A Strong Military - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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By Demosthenes
I have been doing a little searching trying to find relevant articles on issues conservatives generally believe in. Unfortunately I haven't found many that satisfy me so I figured what the heck I'll sum it up myself.

To my way of thinking there is never an excuse for letting the state of a given country's military forces slide. To me this is a form of negligence that should be beyond politics, or sarcosangt, if you will. It is an attitude with potentially disatrous results for the country and its citizens.

A strong military has many direct and indirect benefits, the indirect ones in particular seem to be lost on many who would play politics with the future livlihood of a given country.

The liberal (at least in America) response to spending as much money as possible on the military ranges between the idea that this is playing pork barrel politics with the given supporters local area to the belief that a strong and well supported military encourages its use and abuse.

I see these points as being both extremely naive and extremely dangerous. To begin with there is the unescapable fact that the future is unknown. Before 9/11 it was in vogue to think that guns and by extension the military were no longer necessary as we live in a wonderful world of posies and daiseys and we all get along and we've just become too civilized to need those awful reminders of our caveman days...

I haven't seen this argument crop up since then but surely it has been properly exposed as the true folly that it is. Simply owning a gun, or in this case say a tank or bomber hardly implies it will be necessary to use. I have never understood the idea that one tank is better than two, even if the general in charge says one tank will do the job! That might be so, but two is still better.

The second point is, to me, also quite foolish. On the contrary there is no substitute for being well prepared as we cannot ever fully anticipate what is too come. I read a thread in this very forum discussing the merits of the whole world banding together to attack the US. Now this is purely a discussion but surely points to an ominous, if unlikely scenario. I think any intelligent person realizes this is remote now, but what after another 50 years of such talk? What about in 50 years when countries like China have made significant strides in their military efforts? I can write a whole thread on what-ifs if someone doubts any one particular possibility. The stronger our military the better for preserving our freedom and heritage.

I have touched on some of the direct benefits, now what about the indirect? As liberals are so fond of pointing out the military costs $$$ to properly supply, operate, and organize. Where they tend to see a sucking pit of lost investment I only see poistive cash flow, jobs, and pride in our country.

How much is a military related civilian job worth? Well lets think about that. How much does the guy in the ball bearing factory make? Well that depends on the local union, of course ( >: ) but usually factory workers in big cities pull in at least $20 an hour, and its not hard to double or triple that with seniority and specialization. Usually it doesn't take a college degree to work in a factory either so in many ways this supports those who potentially would fall towards the bottom of the job market. Therby empowering the potentially poor.

Hundreds of Industry's support the military as well, not just the weapons manufacturers. Clothing, electronics, even food related industry is fed to a fair extent by lucrative military contracts, contrary to the sinister motives anti-military folks attribute to it, this is quite a good thing for the economy. The whole MIC (Military Industrial Complex) thing is pure rubbish to me. That is to say it's allegedly sinister motives are rubbish.

You say they manipulate a given scenario to land an unnecessary contract? I say there are no unnecessary contracts when it comes to military spending. A dollar spent is returned 5 times over even in so-called unnecessary spending. Due to the great many impacts that dollar has on all levels of society. So the owner of the company makes more money? So the fuck what? Everybody under him makes more money too.

Would you rather dump money into the NEA? (National Endowment for the Arts) That truly is a waste of money and in fact encourages entitlement, oftentimes anti-Americanism, and controversial expressions of faith? I mean taxpayers paid some guy to make a sculpture of someone pissing on Jesus for goodness sakes. I don't care what your sensibilities are taxpayers have no business paying for that. He can make it if he wants but he needs to do it on his own time not ours. Not to mention that the money first spent is now gone just to support this guy while he smokes pot and lounges around trying to come up with other ways to be needlessly shocking. Now consider that the same money spent on an extra tank just fed the guys' families who built it for another couple days, gave the soldier who drives it more training, kept the foodmaker who fed the soldier in business, and made everybody more satisfied with their country. Now that's what I call investment!

