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By joe
I just had to ask... because im interested...

Are aliens real??


Do you beleive Aliens are real?
By Wilhelm
Of course they are. I'm sure there's life on other planets. It's just impossible for Earth to be the only planet with life in the whole universe.
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By liberalist
By aliens I assume you mean is there life elsewhere in the universe. I believe there probably has been/is/or will be life elsewhere. One thing I am fairly confident of though is that humans we will never encounter an alien form of intellegent life. I base this on a few basic facts (or assumptions)
    1. We live in a finite universe, which is finitely large and has been around for a finite time
    2. Humans, and all life on this planet, will only exist for relatively a very brief period of time
    3. The conditions that led to intellegent life on this planet were very specific. I assume that similar conditions must be met elsewhere in the universe
    4. For us to encounter aliens they have to exist at the same time as us

Given this, I find it unlikely that within this universe two forms of intellegent life would develop at the same time. The universe is not infinitely big, so there is only a finite set of planets out there. I find it unlikely that one of them has an advanced alien life form on it at the same time as this planet. So I believe life has/ does/ will exist elsewhere in the universe. I doubt, however, that it will exist at the same time as us, nor do i think it would exist sufficiently close to us for an encounter.
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By joe
Wilhelm wrote:Of course they are. I'm sure there's life on other planets. It's just impossible for Earth to be the only planet with life in the whole universe.


That's excatly what i think!!
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By liberalist
joe wrote:
Wilhelm wrote:Of course they are. I'm sure there's life on other planets. It's just impossible for Earth to be the only planet with life in the whole universe.


That's excatly what i think!!

Do you think they exist at the same time as us? I think its unlikely.
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By Yeddi
How is it impossible... that makes no sense. Of course it's possible
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By joe
liberalist wrote:
joe wrote:
Wilhelm wrote:Of course they are. I'm sure there's life on other planets. It's just impossible for Earth to be the only planet with life in the whole universe.


That's excatly what i think!!

Do you think they exist at the same time as us? I think its unlikely.

no, no, no liberalist mate, i was meaning

I think there has to be something else out their than us sorry and sad human beings
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By liberalist
Yeddi wrote:How is it impossible... that makes no sense. Of course it's possible

Of course extra terrestrial life is possible, and I think quite probable. However, given the short amount of time in which humans have existed I just think it unlikely to occur at the same point in time as our existance
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By Yeddi
It was actually in reference to people saying that it is "impossible for Earth to be the only planet with life in the whole universe."

Of course it's possible that we are the only planet with life.
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By liberalist
Yeddi wrote:It was actually in reference to people saying that it is "impossible for Earth to be the only planet with life in the whole universe."

Of course it's possible that we are the only planet with life.

Oh, ok sorry. Yes, I agree it is possible that we are the only life in the universe. It would only be impossible if the universe was infinite.
By U-235
liberalist wrote:Oh, ok sorry. Yes, I agree it is possible that we are the only life in the universe.

Possible, but it is also possible that were you to run into the wall that stands before you, you would travel right through it. In our galaxy alone, there are roughly 10 billion stars, and there are 500 billion galaxies in the observable universe. That is just the observable universe, some inflationary cosmological models claim that the observable universe is but a grain of sand in a beach the size of a planet. It is infinitely unlikely that we are alone in the universe right now.
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By liberalist
U-235 wrote:It is infinitely unlikely that we are alone in the universe right now.

That would surely only be true if the universe were infinite. Some people believe it is, but I tend to follow the big bang school of thought, not the steady state school. I tend to follow Hawkings view of the universe - that it is finite. Thus, there is a distcrete number of stars, and a discrete number of planets. Therefore you can not say it is impossible for us to be alone right now.
By U-235
liberalist wrote:
U-235 wrote:It is infinitely unlikely that we are alone in the universe right now.

That would surely only be true if the universe were infinite. Some people believe it is, but I tend to follow the big bang school of thought, not the steady state school. I tend to follow Hawkings view of the universe - that it is finite. Thus, there is a distcrete number of stars, and a discrete number of planets. Therefore you can not say it is impossible for us to be alone right now.

ugh, it was used to emphasise my point. Why would I say it is impossible yet condradict my self in the first sentence. You can also see that I gave the the unisverse a definite size. And the universe being finite is not Hawkings view, it is te view of every sane cosmologist.
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By Attila The Nun
But if the universe is finite, that leads to another question, when the universe stops, what else is there? Another universe? Another dimenson?
By U-235
MosesWasALibertarian wrote:But if the universe is finite, that leads to another question, when the universe stops, what else is there? Another universe? Another dimenson?

Clarify; I believe I have your answer.
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By Attila The Nun
Well, I was just wondering, what happens when you reach the end of the universe, when it stops (or, rather, if it stops). Would you go into another dimension (like the many that scientists theorize over), or another universe which mirrors ours?
By Wilhelm
No. There is no end of the universe. Space is just a void, in which some matter exists somewhere.
By U-235
MosesWasALibertarian wrote:Well, I was just wondering, what happens when you reach the end of the universe, when it stops (or, rather, if it stops). Would you go into another dimension (like the many that scientists theorize over), or another universe which mirrors ours?

Willhelm, you are incorrect in my mind. Space can be defined as an area with unique dimensions, pure nothingness would have no dimensions. The area outside of our space would be of higher dimensional properties.

THN: popular theories propose that we are merely a 3 dimensional sliver in a 4 dimensional bulk (disregarding tiny curled up dimensions). These theories also claim that there are other slivers floating around the bulk. These other slivers or alternate universes are separates by no more than the width of a proton from us. Every trillion years or so, we collide with another sliver, releasing huge amounts of energy (you do the kinetic energy calculations :p ) explaining things such as the big bang. I am a little fuzzy on the specifics.

Another interesting bit of information is that the only thing that can travel through the 4 dimensional bulk between universes, is the graviton, explaining why gravity is so week, because it is being seeped into a higher dimension. Cool eh?

you are exhibiting a force through a higher dimensional bulk into another universe.

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