World War One (time we had a thread on this) - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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The First World War (1914-1918).
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By Darth objectionable
Germany lost the war because they deserved to lose the war, Britain and France won the war because they deserved to win the war. All I can say is well done neutral nations; saved yourselves there!
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By Der Freiheitsucher
Darth objectionable wrote:Germany lost the war because they deserved to lose the war, Britain and France won the war because they deserved to win the war. All I can say is well done neutral nations; saved yourselves there!

This contribution to the debate is useless. Sadly enough, let me tell you that wars are not won or lost depending on who "deserves" to win or lose. This of course extends to a phylosophical debate. I bet that Kaiser Wilhelm believed he deserved to win the war, but he lost. What makes you think you're right by saying he deserved to lose, and what makes him incorrect by thinking he deserved to win? That you don't agree with his ideals? So I understand, your beliefs are universal, right? Please bring something with more analysis and/or depth.
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By MB.
Bukharov wrote:This contribution to the debate is useless.

Unfortunetaly, so is your post from above. I'm well aware of WHAT happened. I'm interested in WHY you think it did. I have my own opinion, naturally, but have not disclosed it so far.
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By Der Freiheitsucher
Mr Bill wrote:
Bukharov wrote:This contribution to the debate is useless.

Unfortunetaly, so is your post from above.

You're utterly correct.

I cannot provide you with further material on why it happened, it is perfectly clear on my forewritten messages why the First World War happened. It was a situation of opportunity, international conflicts and military objectives. You can find all of the examples in my other posts. If you want me to be much more punctual, in who I think should be blamed (although I believe such thing should not be done in this scenario) for the War, then i'd have to say Russia-Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian empire in their struggle for the Balkans.
By Lloyd
GandalfTheGrey wrote:You sure opened a can of worms here Mr Bill.

You need to view the situation on two different layers. On the surface layer, you had Gavrillo Princip, a terrorist (and not representing Serbia), who assasinated the heir to the Austo/Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand. Austria responded by demanding submission from Serbia. Serbia hesitated, and Austria declared war on Serbia. Germany's role was to advise Austria to take whatever measures they felt neccessary against Serbia. Russia, an ethnic ally of Serbia mobilised its army to prepare to help defend Serbia. Germany and Austria in turn declared war on Russia. Fearing a war on two fronts, Germany declared war on France and invaded the low countries. Britain wavered, but declared war on Germany when Germany invaded Belgium, who Britain had promised to protect.

The next layer that needs to be viewed digs much deeper, and puts all of this into context.

The Austro/Hungarian was imploding within as more and more of its multicultural subjects revolted. The actions of Princip was just the end of a long line of attacks on Austria from within. Serbia had in fact recently gained independence from Austria, and Austria was itching for an excuse to reign her back into the empire. This explains Austria's impossible ultimatum to Serbia - since she wanted to attack Serbia anyway.

Serb, Gavrilo Princip was member of the terrorist organization "Black Hand", financed and run by the Serbia.

In the Serbia, Princip got info about archduke Ferdinand trip in the Sarajevo.

Before few days on the Discovery chanell they was reconstructed last few days before Princip assassinated archduke Ferdinand in the Sarajevo.

One day before assassination Gavrilo Princip was in the Belgrade and he get instructions, guns and cyanide from the Serbian intelligence officer in the Belgrade. What is more interesting many Serbs from Serbia were also members of the "Black Hand".

What is more interesting that many in the Vienna were for the attack on the Serbia before assassination in the Sarajevo. But one important man was not. Archduke Ferdinand and he were thinking more on the peaceful solutions than war.

Day before assassination, Princip with help of the Serbian government cross Serbian-Bosnian border and go inside Bosnia and Herzegovina with guns and cyanide. After assassination he must use cyanide before Austro-Hungarian police arrest him. He was get instruction that he cannot go in the Austro-Hungarian hands alive. He must use cyanide. He used him after assassination, but to late. Austro-Hungarian police take cyanide tablets from his mouth and take informations from his mouth too.

I think that guilt for the WW1 was on the side of the UK, France, Russia and Serbia.
Serbia was not big power, and alone against AH Empire she will lose war. But if some big power was back up Serbia then this is another story.

I think that Serbia has back up from big powers and that back up was Russia, UK and France. Goal was to destroyed AH Empire, take over control on the Balkan and damage Germany.

Germany was not prepared for the war; Kaiser was on the holiday in the Scandinavia when Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war to the Serbia.

Shell we look what’s happened after WW1?

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia were not more occupied by Austro-Hungarian Empire but Serbia.

In the period after WW1 to the WW2 Serbia in those countries made huge crimes against citizens of those countries.

Who get after WW1? Serbia or that country which was started WW1.

What is more important will Adolph Hitler win on the Germans election if was not WW1?

Yes? I don't think so.

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