Now what about the men and women who leave the service? Many of whom have no college degree and would be looking at flipping burgers or some other such menial job. Not anymore. Time served in the military is time spent learning real world job skills that very often translate into vast amounts of ca$h once they reach the civilian job market. How's that for job training? At the very least a lowly grunt learns to pour concrete which is a bust ass job but still pays fairly well concidering.

Now what about social benefits? A liberal might say "What social benefits? You're full of shit!" Well ok, but consider how many civilains harbor some resentment toward the military...No I dont have a figure, I mean generally. Now how many of those lack any useful understanding of what the military does, how it operates and why, and its proper function according to our constitution.

Now concider how many military or ex-military feel the same way. We all know its a totally different stroy. These men and woman learn the hard way how many shitholes there are in the world. They learn how lucky we are in America. They learn firsthand that our differences are petty squabbles compared to the real hardships faced by the majority of the people in the world. So they in turn are more loyal, more loving of our country and it's people, and are generally more responsinle citizens.

Before you critisize this with the Timothy McVeigh argument take note how many McVeighs there have been...I know, there are exceptions to every rule, but you can't get around the fact that military service teaches invaluable lessons about your fellow American, be he black, white or somewhere in between. So they recieve the ever popular "diversity training" right there on the job.

Well that is the basic summary of my thoughts on this. What are your opinions? I'm sure I left out many other indirect benefits as well as some direct ones, feel free to add any. Or if you still insist on being a voice of discontent then lets hear it.
By Freedom
This is scary, i agree with almost everything you say almost all the time...man its like i found my 32 year old Southern American Politcal ideology mate...or something...um but your still a dirty Heavy Metal liking lug head :p
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By MB.
Right, well I disagree with everything in that above post- of course that should be no surprise by now.

A military is a waste of money. Canadain GDP for 2002 was (roughly) 923 billion US dollars. Of that, just over 1% was spent on military (7.9 billion [basically in wages] US).

The US GDP for the same year was 10 tillion US. Of that, 276.7 billion ( again wages) was spent on the military (about 3.2% total GDP).

Considering that Canada has a better standard of living, overall, I'd much rather live in the country which commits less money to the military, and more to service then vice versa.
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By Khenlein
Sweden has one of the most advanced aero-space programs in the world as part of their Armed Neutrality doctrine. They spend billions to sustain and advance this industry which is geared totally for the defense of Sweden,

They acknowledged and take part in the fact that if you want Peace, then Prepare for war.

Also, You know as well as I that Canada doesnt need a military. They'd be fine with a "civil militia" and a gunboat coastguard and be non the worse for it.
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By Lt. Spoonman
Ok, Khenlein, let me get this straight, Canada does not need a military, but Sweden is in dire need of one? Would you like to elaborate on this one further?

I mean, i am sure that Saddam's ultimate goal before we deposed him was to invade sweden, or the "Beautiful Pearl of the North" as he liked to refer to it as... :lol:
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I'm sure I left out many other indirect benefits as well as some direct ones, feel free to add any.

Call me an ultra nationalist but I believe a strong military also promotes a sense of pride and patriotism for their country. I remember living at Hahn AFB germany, and it was all I could do not to crack a smile every time I would hear the sonic boom of one of our Falcons screaming across the sky.[/quote]

[Demo- edit: I'm sure you didn't mean to X2 post so I deleted the second message =)]
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By Truth-a-naut
Also, You know as well as I that Canada doesnt need a military. They'd be fine with a "civil militia" and a gunboat coastguard and be non the worse for it.

