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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Dr House
Well I'm an ex-columnist at a typology site and I probably know more about personality and its relation to politics than anyone you're likely to meet, so if you want you can add me to AIM or MSN (or Skype, or whatever you use). :) My IM addresses are on my profile.
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By Dr House
Andropov wrote:Wow, I identify majorly with Ni; it describes my thought process to the bone. I prefer to put things off and am generally far more P than J, though. What type am I, would you say?

If you identify with Ni best then you're probably INTJ; unless you identify better with Fe than Te, then you'd be INFJ. It's not uncommon for INJs to be lazy.
Dr House wrote:Well I'm an ex-columnist at a typology site and I probably know more about personality and its relation to politics than anyone you're likely to meet, so if you want you can add me to AIM or MSN (or Skype, or whatever you use). :) My IM addresses are on my profile.

I had a myers briggs done in university and I came out solid INTJ. What should that make me politically?
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By Beren
Highest ranking dimension: Rationalist

You believe in the power of reason to solve problems. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a leader who will honest about the costs and benefits of things. You may have felt that what the country really needs is to stop wasting time and money on silly hot button issues. This may be because you have been annoyed by people who get disproportionately excited about issues that won ’t make much difference to people’s lives no matter how they are decided. It may also be because you see too many squeaky wheels getting too much grease. Others may disagree with you because they have an emotional attachment to their positions and don’t see things in an objective way. W hen politicians of your type make mistakes because what they perceive as "logical" comes across as "confusing" or "uncaring", and they can’t win people over.

Second highest ranking dimension: Wide Focus

You believe that people should look at the big picture before making decisions. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a government that can focus on the big issues that will be affecting everyone of the next 100 years. This may be because you have seen too much spending on the "symptoms" rather than the underlying causes. It may also be because you feel that wealthy countries have a responsibility to the rest of the world. Others may disagree with you because they don ’t want to set aside their own needs for the needs of others far away. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they can be too optimistic about their ability to make a difference.

Combined statement:

Based on your answers, you think that government should focus squarely on sorting out the problem of governing responsibly and effectively.

DSCRW - Syndicalist

this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ

A syndicalist seeks to disperse most or all state power to local communities, perhaps to the point of favoring city states, or government by local labor or business federerations.

This personality type combines these five perspectives
democrat,small state,collectivist,rationalist,wide focus

Likes and dislikes

the idea that society needs a "paradigm shift"
governments working from a set of logical rules.
a strong sense of social responsibility.
think often in terms of “us and them”
people who "make do" on their own

making decisions on a case by case basis which can lead to bias favoristism.
those who break the law
expanding the range of national public insurance programs (employment insurance, old age *pensions, medicare and disability programs)

Philosophy: Communitarian Democrat

Absolutely accurate I guess, although I don't oppose national public insurance programs so much.
By mikema63
dr. house which typology site, ill think about the IM but ill have to figure out which one i dont have any, its not something ive ever done before.

this is some info i found on mbti and political affiliation based on survey's, but from what i understand its more tendency than anything else.
















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By Murph
This test sucks.

Highest ranking dimension: Collectivist

Second highest ranking dimension: Autocratic

Combined statement:

Based on your answers, your preference is for stability and order, with strong communities and institutions.

ASCRW - Owenite or Fabian Socialist

this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ

Robert Owen a successful industrialist, was an early “socialist without the class struggle” his basic conception was that human beings were moulded, for better or worse by their society and community, as such the powerful held a responsibility for the human development of the people under their influence.


George Bernard Shaw? and Winston Churchill? were adherents to the Fabian socialist movement, which had much the same idea.

In Canada the somewhat unique Red Tory? perspective was strongly influenced by these views.

Unlike most collectivists, advocates tended to try to reform right-wing politics? rather than join left-wing? movement?s.


The Liberal Party of Canada favours this view by default, as it has never seriously challenged the bulk of state power remaining with the provinces of Canada?, nor sought to create large military or other apparatus that would imply a large central state. Liberals in power have tended to favour lateral agreements among the provinces and territories, though applying strong top-down rationalist authority. Pierre Trudeau? behaved in ways that might be defined as ASCRW though his rhetoric tended to the human rights and natural justice? and classical liberal?.

future forms

In green politics the role of central authority is minimized in favour of more local organizing, leaving the small central state in charge of scientifically identifying a wide range of constraints on human activity, some of which require strong authoritarian controls. The geolibertarian? perspective is individualist on social and cultural matters but strongly collectivist on ecological questions.

In Canada in particular, some have noted the convergence of Red Tory? beliefs with Four Pillars constraints imposed by global conditions, influencing both the Green Party of Canada - especially the GPC platform, 2004 - and the Liberal Party of Canada. Preston Manning wrote an influential essay on the blue-green? perspective, suggesting that the Conservative Party of Canada could likewise learn from this view, and that it had to acknowledge the limits of individualist and neoclassical? views and embraced "full cost accounting".


This personality type combines these five perspectives authoritarian, small state, collectivist, rationalist, wide focus.

Likes and dislikes


•a strong sense of social responsibility.
•identify strongly with religious, ethnic or cultural groups
•people who "make do" on their own
•competition, and facing challenges
•advocating that society needs a "paradigm shift"
•advocating change at the national or international level

•rebellion for the sake of rebellion
•challenges to authority
•complex decision making processes

Philosophy: Communitarianism, Social Conservativism

Alternate Nicknames: (suggest a different nickname for this type)


Issues to visit:

The following issues may be of interest to you. Visit and edit these pages to reflect your beliefs.

childcare affirmative action child labor death penalty drinking age education employment food security homelessness labour public safety? quality of life recreation? corporate governance World Bank pollution technology? tax reform economic policy property rights urban sprawl public utilities? public parks employee ownership? gambling industry?

