Thule Society - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
By Bricktop
Ok i was reading up on this stuff a while ago, and was rather interested in it all - the Nazi's getting ideals from Arthurian Legend and so forth.. but when i mentioned this to some actual Neo-Nazis a while back, they couldnt stop laughing. I guess they took this whole Thule Society as a joke? ... Anyone know any more about it?

Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost, high-level civilization. But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out. Those that remained were being guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the "Masters" of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood).

The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals.

The "Masters" or "Ancients" allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with supernatural strength and energy.

With the help of these energies the goal of the initiated was to create a race of Supermen of "Aryan" stock who would exterminate all "inferior" races.


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By Boondock Saint
Yea yea, the Germans were descendants of giants ... I have heard it all before. Its just myth no different then any other pagan religion or religion in general. The Germans were supposed to have become regular humans because giants mixed with humans but the aryan blood was the giants blood ... thats the whole pure blood line thing. Its silly ...
By Bricktop
Im not questioning those beliefs - i know they are completely stupid, but the actual society. Ive looked in 4 differant libraries and cant find squat on this thing called Thule.. ?

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By Boondock Saint
Oh right ...

The only thing I have heard about it is pre-invasion of Poland. Once the Polish invasion began it took a backseat to Christianity. The reason is rahter simple ... the avg. German was Christian ...

So really the whole myth died out once the German state needed to act as a whole in order to wage war ... it was a fairy tale of sorts. Certainly not something that stuck around through the hard times that the Nazis and Germans faced ...
By Ocker
Drummond, the Thule Society was one of the key founders of the German Workers Party, which as we all know, spawned that lovely creature the NSDAP - Rosenberg and Hess were both top Nazis who were members.

'Thule', as you know was an island from Greek and Roman mythology, located most likely in upper Europe, Scand. - Norway or Iceland etc.

As you can guess from their links to the Nazis, they believed in/supported pan-Aryan/Germanism, racial-superiority, occultic symbology, rituals and of course, anti-semitism. All the good tribalistic stuff :eek:

I'm not sure to what extent this influenced the Nazi policies or practices, but I can't imagine it had all that much impact - though of course there are always those theories out there about how the Nazis did this satanic ritual and that attempt summoning etc. [You should look for a game called Return to Castle Wolfenstein, it touches on this]

Thule-Gesellschaft was the proper German name of the group, I'm pretty sure.
By ZenWilsonian
I believe there was a programme involving this on Channel Four last night, involving the Nazi's expedition to Tibet. I forgot to watch it though.
By ChePablo
An old guy in my neighborhood has a bunch of Thule Society books. I asked him about it and he said he was part of it. Wouldn't say more though. The guy's not a rcist though, as far as I know.
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By Odiseizam
Boondock Saint wrote:The only thing I have heard about it is pre-invasion of Poland. Once the Polish invasion began it took a backseat to Christianity. The reason is rahter simple ... the avg. German was Christian ...

So really the whole myth died out once the German state needed to act as a whole in order to wage war ... it was a fairy tale of sorts. Certainly not something that stuck around through the hard times that the Nazis and Germans faced ...

yes the assertion for need of manipulated Christians sounds compelling, still all nazi elite was neopagan some less some more, defacto as elite nsdap circle they kept all teuton inertia as I am aware ...

in context try the mosaic from the next footnotes [1][1] I'll add every political movement even more political party needs ideology if it want continuity, what about nationalists, in case of nazi germans coz couldnt rest on past imperial failures needed wide rosicrucian mythology [2] still the relevant question is whether they had have real benefit from their occultism, think yes, the only problem was their ultra'self'confidence which still couldnt pass leningrad, in my opinion as result of stalins last straw Orthodox Christianity [3]

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