Thats practically what we have now. Like Khenlein said but we should model it off of Switzerlands, they've repelled some of the strongest armies in the world even the 3rd Reich (There were some border skirmishes with the wehrmacht in ww2, some say it was communications and basic map 'errors' on the germans side. I don't believe that.)
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By MB.
At anyrate, I don't believe that Canada is about to be attacked by terrorsists (thanks to its foriegn policy, rather then its military [which I might add, didn't keep the 9-11 terrorists from attacking the US in the first place]), so why do we need a military?
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By Demosthenes
A military is a waste of money. Canadain GDP for 2002 was (roughly) 923 billion US dollars. Of that, just over 1% was spent on military (7.9 billion [basically in wages] US).

The US GDP for the same year was 10 tillion US. Of that, 276.7 billion ( again wages) was spent on the military (about 3.2% total GDP).

Considering that Canada has a better standard of living, overall, I'd much rather live in the country which commits less money to the military, and more to service then vice versa.

And why is it that Canada enjoys such a wonderous lifestyle and has the comparitive luxory of not needing to spend much money on their military? (I know Canadians hate this) Because of their evil big brother to the south's massive protection. We, and everyone else in the world knows no matter how much Canadians bitch about the US that if Canada was ever seriously threatend the US will step up and defend it. Period. If you think it's because your nice to the bad guys than your sorely mistaken. I afraid if you don't get this point no amount of my convincing will penetrate so I will leave you in blissful ignorance.

As far as the Military being a complete waste of money I can only ask did you learn nothing from WW2? Did Neville Chamberlain's mistakes not teach you anything? You can never be too prepared for the unknown which was my point earlier. Tell me how a weak or non existant military can possibly cope with a sudden and grevious threat to National Sovernty? And dont even try to give me the "The world isn't a mean place anymore and we've all advanced past that stage in our evolution" thing. Or the 'We're just too nice to be attacked" thing. Those don't wash. How many countries in Europe were "nice" before the Nazi's trampled them underfoot?

Ok, Khenlein, let me get this straight, Canada does not need a military, but Sweden is in dire need of one? Would you like to elaborate on this one further?
Well hopefully Khenlein won't mind if I answer this one...Canada doesn't need a military because of the reasons I mentioned above, Sweeden rightly is remembering the past problems it's faced with invaders and is not taking any chances with future unknowns.

I mean, i am sure that Saddam's ultimate goal before we deposed him was to invade sweden, or the "Beautiful Pearl of the North" as he liked to refer to it as...
Hmmmm... funny, but needlessly rhetorical. Of course Sweeden doesn't face any real threat from the former Iraqi dictater, but can you say with utter certainty that Sweeden will never face such a man? ever? Right, you can't, so their wisdom is well placed in keeping their military going. Excellent job Swedes. Oh yah, they also have some hellacious Hockey players, gotta admire Peter Foresberg and Mats Sundin.

so why do we need a military?
I'm sorry I really don't mean to be antagonistic about this but that is an extremely foolish and idealistic question. If you have to ask then I can't possibly explain it to you so you'll understand.
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By MB.
Demosthenes wrote:
And why is it that Canada enjoys such a wonderous lifestyle and has the comparitive luxory of not needing to spend much money on their military? (I know Canadians hate this) Because of their evil big brother to the south's massive protection. We, and everyone else in the world knows no matter how much Canadians bitch about the US that if Canada was ever seriously threatend the US will step up and defend it. Period. If you think it's because your nice to the bad guys than your sorely mistaken. I afraid if you don't get this point no amount of my convincing will penetrate so I will leave you in blissful ignorance.

As far as the Military being a complete waste of money I can only ask did you learn nothing from WW2? Did Neville Chamberlain's mistakes not teach you anything? You can never be too prepared for the unknown which was my point earlier. Tell me how a weak or non existant military can possibly cope with a sudden and grevious threat to National Sovernty? And dont even try to give me the "The world isn't a mean place anymore and we've all advanced past that stage in our evolution" thing. Or the 'We're just too nice to be attacked" thing. Those don't wash. How many countries in Europe were "nice" before the Nazi's trampled them underfoot?

