@siberian fox - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Talking about and organise marches, demonstrations, writing to your local Member of Parliament etc.

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I will not need more books to be able to complete my essay this weekend. have all i need.

see you on monday.
-Monday March 10th 2003-
Are you comeing in today?
If yes please do not forget the digicam....its important!

Kind Regards,
That is why I posted it here :-) so you dont forget....

I got you the seminar handout...and I wrote down the OHTs that Criss displayed...so much for controled chaos...gime a ring if you are comeing in before the seminar...
that you might like....its a big red one situated on Shelf 320.1 COR
By Krasniy Yastreb
Hey hey hey is this the TUC-Siberian Fox work planner or what? :D
Ich it wernt for threads like this Comrade Fox would miss many more lectures then he already misses....and I would spend even more time in the libary reading books and the FT in stead of playing chess and drinking coffe with him....and without coffe I would die an hence I thank fox for keeping me alive.
"Good morning sir this is your wake up call."

How dreded is this frase so familiar to us that use large capitalist hotel chains....and now it even hounts people in their own homes! :muha1:
Well it didnt sound like it this morning.
Well I could wake you up when I get up that would be at 9AM I recon it would be better if I wake you before the lecture at 11:30 Which leaves you with 2.5 hours to get up.....
You want to be woken tomorrow? or is it right to assume that you didnt do your essay and hence will be spending the next 48 hours without sleep trying to finish it?

I will wait for an an answer....Image
By GlobalJustice
Nice DVD collection. Tell me, why do you buy DVDs? Do you watch the same DVD a few times? The libraries in my city have great collections for free.

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