Satire for December - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Un Owen
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By Boondock Saint
:lol: Who makes a gay cowboy movie?



A little something for our Australian friends ...



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By Attila The Nun

Oh, come now. I like dirty humor but that's plain unfunny. "Huhhuh! Look, Bush is a monkey having sex with a camel! This is biting political satire!"

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By amjdmg
Oh, come now. I like dirty humor but that's plain unfunny. "Huhhuh! Look, Bush is a monkey having sex with a camel! This is biting political satire!"

The camel represents Iraq, ofcourse...
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By Attila The Nun
But it just isn't clever. There's no wit. Only this vomit trying to resemble satire but utterly failing to do so
By Smilin' Dave
I find the cartoon hypocritical in light of contracycle's repeated statement that he is against all racism.

So he picks a cartoon which represents Iraq as a camel, which is a stereotype of backwardness etc. Even the US in this scenario is represented by a person (albeit one grossly distorted).
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By Dan
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By amjdmg
Guess who's on number one... Canada is not even in the top 5...

Canada's emission: 111723 (3.76 per capita)
US Emission: 1446777 (5.37 per capita)

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By Dan
Canada's emission: 111723 (3.76 per capita)
US Emission: 1446777 (5.37 per capita)

Here's the article that comic is based upon.

Although Canada has been warmly praised internationally for ratifying Kyoto in the face of U.S. opposition, the country's record on cutting greenhouse-gas emissions has been far shabbier than that of the United States, which is frequently vilified over its record on climate change.

Canadian greenhouse-gas emissions have risen about 24 per cent since 1990, a reflection of Canada's strong growth and booming energy exports. Under Kyoto, Canada has to cut its total by 6 per cent. U.S. emissions, however, are up only 13 per cent since 1990.

The US is actually closer to reaching the Kyoto guidelines than Canada is.

By Dark Canuck
That may have been the most stupid of those cartoons yet. And that's a high bar to reach.
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Stupid cartoons are TAL's Specialty.
By Mecha

About TAL's choice of satire... It's too stupid, it just has to be some super form of satire that my prolitariat self has not been exposed to, and can't see the genius of its intricate satire-ness.

By Spin
Mechas one seemed to be a copy of Dr Strangelove.
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By Dan
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