Obama blocks Boeing from manufacuring 787 planes in the USA - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Drlee
An example is The Government Printing Office for US Passports setup in Thailand. The decision was made, because Obama's administration forces union membership on workers, and therefore too expensive operate in America.

:lol: God you know how to put your foot in it. This production started during the Bush Administration. It was called to question in congress by John Dingle (democrat) who complained bitterly about the process. Senator Chuck Schulmer (Democrat) also authored an inquiry into the process. Under the Obama administration the assembly of the electronic chips was moved from Thailand to Minnesota where 100% of them are made now. So, my friend. Obama was left to clean up yet another Bush administration fuck up.

So was it rank stupidity, a lack of research, taking some idiots word for it or deliberate falsehood that caused you to post that?
By rik
This production started during the Bush Administration.

I give you that. It occured under Bush.
Businesses outsourced under Bush too. After all, America has the highest tax rates.

The fact is, Bush, or Obama, it really doesn't matter. Looking at what we're talking about, your correction is even bigger proof labor unions are poison to America. They make labor cost too much. Then taxes need to be reduced in America to keep businesses around.

On another note, I find it amusing how you get your shorts in a bunch every time you debate. Just make your statement, and move on. You're not 'fighting' here, are you? But then again, it could be this is how you were brought up, to pop a vein every time somebody contradicts you.
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By Drlee
I give you that. It occured under Bush.

Then why did you say,
" The decision was made, because Obama's administration forces union membership on workers, and therefore too expensive operate in America.

You are not important enough to get me angry. What DOES get me angry is that I hear nonsense like this from my party's politiciams all of the time. I am a life-long republican. It is bad for my country. It harms our young people. It bases our political discourse on one lie after another. It flies in the face of everything I was brought up to believe.

People like Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity are not patriots. They are just the opposite but like traitors thoughout the centuries they hide behind the flag and religion.

You see guy, things are very bad for America. In order to make money our business leaders are buying the government and selling the middle class down the river. America was not born to make the wealthy wealthier. Its success is not based upon how many millionairs it has. It was a government for all the people which has become a government for the wealthy. And they don't have enough. Now rather than tax the wealthy just a little they are going after people on social security. Shame shame shame.

So Rik, when I hear stooges spout right-wing talking points without thinking, reading, and caring about their country is pisses me off. Just so there is no question in your mind. I don't like what many of my fellow conservatives have become. It is personal. This is not a political debate to some little old lady approaching retirement. It is the difference between living with dignity and becoming a charity case.

The republican party (my party) has become a disgrace. It isn't even trying to hide the fact that it is going to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle class.

So I don't like people like that.
By rik
You are not important enough to get me angry

Huh, that is a flimsy excuse.

People like Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity are not patriots

America disagrees with you. That is where your credibility evaporates.

You see guy, things are very bad for America. In order to make money our business leaders are buying the government and selling the middle class down the river. America was not born to make the wealthy wealthier

What does the American dream really mean? To be a runaway success, or be mediocre like everybody else?
Is it 'be the best you can be', or 'be as good as everybody else'?

Its success is not based upon how many millionairs it has. It was a government for all the people which has become a government for the wealthy.

America has always been this way. Until you guys came along with your Liberalism to take everything apart brick by brick.

And they don't have enough. Now rather than tax the wealthy just a little they are going after people on social security. Shame shame shame.

Obama did cut medicare in his Obamacare. Are you talking about him being anti poor?
The wealthy needs to remain wealthy to continue creating jobs. Have you ever had a job from a poor person?

So Rik, when I hear stooges spout right-wing talking points without thinking, reading, and caring about their country is pisses me off.

I could easily say the same about Liberals. How you claim to think, but refuse to see that is beyond me. In reality, all you've said so far are talking points.

Also, I've addressed this point before. When somebody is rich, they do not keep the wealth in their basement. That wealth is in the system, creating jobs, providing loans, paying dividends, etc. They keep builders of yachts, private planes, expensive cars, etc in business. How is it good for America for these jobs to vanish? Liberals of course never respond to that logic. When does it stop? When we all return to agrarian lifestyle?

The republican party (my party) has become a disgrace. It isn't even trying to hide the fact that it is going to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle class.

Again, you're not thinking. If you were, you would know that raising taxes on businesses is senseless. They would in turn increase the cost of the goods and services they provide to recoup the extra tax burden. Now the poor can't afford what they used to.
So, when all is said and done, Democrats are the ones actually trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor by causing inflation.

So I don't like people like that.

Neither do I. Liberalism is ruining America.
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By Drlee
The wealthy needs to remain wealthy to continue creating jobs. Have you ever had a job from a poor person?

The most idiotic notion of our day.

Everything you said is wrong. But as a troll you don't care.

I have no more time to spend on you. I would simply point to your post as proof enough that you have no clue. Go watch Hannity. That is about your speed.

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