Sátira de junio (Satire of June) - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Adrien
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By Boondock Saint
Still going with that anti-American propaganda eh Nun? ;)




*Note on the above, Fox news is showing 'good news' like the right wants the media to do. Note the different weight of the news ... an alleged massacre vs. soccer balls.


*The above pretty much fits American politics for the past 15 or so years, at least.

*The below is about the NYC and NYS funds for anti-terror being diverted to other parts of the nation, apparently the feds do not believe that NYC is a likely target for terrorism.

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By Adrien
:lol: @ the last one.


He. He. He. Pretty much the same here.
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By Attila The Nun
Still going with that anti-American propaganda eh Nun?

Those soldiers should know better than to die on an election year.
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By Blondie
By Mecha
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By QatzelOk
17 Motorists arrested in Toronto for environmental callousness
Globe and Mail, June 6, 2006
Terry Gibbons

The Toronto Transit Commission has arrested 17 motorists in the Greater Toronto Area for allegedly destroying the balance of nature with their callous disregard for environmental health.

Tom Bradley, Vincent Havery, Alexandra Worth, Patricia Allen, and 13 other minors who cannot be named, were all followed by IPCC inspectors over a period of several months. The inspectors noticed several behavioural habits that imperil the atmosphere, including needless idling, mall hopping, suburban land use, and joy riding - all of which threaten to compromise Canada's commitment to the Kyoto Protocol.

Last edited by QatzelOk on 18 Jun 2006 02:04, edited 1 time in total.
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By amjdmg

"Everyday people in Iraq die because of violence"

Terrorist: "Am I going to hell?"

St-Peter: "No, that's where you came from..."


India has the most HIV infections

"A hole in the condom? How's that possible?"


Bush's ancestors

"We're here to restore rest and peace!"






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By QatzelOk
By Mecha

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By Boondock Saint
I have to say, I actually agree with teh following. While I respect the position that US forces should simply be withdrawn from Iraq I also realize that this is not what will happen. However, the Democrats just won't shut up about it and how do they talk about it? Proudly puffing up their chest and saying 'Iraq can not and will not be won! We must pull out now!'? No! They babble on about the need to win, the need to leave Iraq in a stable manner and yet, all they talk about are setting dates for withdrawing them!

They are basically just wasting time and making themselves look absolutely horrible whilst doing it.


I like this one too, pointing out all the convenient deferments that todays war mongering Bush admin enjoyed.


Hassan Nasrallah Killed

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