Pictures of the Soviet Union! - Politics | PoFo

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By B. H.

Here are pictures of life in the USSR from the book "A Day in the Life of the Soviet Union" published here in the US.

Tell me, do these people look sick?

Do these people look poor?

Do these people look downtrodden?

Does this country look like a shitty place to live?


The lies against the Soviet Union are great but the truth will prevail!
By B. H.
My link didn't work! :knife:

Let me see if I can find it again. :O
By B. H.
Here is the link. Sorry I did not cut and paste it right the first time.

I love Boondock's sig.
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By Truth-a-naut
Could easily be biased, most likely are.
Anyone can take pictures of anything and make it look fantastic. It would be possible to make Dacheau and Treblinka look like a slumber party.
By Ixa
Emmanuel Goldstein wrote:Could easily be biased, most likely are.
Anyone can take pictures of anything and make it look fantastic. It would be possible to make Dacheau and Treblinka look like a slumber party.

Now you are comparing it with Dacheau and Treblinka. Most amusing!
By Ixa
Emmanuel Goldstein wrote:I never said that.
Re-read what I wrote your a bright boy!

It is an implied comparison.
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By Boondock Saint
Nice pictures I guess. The people look plenty happy. I don't understand the point though ... of course there were happy people in the USSR ... there are happy people in every country across the globe.

Hell, I could go to India right now and take tons and tons of pictures of very happy wealthy people and extremely nice homes and beutiful landscapes ...

So ...

I could probably go to Iraq and find some smiling people, happy folks who are having a nice time in their large homes ...

But the USSR was a super power ... I wou ...

Wow ... way too long apost.

Nice pics.
By B. H.
Emmanuel Goldstein wrote:Could easily be biased, most likely are.
Anyone can take pictures of anything and make it look fantastic. It would be possible to make Dacheau and Treblinka look like a slumber party.

Mr. Goldstein,

I have a copy of the hardback edition of the book. The pictures put no or little text with them which was unfortunate. In my copy of the book the photogrphaers said that they were pretty much free to photograph where they wanted to. there were a few problems but overall it went okay and most of the pictures were taken portrying things as they were.
By CasX
I agree with Emmanuel Goldstein and Boondock. Pictures nothing. You can take a picture in a crowd of ten thousand unhappy people of one happy face, and use it as a typical picture.

Boondock wrote:of course there were happy people in the USSR

Exactly! As well as sad people! Thats why a book that shows nothing but pictures of happy people is obviously biased, and not a true representation of the situation. If I took pictures of the US and showed nothing but happy, well-off people, you would call it totally biased.
It would be!
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By Arkady
Well well, nice pics!

Yuo know even now the KPRF takes a lots of votes and communism still exist and millions of people even in russia still belongs to it..

but if you take a look at the night when the Berlin wall falled ... and all those people were running from east to west... hum...
By Infection
Emmanuel Goldstein?!?!?! Isnt that the guy that they were taught to hate in George Orwell's book 1984???


I have seen this book in my school's Library, but I dont read any of the books that are in there on Communism, or the Soviet Union, because they are all propaganda, and they usually dont say anything about what it is all about...
By Din
the problem is there are few people who are on this forum who came from russia during the cold war.
neither side truly knew what each other was like...
the only problem is i believe some way through the comunist rule the poliburo decided to try to learn from the west (as have most communist states) about their culture,education system, entertainment facilities etc.
they only learned their greed....
BUT if these pictures were accurate then perhaps the people liked their rule they had jobs food housing etc. so maybe these pics are accurate, maby not WE PERSONALLY DO NOT KNOW as nealy all of us come from NATO countries
By Mark Tyson
I went through the hard copy of the book many years ago. It is a lovely country with diverse people and almost every kind of terrain in the world. But pictures don't tell the whole story. Pictures don't tell you about the acres of land contaminated by bio warfare experiments. Those pictures don't tell you about the radioactive waste sunk into the Arctic, or the fields of cotton that displaced food in Central Asia and led to near starvation of the local inhabitants, or the malnourished, poisoned, deformed children whose lives are cut in half by contaminated water and industrial pollutants. The book does not show the gulags and work camps that made Hitler look like a rank amateur.

Russia and the former USSR is a vast, beautiful land, which makes the its utter ruination by the communists all the more tragic.

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