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Ongoing wars and conflict resolution, international agreements or lack thereof. Nationhood, secessionist movements, national 'home' government versus internationalist trends and globalisation.

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By Deicidus
After america will be finished with this pointless war, which they have a big chance to win, what will happen next. They have decided to go without UN's approval. They even tried to blame it on France, but thats another topic. After the war is over, what will happen. America has just proven to all that they are a dictatorship of the free world. After it's done, then what? They'll just go back home and it will be all forgive and forget? The UN just proved it's inability to prevent pointless wars. What will happen. Most of the countries that didn't go with Bush on the war still kiss his ass for america to buy their exports. America is one big fat fucking snake in the grass. They eat and buy without worring about anything else.

Matters are to be taken agaisnt those imperialist fucks.
By Vassili Zaitsev
on the other hand, this war is the beginning of the end for Evil America. :evil: Or what I call, "The new evil empire". America is going to die from its own diseases, and in its ashes, a glorious red revolution will emerge! (I'm hoping) Well anyway, I think the UN is a defunct organization, it doesn't do shit, and prevent squat. I predict in the near future the United Nations will dissolve, its pretty defunct already. And there's rumors is Saddam flees, he'll run to France. If so, I see an attack on France by the U$ in the near future.
By CasX
I think the UN is a defunct organization, it doesn't do shit, and prevent squat. I predict in the near future the United Nations will dissolve, its pretty defunct already

I don't think so, in preventing wars YES, but it has made good progress in economic aid and development areas (even with exploitation devices gaining power - like the IMF).
By El Cid
It could be the rise or fall of America. It already divided the EU and various UN Nations. I also think the terrorism in many middle-east and islamic states will drastically increase, if we want it or not.
By Kov
Most Europeans see it as the fall of America. They aslo see it as the biggining of world war 3. This is highly possible, and I do not deny the possibility.
By Comrade Koatna
I agree wit hthe fact the UN doesnt do the world any real good. And i also agree with the idea of Amrica's iminent fall but whenever I think of America's fall i wonder how many people have thought the same thing in past wars and nothing really changed then...
By FadeTheButcher
After america will be finished with this pointless war, which they have a big chance to win, what will happen next.

This depends on the context of events. The "plan" of course was to rapidly advance on Baghdad and overthrow the regime in a lightening war. The Americans expected the Iraqis to throw down their arms and welcome them with flowers as liberators after being "shocked" and "awed." Once the yanks established themselves in Iraq they were planning on attacking Iran and Syria which would thus have been surrounded. The yanks are in disarray at the moment. They did not expect to meet this kind of resistance. I would say they still plan on attacking Iran and Syria but that has simply been on the backburner for the moment.

They have decided to go without UN's approval.

The UN is a ridiculous bureaucratic organization the yanks do not give a damn about. The yanks have always ignored the UN when it interferred with their goals such as the invasion of Grenada. If one good thing comes out of this entire scenario it will be the loss of the UN's crediability in the minds of the lemmings.

They even tried to blame it on France, but thats another topic. After the war is over, what will happen.

This presupposes the war will ever end or that it will end anytime soon. The situation is highly fluid at the moment. If things go well the yanks will attack Iran and Syria and if things go bad they will begin to dig in and grind it out in Iraq indefinitely.

America has just proven to all that they are a dictatorship of the free world.

There is no such thing as a "free world." There never has been a "free world."

After it's done, then what?

After the war in Iraq is done the plan is to go to war with Iran and Syria. Iran will be surrounded by the puppet Gulf States, occupied Iraq, puppet Kuwait, puppet Uzbekistan, and puppet Afghanistan. Syria will be surrounded by Israel, Turkey in NATO, puppet Jordan and occupied Iraq.

They'll just go back home and it will be all forgive and forget?

Perhaps, but only if Iraq turns into another Vietnam.

The UN just proved it's inability to prevent pointless wars. What will happen.

The UN never had any ability to prevent anything. Its amazing people are just realizing that today.

Most of the countries that didn't go with Bush on the war still kiss his ass for america to buy their exports. America is one big fat fucking snake in the grass. They eat and buy without worring about anything else.

I thought you guys liked Socialism.
By Deicidus
[SF edit:


Just say no to one line posts (see the Newbie thread in the Lobby)]
By Proctor
I am a firm supporter of the UN. I doubt that will ever change. And the conspiracy theories 'downfall of America', 'WWIII', they don't add much.

Heres what I think will happen. America will fight for a while (a bit longer than they expected or wanted, but not much), and will set up a puppet democracy. Turkey will join in the party. Syria will get annoyed, and go home because they know they can't do anything. Iran will remain respectfully quiet. I would like to see a democratic Kurdistan come out of this, but I don't think it will happen.

As for all the 'war on France' crap, grow up. France has nukes. If you nuke a guy with nukes, he nukes you back and you die. Noone will push the situation. Thats what the Cold War was all about right? Don't get your hopes up.
By CasX
Proctor wrote:France has nukes

Don't the people of the Pacific know all about that :(
By FadeTheButcher
The UN is a ridiculous joke. The only real purpose it serves is to give "international legitimacy" to aggression. The Security Council is even more of a farce. The UN is mostly a stage for ridiculous and irrelevent nations like Canada to strut across portraying itself as a "moral superpower." It is a comical sideshow to power. REAL power lies in sovereign states like it always has.
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By PcKiller
FadeTheButcher wrote: The UN is mostly a stage for ridiculous and irrelevent nations like Canada to strut across portraying itself as a "moral superpower."

