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By mrpete1989
The man is a living legend. He is my hero. He is retiring as one of the greatest racing drivers that has ever lived. I just hope he wins this world title. He is a man who, throughout his great career has divided opinion, but one thing is certain. That in three races time, a world of motor racing will, for once, unite to salute and wish well one of the sport's greatest competitors and greatest champions.
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By Notorious B.i.G.
Pheww…. something stinks in here...

oh that’s right it's Schumacher’s racing morals and ethics, and his sportsmanship...
By chearn73
He definitly was a great driver, had good equipment, so why he had to do some of the stuff he did, I dunno.
By mrpete1989
If he won because Ferarri provided him with the best car available, a) Can you blame him for winning races (Therefore doing his job)? and b) how do you account for him winning 2 titles with Benetton early in his career? Also, he is an amazing talent and even if you put him in an MF1 or Toro Rosso he would still be there or thereabouts. He has the best car, and he is ruthless. If he had died in the same manner as Senna, Villeneuve or any other past drivers whose lives were cut short by accidents on or off the track, he would now be seen as possibly the greatest there ever has been. Fangio, Prost, Mansell, Senna and Schumacher are the five gretest men to have ever been behind the wheel of an F1 car. I know this is debatable, but its my opinion. He has always been my favourite driver, from the early days at Jordan and Benetton, through the bad days at Ferarri, and now he is the glorious champion, an icon of the sport he loves.
By chearn73
Like I said...he was a great driver and such....which makes some of the things he did that were shady that much more questionable. Why the heck did he have to do these things? But, the idea that he is a great driver and will be remembered as such? You bet. Of course.
By mrpete1989
Oh, I see where you're coming from now. Well, he did them because he hates losing. That doesn't make him a bad person at all, though.
By chearn73
Well...I don't know. Most racers hate losing. Most drivers don't drive to get second. Most racers don't purposely spin out on a course to fuck up other drivers qualifying. Most drivers would never dream of that. Yet most are there to win. So, does that make him a bad person? Well...it doesn't make him very sportsman like. It doesn't make him very compassionate. It kinda makes him an asshole in fact. But, he is an asshole that can drive. I mean, even in that race, he started at the back of the pack and ended up something like third. So, he can drive...he doesn't need to do underhanded crap to win.
By mrpete1989
Don't you think maybe he wanted to start from the back of the grid at one of the hardest overtaking tracks in the world, purely because he was bored and wanted to try something different?
By siddharth
Despite all the controvery surrounding him, he is "the best F1 driver ever" for many. And that includes me. I've not seen the likes of Senna driving and hence I don't support them as "the best ever".

The announcement of his retirement came as a surprise to me. Especially since he had denied such speculation earlier in the season. Nevertheless, I am happy he's quitting at a peak. Hope he wins the championship to establish that.

Go Schumi...!
By chearn73
Well...Mr. Pete....if he wanted to start at the back, all he had to do was drive slow during his qualifying. Or, only put three tires on or something. Maybe drive blindfolded...:)

Nah, that was just a dumb move on his part.
By mrpete1989
I spose, but he also didn't want Alonso to be on pole...

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