I think your missing my point: Did the military might of America stop Alquada (with the Taliban's backing) from launching an attack on America? No. Could any country with a military large enough to fend off hoards of squirles defeat the Afgahn armed forces? Yes. Did the Americans even use the slightest portion of thier military in siad war? No. Logic states that pissing away 200 billion dollars (every year!) is a waste of money, and could much rather be spent on solving internal threats and problems then on bombing small countries.

I'm sorry I really don't mean to be antagonistic about this but that is an extremely foolish and idealistic question. If you have to ask then I can't possibly explain it to you so you'll understand.

That was a rhetorical question.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I think your missing my point: Did the military might of America stop Alquada (with the Taliban's backing) from launching an attack on America? No. Could any country with a military large enough to fend off hoards of squirles defeat the Afgahn armed forces? Yes. Did the Americans even use the slightest portion of thier military in siad war? No. Logic states that pissing away 200 billion dollars (every year!) is a waste of money, and could much rather be spent on solving internal threats and problems then on bombing small countries.

Terrorist attacks are best thrwarted by our intelligence community. NOT the armed forces. They arent counter-terrorist, they're soldiers.
You so convienently forgot to mention Iraq? You forget that the US still has around 200,000 troops in Iraq. So right now, with troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Phillipines and elsewhere, they are stretched a little thin, even with the huge defense budget. Everyone expects us to be the world police, so what are you complaining about? The US armed forces spend much more time and lives protecting others than it does its own citizens.
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By Demosthenes
I think your missing my point: Did the military might of America stop Alquada (with the Taliban's backing) from launching an attack on America? No. Could any country with a military large enough to fend off hoards of squirles defeat the Afgahn armed forces? Yes. Did the Americans even use the slightest portion of thier military in siad war? No. Logic states that pissing away 200 billion dollars (every year!) is a waste of money, and could much rather be spent on solving internal threats and problems then on bombing small countries.
No, I think you're choosing to focus on one event then wanting to define mititary policy based on that. Which is folly. How many threats have we had that simply never materialized because of the strength of our military?

No. Could any country with a military large enough to fend off hoards of squirles defeat the Afgahn armed forces? Yes. Did the Americans even use the slightest portion of thier military in siad war? No. Logic states that pissing away 200 billion dollars (every year!) is a waste of money, and could much rather be spent on solving internal threats and problems then on bombing small countries
First you obviously don't believe or don't get one of the points I made above, that every dollar spent on the military has so many other postive indirect benefits that even if you never use the rocket, bomb, or bullet that dollar was spent on you get so many other side benefits from the production of said item, plus the upkeep of those who made the item...etc. That there is an obvious benefit to the civilian economy that cannot be matched by many other spending options the government has, such as most social programs.

As far as stopping Al Qiada JT has it right. That is a matter for the intelligence community, which by extension is a part of our armed forces and therefore covered under defense spending.
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By Mr. Smith
I actually have to agree with Demosthenes on this one. A strong military is always better then a weak or small military.

Two strong militaries and nukes saved the world from World War III. Also you can say that the military helped kill the USSR :p
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By Demosthenes
Thank you Comrade Smith, that was one of my earlier points, A strong military should go beyond politics.

Edit- and a very good point below Izzy, I missed that one earlier.
Last edited by Demosthenes on 31 Jul 2003 22:52, edited 1 time in total.
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By Noumenon
I think your missing my point: Did the military might of America stop Alquada (with the Taliban's backing) from launching an attack on America? No. Could any country with a military large enough to fend off hoards of squirles defeat the Afgahn armed forces? Yes. Did the Americans even use the slightest portion of thier military in siad war? No. Logic states that pissing away 200 billion dollars (every year!) is a waste of money, and could much rather be spent on solving internal threats and problems then on bombing small countries.