There is only one super power in the world left, and Canada is glad they are right next to it too.

And the United States will win this war too. As for what is next, I have no idea. Hopefully peace will be it.
By John Doe
Well, ya stand on a balcony blasting off automatic weapons and running yer mouth about declaring a jihad and yer liable to get one.

The US has faced an escalating series of attacks from radical Islam. It isn't going to put up with countries spewing belligerent rhetoric, sanctioning terrorist training camps, etc., and then trying to hide behind claims of innocent neutrality. They want to dance, then they gotta pay the piper.

France killed the U.N. when it shut down any chance of negotiating by saying they would veto any resolution that in any form enforced the cease fire articles. Once Germany breaks with the French's short-sighted policies that will be the end of that gambit.
By Proctor
CasX wrote:Don't the people of the Pacific know all about that :(
You have to wonder, what would have happened if it had been New Zealand special ops that blew up a ship in a French harbour? Would we have been bombed to hell?

FadeTheButcher, in what way is Canada portraying herself as a moral superpower? Having your say does not mean you think you are the king. After all, if only the king could talk, would he have any real power?

But I agree that the Security Council is a joke. The veto has to be removed, and a better way of representing the world set up, rather than 5 great powers and 7 randumb nations. Something democratic.
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By Boondock Saint
So many things in here ... I suppose Iraq will become a puppet state ... alot like Japan ... look at those poor Japanese living under the oppressive American thumb ... they havent been allowed to flourish at all.

The idea that the Iraqi people should be allowed to have the same freedoms enjoyed in the west is rediculous ... I mean ... why should they be allowed to live in this 'free world' we westerners talk about so much?

And who the hell does the US think it is? I mean ... we all know its all about oil and in truth the US military will most likey gas and napalm all the Iraqi civilians and populate the land with colonists from the states. Naturally only wasps since their are only white people who speak English here in the US.

As far as the UN goes ... scrap it Pax Americana is well on its way. Though organizations like the Red Cross, Red Crescent and so on should be kept around since they are good guys.

By CasX
Boondock Saint wrote:The idea that the Iraqi people should be allowed to have the same freedoms enjoyed in the west is rediculous ... I mean ... why should they be allowed to live in this 'free world' we westerners talk about so much?

Are you totally ignorant? Not only is this not the cause of the conflict, but it will not be a product of it either.

Iraq is an ethnically divided nation, and is divided in many other ways as well. It's not as simple as strolling into Baghdad and declaring a western democracy. You'll have to convince a lot of people this is a good idea, and you won't be very successful. The UN might be, but not a unilateral coalition running the show, which will happen if Bush gets his way.

And yes, we know what has happened to the nations where the US has been free to set up domestic governments as it sees fit, as the people these regimes oppressed and exploited are now the world's terrorists, suicide bombers, the world's uneducated and the world's poor, the world's hungry.


So before you go spouting off rubbish about how we should impose our western values on cultures that have so many differences from our own you can't even comprehend, why don't you try and open your mind just a little and see the other points of view which have their own good points and draw backs, just like your own.
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By Boondock Saint
And yes, we know what has happened to the nations where the US has been free to set up domestic governments as it sees fit, as the people these regimes oppressed and exploited are now the world's terrorists, suicide bombers, the world's uneducated and the world's poor, the world's hungry.

I know, the best example would those poor Japanese who live in utter poverty and have no national pride or reason for living .. why oh why did we topple that regime?

Please, spare me the rhetoric ... there is a reason Americans are happy ... regardless of what people might think ... sure there are some blinded communists who think the USSR was a good thing and to more of a shock think the USSR was actually communism ... thats laughable ... then there are the socialists who think a really odd way ... but in the end Americans are happy.

So, why not spread democracy to Iraq? Besides ... even if a regime who is not democratic in nature takes over but obeys human rights organizations are not the people of Iraq better off?

The UN can do something better then the US? HA! NOW THATS LAUGHABLE! Other than wasting time I dont know what else the UN can do ... well, perhaps some humantarian aid ...

Heh ... but then agian you most likely are much more intelligent then I ... as can be seen by your attempt to insult me ... heh ... you gotta do better then that freind.
By Deicidus
Democracy my ass. Just look at the goverment the US put in afghanistan. The talibans are gone sure, but neither their system or way of living as changed. Lapidations, executions of ``traitors``, emprisonement... The population wont act because the goverment is supported by american forces. Neither The UN or the American goverment will act. The just put a new goverment with same intentions but more favorable to them. Just like they'll do in Iraq. I forgot his name but there's a guy in exile. He was an opposition to Sadam in the 70s. He exiled himself. He claimed to the US that he has some sort of what the French had in WWII, a resistance. That hed just have to give the word and they'll rebel agaisnt Sadam in Baghdad. People in Iraq dont like or trust him. Even people who exiled themselves from Iraq and dont particurialy like Sadam say they wont be living way much better with him. Sure, they'll have democracy and freedom of speech, in theory, But what is freedom when you have nothing. Can you feed your family with words ?
By ahab
Afghanistan isn't done yet, give it 9 more months and then the real gov't steps in.

At least the Iraqis will have a chance at freedom and democracy unlike they'd have if no action were taken.
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By Adrien
Afghanistan isn't done yet, give it 9 more months and then the real gov't steps in.

They won't have 9 months, as the Talibans (according to international medias) are planning something like a coup against the still weak governement.

Of course they did not tell much, but it's not new that they want to come back. This time, do you think Western nations will drive them off?
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