Skull and bones - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
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By democrat-hippie
Ok, i have read a little about it, but i have not come to any information that tells me what it is supposed to be. I don't know what it is, or what is done. Can anyone give me a little information about it?
Both Bushes were in it.
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By Todd D.
As was Kerry.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Its obviously a club of the nerdy rich kids at Yale university, most likely for the purpose of achieving a political agenda, hence many of the members of the club (skull and bones) are influential politicians.
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By Todd D.
Heh, I'm really glad that we have a Conspiracy Theory forum now, because I sure as shit don't want this garbage in the rest of the forums.

Skull and Bones is really nothing more than a reclusive fraternity.

Consider it this way, if the National Greek Council was the UN, Skull and Bones would be North Korea.
By | I, CWAS |
Trust me it is for the elites at Yale. Upper classmen wanted to shut me up for even mentioning it, and I could get no professor to give me information. Despite popular belief, the students didn't go around advertising it. And I doubt any humanties/English majors were in it, it was for the Sons of White Business men. I think each year the graduating class gets to pick 15 members the next year. They are obligated to lie in a coffin and recite thier sexual history. The dungeon where they meet in locked up. And SB makes it known that they required each member to do this, so that they can use it as leverage over any member who would reveal the secrets of SB. But in recent years it has grown to include more, because sexual history is no big deal. The members were all tied to elite families, that were involved in banking and the 2 world wars. Even the pilsbury (yes the dough people) family were in SB as well as the bushes and rockafellers. Kerry was also in it, because his father was a diplomat. The Nation magazine is left wing yet was started by SB money. I think they try to use both ends. But SB wasn't the only secret society going on at Yale, the poets and writers had one, and we had orgies and saturnalias, and built connections, which were mainly focused on makign sure all of us made it, and gave assistance to each other. I think people give too much thought to it, nothing but a bunch of our elite business oriented students getting together, it is frightning to see they have so much power now, but I don't think it's a grand conspiracy, so many people rose up without SB, it's no different than say one of my old comrades becoming a powerful author, then she inveigles her publisher into accepting a few of our works, who then puts hundreds of thousands of dollars into promotion, and makes us into names.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Christ was a Socialist wrote:Trust me it is for the elites at Yale. Upper classmen wanted to shut me up for even mentioning it, and I could get no professor to give me information. Despite popular belief, the students didn't go around advertising it. And I doubt any humanties/English majors were in it, it was for the Sons of White Business men. I think each year the graduating class gets to pick 15 members the next year. They are obligated to lie in a coffin and recite thier sexual history. The dungeon where they meet in locked up. And SB makes it known that they required each member to do this, so that they can use it as leverage over any member who would reveal the secrets of SB. But in recent years it has grown to include more, because sexual history is no big deal. The members were all tied to elite families, that were involved in banking and the 2 world wars. Even the pilsbury (yes the dough people) family were in SB as well as the bushes and rockafellers. Kerry was also in it, because his father was a diplomat. The Nation magazine is left wing yet was started by SB money. I think they try to use both ends. But SB wasn't the only secret society going on at Yale, the poets and writers had one, and we had orgies and saturnalias, and built connections, which were mainly focused on makign sure all of us made it, and gave assistance to each other. I think people give too much thought to it, nothing but a bunch of our elite business oriented students getting together, it is frightning to see they have so much power now, but I don't think it's a grand conspiracy, so many people rose up without SB, it's no different than say one of my old comrades becoming a powerful author, then she inveigles her publisher into accepting a few of our works, who then puts hundreds of thousands of dollars into promotion, and makes us into names.

This is why privacy should be abolished and replaced with collective privacy.
By | I, CWAS |
This is why privacy should be abolished and replaced with collective privacy

How would you abolish privacy? it is a natural right.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Christ was a Socialist wrote:
This is why privacy should be abolished and replaced with collective privacy

How would you abolish privacy? it is a natural right.

Privacy in the sense of the walls and doors that seperate what the SB (Skull and Bones) does from public view, and allowing anyone to enter into any land within the Nation, even someone elses home without any restraints of "Tresspassing violation", so as to ensure that divisions within society are drastically and eternally reduced as they always have been until privacy rights began starting from the beginning of the birth of the first ruling-class (slave-master tribes).

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