The war on al-Jazeera - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Efrem Da King
So your going against 90 percent of the reports from iraq and are just taking some completly anti bush left winger as 100% truth not even quistioning his reliabilty. That my friend is what we call being brain washed.
By Nox
ISM wrote:CNN didn't show the dead US soldiers (not for long, anyway, at least), however Al-Jazeera broadcasted them.

And this same al-Jazeera went nuts when the bodies of Uday and Qusay were shown. So much for your objectivity.

O well.

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By naked_turk
Efrem Da King wrote:So your going against 90 percent of the reports from iraq and are just taking some completly anti bush left winger as 100% truth not even quistioning his reliabilty. That my friend is what we call being brain washed.

Thats exactly how you brainwash someone. You feed them information that they know is flase over and over and over again until they believe it. And since theres little other news outlets to contradict false stories, you have the whole western-world brainwashed into believing Bush is an angel and everything he says is true.
By Efrem Da King
Gee I have NEVER EVER heard any media report saying that (outside of foxnews of course) most australian media outlets hate bush and israel, and have a very very strong anti american bias, in fact I have never heard a story anything other than critisising rightwing people, even when it makes no sense too they twist the story to suit their tastes. You must always realise when listening to the media that you are only hearing what the editor wants you to hear.
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By naked_turk
Exactly. So you admit you have been brainwashed to such an extent that you see western media not only as being critical to Bush, but even supporting terrorism by hating israel and having a "very very strong anti american bias". That is so very very sad.
By Nox
naked_turk wrote:Exactly. So you admit you have been brainwashed to such an extent that you see western media not only as being critical to Bush, but even supporting terrorism by hating israel and having a "very very strong anti american bias". That is so very very sad.

And I ask you to do some soul searching ... Are you guilty of the same thing?

By GandalfTheGrey
Efrem Da King wrote:most australian media outlets hate bush and israel, and have a very very strong anti american bias, in fact I have never heard a story anything other than critisising rightwing people.

Rupert Murdoch owns about 70% of Australian newspapers, and he is very pro-Bush. You should read The Australian once in a while and tell me they have "a very very strong anti American bias". The Australian's editor has consistently written pro-Bush, pro-American editorials throughout the whole war, and its foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, well a more pro US commentator would be hard to find. Just take a look at some of his articles. Included are such gems as "US, not UN can save the world". So here we have the editor and the foreign editor of Australias national newspaper, who have consistently been pro-American, and you try and tell me Australian newspapers are anti US??? The Fairfax papers (eg the Sydney Morning Herald) are more anti-US, but the Murdoch papers dominate the Australian market, and they are consistently pro US.
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By naked_turk
Nox wrote:And I ask you to do some soul searching ... Are you guilty of the same thing?


I dont know... its quite hard to judge ones self when it comes to matters like this, but at least I hope the answer is no.

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