Satire for December - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Mecha

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By ianulus
Hass = hatred

"This Kurd claims our massacre is illegitimate. He says it violates international law." - "How? What? Then we have to stop it right now!"

From the german magazine Cicero.

By Mecha

Found it in a Fark discussion thread. Enjoy.

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By Rodion
Wow, practically no-one died in the Iraq war. Phew, and there I was worried :roll: ...
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By The American Lion
Compaired to other US wars. Operation Iraqi Freedom is considered the safest war in US history.
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Yeah, only 2000 people(americans, the Iraqis don't really count as people) have died for no reason so far! stupid libbies!
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By Rodion
I'm not criticizing US for the war in Iraq. I just don't like the "look closely or you might miss it" part. It's rather... lame.
By Mecha
Well, I stuck it in Satire, didn't I? I still get a chuckle out of it... Damn weird sense of humour, I have. Gotta love the multiple levels of absurdity.

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By amjdmg
It's just false. In WW1 and WW2, it includes other nations, but in Vietnam, it 'forgets' to remember how 1-3 million Vietnamese soldiers died. (as well as 2-4 million civilians)
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By Red_Army
Yeah it seems to pick and choose, especially at WWI, becuase the Russians alone lost that many, but very few Americans. I have no idea what standards were used really.
By Luke
Mecha, that chart is terrible
By Falx
I have no idea what standards were used really.

None by the looks of it, even if those are military casualties it misses a few million in WW2.
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