Really, just any army can be victorious against the Afghanis? You do know about the Soviet invasion right? What makes us better than the old soviet army is our technology. Thats right, since we spend so much every year improiving our military technology, we were able to win where the soviets could not. Had we not spent so much on our military, and let it deteriorate like the Europeans have done, we would still be fighting a war in Afghanistan right now (well there still is some small scale fighting, but that doesn't count). But instead we won quickly with a minimum loss of life. In the end, every dollar put into the military works towards preserving the lives of our soldiers and minimizing civilian casualties through improved technology. Every dollar taken away, is the same as killing those people.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I really cant understand how some cant come to grips on this. Understand that most militaries stop war. Only those that fall into the wrong hands start them.
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By Khenlein
Lt. Spoonman wrote:Ok, Khenlein, let me get this straight, Canada does not need a military, but Sweden is in dire need of one? Would you like to elaborate on this one further?

I mean, i am sure that Saddam's ultimate goal before we deposed him was to invade sweden, or the "Beautiful Pearl of the North" as he liked to refer to it as... :lol:

Why is it that every historical event involves Iraq now?

The point I was making that Sweden since the 1930's have developed a hightly sophistiacated and well trained Air force that has been directly responsible for its security. They have a declared policy of Armed neutrality that keeps them out of any binding military obligations, and preservs their integrity.

In world war two they shot down and or/forced to land both German and Allied planes, and you can bet your grandmothers whiskey that a large part of them keeping their neutrality was the level of preparedness they kept during the conflict. Unlike Denmark which relied on just paper agreements.

Fact is, holding up a treaty in the face of an enemy tank column isn't going to stop them. The dictum is as old as military science,

If you want peace, then prepare for war.
By GandalfTheGrey
Demosthenes wrote:Simply owning a gun, or in this case say a tank or bomber hardly implies it will be necessary to use. I have never understood the idea that one tank is better than two, even if the general in charge says one tank will do the job! That might be so, but two is still better.

This is pure nonsense. The US has far and away the largest rate of gun related homocide, which corresponds exactly to the high level of gun ownership. Look at places like Malaysia and the UK where firearm ownership is illegal. Surprise surprise, murder rates are way down. In the leadup to WWI there was an arms race - Germany wanted to have more battleships than Britain, so Britain responded by increasing their fleet. Then the same happened for all other armaments. This was a direct cause of war, and made it far worse than it might have been. Exactly the same thing is happening between the two Koreas.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Absolute spin Mr Gandalf, even though your comparison has nothing to do with the topic at hand, why dont you look at the numbers in your own country concerning fire arms (the 196 gun control laws) :http://www.sas-aim.org/news/australia.htm
By Kov
Demosthenes I salute you. Very well put in the first statement. A military is always important, especialy when we live in a non united world. If this world is nothing but over 100 small bikering nations, what good will no army do? If the USA had no army during the days of the cold war, then guess what language most people here would be speaking? Vice versa if the Soviets had no military.

A strong military is always an ofset to anything. And a militarian society, that is the strongest thing a nation can do. Hard to consider us a peiceful people if we have only been at peice for about 12 years in all of history with no recorded conflicts.

JT123, you have a good point reguarding nationalisum and the military. Please do not take this as an insult, but it also (however) depends on if the country is militaraly nationalist. In the USA you have vetrans day... some planes fly around, some 3 shot salutes. Other countries however are nationalist totaly tward their military. Take Russia, we know how to marck, otherwise all the other little countries in the world wouldnt copy us, and we have some 4-6 holidays simply for the military or things reguarding it. During those what does a person see? Marchin men, lots of them, tanks, aircraft doing stunts, live fire excersizes. It is a blast, makes you feel one with your... err... my country. Please take no insult.

Lastly, say we are a united earth, and say we are not alone in the Univirce? Say we do not bicker amugst ourselves... much. What will that alien race do when they show up with warships and all we have are civilian shuttles? It is arogent to belive that they will just "ask" for whatever they want, and not just take it if they can. Will not a country that needs oil BADLY invade a small and week country with lots of oil just so it can survive?

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