Israel cannot survive in a hostile jungle of Arab terror. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By GandalfTheGrey
Demosthenes wrote:Maybe everybody should relax a little no matter how we feel about this subject...

[M.B. Edit: cutting this line. Listen to Demo's advice]
By Nox
I happen to support Israel often ... however ... I do try to be objective about it all. I don't notice the air of objectivity with HJ. I sense an unwavering fanatacism which makes useful intercourse difficult.

By Efrem Da King
"Your army on the other hand, my dear HollyJew, TARGETED those babies with guns!"

Now thats where you are wrong, israel doesn't TARGET them, and showing an injured child doesn't prove you point that they were TARGETED which they weren't, on the other hand hamas and its kind TARGET israeli children quite openly and how many times have they been condemned by the UN???
By Efrem Da King
*note* I don't think that the koran promotes terrorism but I do think that many islamic clericks do and that is the problem. I also do not hate arabs, that is far to broad a term and its just not fair to group people together like that.

[M.B. Edit: cutting that last bit.]
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By MB.
Efrem Da King wrote:"
...on the other hand hamas and its kind TARGET israeli children quite openly and how many times have they been condemned by the UN???

Well, how many times? And does Hamas 'openly' target Childern? How do you know? I'm not trying to belittle you here, I'm just realy rusty on my Isreal/Palestine know how.

What I'm looking for is a statement in which Hamas... well... 'states' they that are targetting childern (think US and not shooting civilians in Somalia).
By Efrem Da King
"Well, how many times? And does Hamas 'openly' target Childern? How do you know? I'm not trying to belittle you here, I'm just realy rusty on my Isreal/Palestine know how. "

Hamas's stated aim is to destroy israel by causing terror in the civilian population. They target civilians openly, they do not nessarcarly mention children but they use school buses as a favourite target for a suicide bombing.
By GandalfTheGrey
on the other hand hamas and its kind TARGET israeli children quite openly and how many times have they been condemned by the UN???

Every single time it has happened.
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By MB.
I did a little google searching, and although it seems trivial, I couln't find any acounts of Hamas blowing up school buses persay. Of course, the targeting of civilian buses is still inexplicable.
By Efrem Da King
I know there have been at least 3 suicide bombings carried out on school buses and I'm pretty sure that hamas did at least one of those.
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By MB.
Now hold on here: that's a pretty serius acusation, ie, killing children. Can we get some evidence? One can always argue that hitting Buses is *meant* to be random and thus indiffernt (so, a shot in the dark towards a certain end so to speak), but killing kids is a whole other story.

So, do you have some proof? An URL?
By Hollywood_jew
Hamas carries out killings at schools daily. We don't hear about them in the arab controlled mainstream press, but we DO hear about them from the daily reports we receive from freinds and family in the areas. Israel has never once, I repeat never once targeted an infant.

We're Jews, we actually hold life with some level of regard, and NO we don't get 72 virgins. When we're murdered all we get are widows and widowers, greiving parents and freinds.

We don't name soccer teams after murderers, we don't dance in the street when an arab terrorist is killed, we don't burn effegys of arabs.

We don't celebrate death like the arabs do. We celebrate life, since, as a Jew, it can be taken away from us at any given moment.
By Efrem Da King
*walks away from hollywood jew*

Any how, they attack SCHOOL buses what did they think it would be full of adults :roll: . ... 00750.html

On November 20, 2000 an Israeli school bus was blown up outside of Kfar
Darom by the Palestinian Preventive Security forces. The terror attack
killed two teachers, Miriam Amitai and Gavriel Biton, and grievously wounded
many of the school children. The three young children of Ofir and Noga
Cohen, Orit, Yisrael and Tehilla, sustained the most serious of these
injuries. See Photos. Orit, 12, had part of her leg amputated, Yisrael, 7,
had his entire leg removed, and Tehilla, 9, had to have both her legs
removed in life-saving surgery.

THats a list of a lot of them.
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By MB.
No! You called my bluff! 8)

Well, that's proof enough for me.

I wonder about Hollywood, think we can get some evidence on the 'school killings'?
By GandalfTheGrey
Mr Bill wrote:No! You called my bluff! 8)

Well, that's proof enough for me.

I wonder about Hollywood, think we can get some evidence on the 'school killings'?

I envy you. I am still waiting for proof that Arafat has commanded the Palestinians to drive the jews into the sea in Arabic.
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By MB.
By "proof enough for me" I mean that in terms of Hamas bombing school busses.

I doubted it, but have been proven wrong. As Vonnegut would say: so it goes...

Unless of course the website he directed me to is a shell anti-arab propaganda site, in which case we will look over the fatcs more carefully, but, frankly, I'm to tired.
By Efrem Da King
LOL gandalf, thats just cause it hasn't been reported on al jeeziarah yet.
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By naked_turk
efrem wrote: Hamas's stated aim is to destroy israel by causing terror in the civilian population. They target civilians openly, they do not nessarcarly mention children but they use school buses as a favourite target for a suicide bombing.

I went to the website. First of all its ONE bus, much too far from your accusation of school buses being a favorite target!

It has NOTHING to do with Hamas... Thats the second thing.

Third... I want an objective source for this one if you don't mind efrem. There was no real details here, just accusations of the Palestinian defense minister. That bus also looked quite alot like a normal bus. There must have been a reason for the PPSS to have done this. I highly doubt this was an attempt to kill children (thankfully no children were killed btw). Im open to being proven wrong though...

4th: See below
Efrem Da King wrote:"Your army on the other hand, my dear HollyJew, TARGETED those babies with guns!"

Now thats where you are wrong, israel doesn't TARGET them, and showing an injured child doesn't prove you point

Then what does showing a child killed by Israeli ammunition prove? That the IDF soldiers' trigger fingers are quite twitchy? Or that this kind of thing happens to Palestinian kids out of the blue?

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