Masha'l: Zionist entity killed Arafat - Politics | PoFo

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Masha'l: Zionist entity killed Arafat


Occupied Jerusalem - Hamas politburo chief Khalid Masha'l on Thursday accused the Zionist regime of poisoning Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat which he lead to his death on Thursday.

"I unhesitatingly hold the Zionist entity responsible for the crime of the death of President Arafat…All reports by doctors in the last two weeks indicate he was poisoned," Mash'al told aljazeera TV Thursday.

In 1997, the Zionist intelligence Service, the Mossad, sought to murder Masha'l by smacking a lethal chemical substance into his ear.

Eventually, the Zionist regime provided an antidote which resulted in the recovery of the Islamic leader.

Masha'l said Arafat suffered from the same symptoms that he suffered following the attempted assassination of him.

"French and Arab doctors may not be able to find evidence as they couldn't find proof in my blood when I was poisoned but the Zionists were forced then to bring an antidote after two of its agents were held in Jordan."

Masha'l said that the Zionists by killing Arafat has killed the man who extended his hand for peace.

"The Zionist regime is sending a clear message to Palestinians and Arabs that this will be the fate of whoever rejects a settlement according to Zionist conditions."

Last week, Palestinian officials hinted that Arafat might have been poisoned by the Zionists.

Zionist leaders repeatedly had vowed to liquidate Arafat.
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 13 Nov 2004 07:30, edited 1 time in total.
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By Todd D.
All reports by doctors in the last two weeks indicate he was poisoned,

Arafat, 75, died Thursday in a Paris hospital after falling into a deep coma that followed a brain hemorrhage.


Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath has said after talks with Arafat’s French doctors that they had “ruled out completely poison.”


This should be moved to Conspiracy Theories.
By Devlar
Although I seriously doubt that the Mossad would have any political or moral issues with assassinating Arafat, I fail to see why they would do it now after not trying to kill him for longer than a decade when he's already dying.
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By kiwimac

Isn't the implication of the story that Arafat was dying BECAUSE he was poisoned by Mossad?

By blitzfritz
so what? they'd say it were the zionists even if arafat would've shot himself.
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By ~Magius~
Renwan, do you actually believe this?

First of all, it was obvious from the start that someone would accuse Israel of Arafat's death. I mean, of course a seventy-something man with bad health won't have a detetrioration in his condition and die...

And who is saying this? A hamas official! They would jump through hoops to blame this- and any bad incident in the world- on the Zionists.

And remember that contrary to his statement, all evidence points against the poisoning theory...including the PA, if you recall!
By Spin
Next we'll be seeing "Zionist entity poisoned Allah".

This should be conpiracy theory. Isreal could have killed Arafat years ago if they'd really wanted.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Todd you smart ass! Since when can’t poison cause a brain haemorrhage?

I think some very important people would like to hear more of this groundbreaking research of yours. You might go down in history for contributing to one of the most important breakthroughs in medical science.

AND you could probably make a ton of money. I’m sure the producers of opiate, warfarin, heparin and monoamine would pay you generously if this research of yours is substantiated.

Whoever heard of warfarin being used as a murder weapon? The fact that warfarin poisoning is often mistaken for 'natural death by brain haemorrhage' makes it such an unsuitable weapon - don’t you think?

Deep stuff Todd.
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 13 Nov 2004 20:37, edited 2 times in total.
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By the new state
Haha, blame the old man's death on the Jews!

Wonderful, now he can get his wish of martyrdom post-mortem!
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By Boondock Saint
French doctors that they had “ruled out completely poison.”

Apparently Rude doesnt believe French doctors know what they are talking about eh?

Why slowly poisen Arafat to death?

What could possibly be gained? Nothing.
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By Todd D.
Todd you smart ass! Since when can’t poison cause a brain haemorrhage?

It can, and I never said it can't. Renwan, however, said "ALL reports by doctors" indicate that he was poisoned. That's not true. None of the French doctors have indicated that he was poisoned, and even the Palestinian Foreign Minister, someone who would have great incentive to proclaim poison if the possibility even existed, had "Ruled out completely poison".

Like I said, Conspiracy Theory.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
So what do you have?
Word against word!
On what grounds does your conspiracy theory then fall?
Smart ass!

And thinking of the toxin irukandji how can anyone rule out poisoning?
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 13 Nov 2004 23:43, edited 1 time in total.
By Steven_K
Its between the word of the doctors treating him and the word of the Hamas politburo chief. It doesnt take a genious to figure out that the doctors are more credible.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Actually neither Hamas nor Islamic Jihad is the source! ITS ARAFATS OWN DOCTOR.

"Arafat's health condition makes poisoning a strong possibility," Ashraf Kurdi said.

Does Kurdi sound like Hamas? How exactly did you confuse them?

The French medical team has made no statements so who is more creditable? Sharon or Arafats Doctor? Israel is the only source for the refuting that has been going on. Again WHO is more creditable?

I suggest you read between the lines when watching FUX! Back to you genius.
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 14 Nov 2004 00:05, edited 1 time in total.
By Devlar
Magus wrote:
First of all, it was obvious from the start that someone would accuse Israel of Arafat's death. I mean, of course a seventy-something man with bad health won't have a detetrioration in his condition and die...

Let's face it, Israel doesn't exactly have the best track record for not killing people who disagree with them, granted Israel prefers the fireworks of helicopter missiles to poison these days.
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By ~Magius~
The french doctors found no signs of poisoning.

The PA officials ruled out poisoning, and they were right at his side.

The one who's crying foul is a hamas member.

No way could this have passed without the Zionists being blamed.

This is without doubt a conspiracy theory, and I'm glad the majority here agree.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
The french doctors found no signs of poisoning.

The PA officials ruled out poisoning, and they were right at his side.

Funny thing is that neither the French nor the Palestinians have made any public statements. You get these two mysterious statements from the Israeli Foreign Minister. That hardly makes them true!

Again get your facts straight! How does it become a conspiracy theory when his very own doctor is the source of the allegations?

Have you seen the autopsy report? No you haven't - cause it doesn't exist. And the family has made sure that the French team does NOT release anything what so ever. So how can the Israelis claim that French doctors have ruled out poisoning??? Now that’s a mystery for yea!

Cry and whine all you want. The problem is that a creditable source says that he was poisoned. The only one really refuting the allegations is the Israeli Foreign Minister. And how creditable do you think he is?

The one who's crying foul is a hamas member.

Well there you just disclosed how exceptional stupid you really are. Kurdi is certainly not a Hamas member. Since when did Hamas members rise to important positions such as Health Minister of Jordan? Your total ignorance is actually quite amusing.

My advice to all you idiots is to find the original source of info - not the newsagent. Hamas is not creditable but their source (Kurdi) is. Fox is not creditable and their source (Israeli Foreign Minister) is not! Now if only the French team had made any statement perhaps that would add some creditability to the Israeli source but the fact that they HAVE NOT released anything just goes to undermine his creditability totally.

Anyone else want to make a foul of themselves???
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By ~Magius~
Funny thing is that neither the French nor the Palestinians have made any public statements.
Are you sure about that? Because I heard that the PA did make a public announcement when Arafat was deterorating.

The only one really refuting the allegations is the Israeli Foreign Minister. And how creditable do you think he is?
Quite credible. Moreso than Arafat's own doctor, methinks, considering the doctor must have been quite close to the rais.

Kurdi is certainly not a Hamas member.
I was looking at the original post which stated that the hamas member was accusing Israel.

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