it would never happen though.
I would force social media companies to make the data they collect available to users, such that they can easily switch to a competitor.

The profits these companies make are the most egregious example of monopoly rents due to network effects, because the technology behind it is trivial and the required investment minimal.
Rugoz wrote:I would force social media companies to make the data they collect available to users, such that they can easily switch to a competitor.

The profits these companies make are the most egregious example of monopoly rents due to network effects, because the technology behind it is trivial.

I would also require these companies to compensate with royalties every time they make money with our data. If they sell your data to advertiser or whoever, then you should get a 5%-15% cut of the sale of that data. Why are they allowed to profit from our digital likeness?
Last edited by Rancid on 20 Sep 2020 16:10, edited 1 time in total.
Rancid wrote:I would also require these companies to compensate with royalties every time they make money with our data. If they sell your data to advertiser or whoever, then you should get a 5% cut of the sale of that data. Why are they allowed to profit from our digital likeness?

A 5% cut seems rather arbitrary. The goal should be a shift towards user-controlled data. There needs to be an industry standard on how user data is stored and shared.
Rugoz wrote:A 5% cut seems rather arbitrary. The goal should be a shift towards user-controlled data. There needs to be an industry standard on how user data is stored and shared.

Sure, I agree, user-control is the most important thing here. However, even in the case where we opt-in to having out data shared, we should also deserve a cut of any money they earn from our data.
Rancid wrote:Sure, I agree, user-control is the most important thing here. However, even in the case where we opt-in to having out data shared, we should also deserve a cut of any money they earn from our data.

That will happen automatically if you can offer your data to your company of choice. The goal is to establish competition. The company which offers the biggest reward to its users, in whatever form, should win out.
Rugoz wrote:
That will happen automatically if you can offer your data to your company of choice. The goal is to establish competition. The company which offers the biggest reward to its users, in whatever form, should win out.

Yea, I buy that concept.

It's interesting because different people's data could be worth more/less. Oddly enough, what would happen is that people in higher income tiers will have their personal data priced higher. Basically because advertisers care more about higher income earners.

None that less, the key point is, people can control their data, so it's a win.
Sivad wrote:I appreciate the sentiment but it's still just a token gesture. We need a full embargo against those Gǔ lā gé zhǔyì zhě.

That will mean death of those opposing the regime / nation but loving freedom, like my contemporaries, friends, family and self.

Just come over and free us all.
Patrickov wrote:That will mean death of those opposing the regime / nation but loving freedom, like my contemporaries, friends, family and self.

Just come over and free us all.

You people are good and fucked regardless. There is no way to pry China free of the gulagist grip without causing tremendous suffering and death and the regime is too detrimental to the future of human development to be allowed to remain in power. But I wouldn't worry about it too much, it'll be a while before the West is in a position to focus its full might on uprooting the CCP, right now we have our own elitist crime syndicate to root out.
WeChat ban has been blocked. A Judge cited concerns over the first amendment. As now, none of these apps have been blocked.

My guess, WeChat will not get blocked. TikTOk is already on the path to giving the US gov the concessions they want, so I don't think that will be banned either.
Godstud wrote:So this is al about USA not being smart enough to ensure that companies in USA are 51% owned by US citizens? :roll: I guess not making rules for capitalism is biting them in the ass. :lol:

Hilarious that a guy from Canada would write this.

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