Were The Moon Landings A Hoax? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By MB.
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Ok, this statement is very understandable, but still, if you stick a flag onto the rocky soil of the moon, won't the soil fly into the air from the impact of the stick with the rocks, and thus sending the small pieces of the moon-rock into "flight" at a constant speed?

No it won't. Firstly, there is no AIR on the moon, thus there are no convection currents, which means that unless something is physicaly pushed by something, not air, it won't go moving at all. If you were to kick some dirt on Earth, that dirt would go flying and would blow about an billow- this is because the dirt particles are caught in the movement of air stirred up by your kicking. This does not happen on the moon.

Secondly, the escape velocity of the moon is 1/6 that of Earth... that's still far too much for one to simply "throw" or "push" something off the face of the moon. And since the moon HAS GRAVITY you cannot have a constant orbit unless *duh* orbiting the moon.

Thus, *if* you stuck the flag into the surface of the moon, some dirt would get pushed aside. That's it. No flying magic orbiting dirt or whatever the hell you're talking about.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Mr Bill wrote:
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Ok, this statement is very understandable, but still, if you stick a flag onto the rocky soil of the moon, won't the soil fly into the air from the impact of the stick with the rocks, and thus sending the small pieces of the moon-rock into "flight" at a constant speed?

No it won't. Firstly, there is no AIR on the moon, thus there are no convection currents, which means that unless something is physicaly pushed by something, not air, it won't go moving at all.

There is no air in space, however comets move through space at a constant speed, why is this? 8)
By Crazy Brown Guy
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:There is no air in space, however comets move through space at a constant speed, why is this? 8)

That's because there is no gravity acting on the comet, that's why commets travel at a constant speed. On moon there is gravity therefor rocks won't travel at constant speed, it would be just like earth but very slow.
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By Yeddi
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:There is no air in space, however comets move through space at a constant speed, why is this? 8)

Because ther is nothing to stop them. They have already been given their initial energy that gives them the movement. Mr Bill was saying that if nothing physically pushes an object there will be no movement which is true. For a dust cloud to happen ALOT of tiny particles will be pushed, on earth this is done mostly by the displaced air which moves on and etc. on moon there is no air and so only the particles in immediate contact with the pole of displaced particles i.e very small numbers will move.
I'm sure this was terribly explained as it's 1 in the morning.

Learn Newtons laws of motion and then you can come and debate if you are still convinced you are right.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Strange wrote:
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:There is no air in space, however comets move through space at a constant speed, why is this? 8)

That's because there is no gravity acting on the comet, that's why commets travel at a constant speed. On moon there is gravity therefor rocks won't travel at constant speed, it would be just like earth but very slow.

Ok, however, do you understand what makes allows comets to travel at a constant speed? It is energy from another comet or some other natural phenomena, the same way, I think that if the American flag would have been stuck into the ground of the moon, then there should have been some movement of moon-rock-dust, even if slow, especially since there are lower amounts of gravity on the moon, since it is smaller than Earth and it orbits around the Earth, hence its gravitational pull is much less weaker.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Yeddi wrote:Learn Newtons laws of motion and then you can come and debate if you are still convinced you are right.

Those laws pertain to Earth, not to the moon.
The question remains: is our space programs learning?
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By MB.
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Those laws pertain to Earth, not to the moon.

Are you getting dumber or just less smart?
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By Yeddi
Don't bother Bill.

Might i suggest you select Physics as a subject for next year if your school offers it at whatever level you're at, NationaliDemocratiSociali You might actually learn something and not just sit here spouting crap that you know nothing about.
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By Attila The Nun
Damien wrote:
Triggerhappy Nun wrote:Where'd you get that from? Weekly World News?

The James Whale Show, actually.

I've never heard of Weekly World News.

Sure you have. It's probably why this whole forum section was created.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Yeddi wrote:Don't bother Bill.

Might i suggest you select Physics as a subject for next year if your school offers it at whatever level you're at, NationaliDemocratiSociali You might actually learn something and not just sit here spouting crap that you know nothing about.

Newton laid the thesis for explaining the laws of gravity on Earth, the laws of gravity on the moon are different, as is evident from just seeing the "man on the moon" jumping around in slow motion rather than normally.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Mr Bill wrote:
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Those laws pertain to Earth, not to the moon.

Are you getting dumber or just less smart?

Why do you have to make a personal insult? Just explain where you are trying to get at.
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By jaakko
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:the laws of gravity on the moon are different,

They're exactly the same.
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By MB.
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Why do you have to make a personal insult? Just explain where you are trying to get at.

As Yeddi said, I shall not bother. Really though NDS you can't be *that* out it.

You can jump higher on the moon because there is less gravity. There is less gravity because the moon is smaller then the earth. Understand?
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By jaakko
Mr Bill wrote:There is less gravity because the moon is smaller then the earth. Understand?

...and thus has lesser mass, correct?

But... but... How can the moon be smaller than the Earth?
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By Truth-a-naut
But... but... How can the moon be smaller than the Earth?

Dialectic materialism.
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By naked_turk
Goldstein wrote:Dialectic materialism.
By Proctor
Good Lord. I'm going to deal with some stupid arguments from both sides. For the sake of sanity, I'm only going to deal with things others haven't already answered.

Pongetti wrote:Example: One argument was that in some cases objects appeared as though they were in front of the camera's crosshairs. Well what the hell did you think they did? Carry a big card-board crosshair on to the set? Why would it being fake cause this to happen?
Because the crosshairs from the photograph were supposedly etched into the camera lens. Therefore, the crosshairs will appear on top of any pictures taken.

CaptainCanada wrote:How could people all over the world observe the landing site on the moon from Earth with telescopes if no one was there?
Quite simply, they didn't. I don't think telescopes that powerful exist. If they do, they would not be available to Joe Average Astronemer.

NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:There is no air in space, however comets move through space at a constant speed, why is this? 8)
They don't. They acclerate as they approach the sun. (Although technically they are at their greatest acceleration when they are furthest away)

Jina wrote:That's because there is no gravity acting on the comet, that's why commets travel at a constant speed.
There is so. For exactly the same reason. Comits orbit the Sun, because the Sun has gravity.

NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:I think that if the American flag would have been stuck into the ground of the moon, then there should have been some movement of moon-rock-dust
There would have been. But the dirt would have just been shifted to the side, rather than blown into the air.
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By Looter
Im sorry you cant really fly to the Moon, if you dont believe me, try it and see for yourself. The Moon is very far away and they cant even fly one percent as high. The manouvres and EVAs they performed were extraordinary and far beyond their present capabilities, a soft landing, and then safely reuniting with the command module. Well, real Spaceflight is a completely different matter, it is very hard going in Space, even simple things are difficult, there are all sorts of problems presented by the unique conditions and the new technolgies. There has been huge progress since the pioneering years of the Space race, we have learned so much from the hundreds of space missions and we have seen incredible progress in all technology yet even now we cant serious consider flying to the Moon. But we must believe that it happened four decades ago? A crooked old man fooled with some Moonrocks and Movie Special Effects. It was just a magic trick done on TV, a cosmic shell game, and its about time you admit it. If we could fly to the Moon back then imagine where we would be right now, many people did and the future is here and guess what, we can only fly up 200 miles and thats a far cry from the Moon, and what sort of incredible things are they doing? We have the advantage of historic hindsight but even then many people realized it was fake. The Moon Hoax has stood the test of time despite the determined efforts of so many, the Moon Shot has faded into nothingness. No one seems the least bit concerned by David Ickes far more sinister conpiracy? Why not 'prove' him wrong?
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