Famous Owenites

Robert Owen

By mikema63
^anything could be better in multiple ways. :lol:

the test isn't the best ever made but i love the style of it, its much more interesting and new than the 2d grid style you usually see. if i knew enough about personality typing i would try to make a better version, mabye dr. house can help :lol:
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By Daktoria
Took the test a year ago. Scored between cultural libertarian and blue tory.

Highest ranking dimension: Small Government
You believe in a government that keeps order but otherwise stays out of the way. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a government with the courage to take on some of the "sacred cows" of government spending. This may be because you have been irked by how much you pay in taxes. It may also be because you feel that excessive government support programs reward those with no initiative. Others may disagree with you because they see some people as having the system stacked against them. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is because they find it difficult to maintain the "tough love" approach when their friends and supporters ask for help.

Second highest ranking dimension: Rationalist
You believe in the power of reason to solve problems. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a leader who will honest about the costs and benefits of things. You may have felt that what the country really needs is to stop wasting time and money on silly hot button issues. This may be because you have been annoyed by people who get disproportionately excited about issues that won ’t make much difference to people’s lives no matter how they are decided. It may also be because you see too many squeaky wheels getting too much grease. Others may disagree with you because they have an emotional attachment to their positions and don’t see things in an objective way. W hen politicians of your type make mistakes because what they perceive as "logical" comes across as "confusing" or "uncaring", and they can’t win people over.

Just took it again. Scored social conservative.

Highest ranking dimension: Wide Focus
You believe that people should look at the big picture before making decisions. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a government that can focus on the big issues that will be affecting everyone of the next 100 years. This may be because you have seen too much spending on the "symptoms" rather than the underlying causes. It may also be because you feel that wealthy countries have a responsibility to the rest of the world. Others may disagree with you because they don ’t want to set aside their own needs for the needs of others far away. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they can be too optimistic about their ability to make a difference.

Second highest ranking dimension: Collectivist
You believe that community and tradition are what holds this society together. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a politician who will pay more than lipservice to the importance of protecting communities. It may also be because you feel that modern society is making everything consumable or disposable. Others may disagree with you because they ’ve seem people being persecuted for "doing their own thing" When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because that which they would try to banish just "goes underground".

Also, I used to be INTP.

Now, I'm ENTJ. My intuition score is highest, and it's higher than before as well. I remember scoring in the 60s before. Now, I'm in the 80s.

The other three categories are almost zero.
My results.

Highest ranking dimension: Individualist
You believe in the right of an individual to "be themself" in thought and deeds. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a politician with the nerve to tell people when it comes to controlling others, they should mind their own business. This may be because you enjoy a diversity of experiences and don ’t get offended easily. It may also be because you’ve seen people be persecuted. Others may disagree with you because they feel a right to protect what they see as community values. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they underestimate people’s need for sta bility and safety.

Second highest ranking dimension: Small Government
You believe in a government that keeps order but otherwise stays out of the way. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a government with the courage to take on some of the "sacred cows" of government spending. This may be because you have been irked by how much you pay in taxes. It may also be because you feel that excessive government support programs reward those with no initiative. Others may disagree with you because they see some people as having the system stacked against them. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is because they find it difficult to maintain the "tough love" approach when their friends and supporters ask for help.

Combined statement:
Based on your answers, you would prefer a state for pioneers, innovators and rugged individualism.


DSIRN - Left Libertarian


Left Libertarian politics combines economic freedoms with reformist democratic institutions - small state, anti-corporate, civil liberties.

This personality type combines these five perspectives
democrat ,small state, individualist, idealist, narrow focus

Likes and dislikes
feel less accountable to the social standards of others
tolerate experimenting with drugs and alcohol
people who "make do" on their own
working to get a “wise decision” even if it takes longer.

worrying about being popular or fashionable.
subsidies for industry
secrecy and the withholding of information.

Philosophy: Independence Democrat

Well, I'm surprised about the Left Libertarian... But this quiz has different meaning to "Left" libertarianism than most other sites. Neither would I see myself as an "idealist" - I'm very much a rationalist, according to their definitions.


LOL :lol: Naomi Klein is certainly not a libertarian! I have to agree with others when I say this quiz is a bit of a joke...
My results after a significant shift in philosophical worldview.

Also, I initially mistyped myself as an INTJ, rather than an INTP, due to the fact that IxxP types have mixed J-P characteristics (the dominant function of an IxxP is judging). Now I know that I'm an INTP, with my strongest trait being I (followed by N, followed by T).

One thing I've noticed about INTPs in general is their susceptibility to individualistic philosophies, possibly due to their (our) eccentric and individualist personality (along with the Ti function, which may make subjective political evaluations based on personal social habits, rather than looking at things from a more impersonal standpoint).
Isn't the Jungian personality types pseudo-science on par with astrology?
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By Sungazer
The first two tests I found on google were thoroughly US-centric. Did I just get the wrong ones, or is that it?
Soixante-Retard wrote:Isn't the Jungian personality types pseudo-science on par with astrology?

What makes you think that?

Sungazer wrote:The first two tests I found on google were thoroughly US-centric. Did I just get the wrong ones, or is that it?

Here is the link to the quiz.

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