Over Population... - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Pollution, global warming, urbanisation etc.
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By wench
" I don't see any real problem. The world's population has always been increasing, and we have always just found more space. I'm not worried "


Something we don't understand: how humans are connected to other species...

I can tell you a few things, such as:

--the carrying capacity (the number of individuals that can be sustainably supported) of the Earth for us is 120 million people... when you surpass that capacity, you are borrowing from the future to pay for excesses today.

--there are 6 billion people on the planet, which means we have surpassed the carrying capacity by 5000%

--the Earth has a "buffer capacity" that is obviously pretty good, from our point of view, which means looking ahead 5 years...

--you should be very happy that 8 million children each year die before their first birthday-- this means we can sustain our overconsumption for a bit longer

--every 20 minutes, another 3500 humans are added to the planet, and in the same time, one more species goes extinct... this means 27,000 species gone forever each year...


1830: 1 billion
1930: 2 billion (60 years to add a billion)
1960: 3 billion (30 years to add a billion)
1975: 4 billion (15 years to add a billion)
1986: 5 billion (11 years to add a billion)
1999: 6 billion (13 years to add a billion)

So, it seems, we are slowing down adding on the billions (or levelled off)... part of it is that 800 million people will go to sleep tonight starving, not knowing where their next meal is coming from...

Even if 98% of the population disappeared RIGHT NOW, we have borrowed too much for far too long... and I say this not because I'm a pessimist, but because I am a realist...

The facts are there for anyone to see.
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By wench
As for the space notion.

That is ludicrous.

It takes the same amount of resources and brainpower to colonize another planet as it does to SAVE this one.

Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding:

Colonizing a planet is, as we stand right now, highly, highly improbable, i.e. close to impossible.

The resources and brains are 10,000,000,000,000 times more than what has been put into the space program.

And, since saving the planet takes the same amount of resources and brains, we need 10,000,000,000,000 times more put into doing it if it is to work.

Doomed to failure either way? Probably.

The other planets are NOT hospitable.... do you not see that in order to make a planet that is NOT the Earth hospitable is the same technology that could be used to make the Earth hospitable?

Fucking looney toon people and their looney toon notions.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Its called evolution. Those who dont have food, will starve. Those do who, will eat.
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By wench
JT123 wrote:Its called evolution. Those who dont have food, will starve. Those do who, will eat.

WOW did you get that straight from Miss Cleo?

Perhaps you need to pick up a bio textbook as well. This will be a shocker to you I'm sure, but there are other forms of evolution beyond survival of the fittest.

Shocking, almost as shocking as the resemblance between Emmanuel Lewis and George Foreman.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
OK wench, you seem to be the be-all end-all of everything. We will all bow down and forget we have a freemind. And be good little communists.
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By wench
JT123 wrote:OK wench, you seem to be the be-all end-all of everything. We will all bow down and forget we have a freemind. And be good little communists.

That's so sweet. :D
Now why not be a good little communist and chard the vocal chords and whip me up some brisket sammiches.
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By Demosthenes
The other planets are NOT hospitable.... do you not see that in order to make a planet that is NOT the Earth hospitable is the same technology that could be used to make the Earth hospitable?
Did you take that seriously??? HAH! how funny, gee I guess you didn't quite catch all the obvious sarcasm... how sad for you oh-one-who-pretends-to-be-wise.

I love newbies who burst on the scene, hoping to make a splash but just make themseleves look foolish...Ya gotta luv that Location: Pineal gland thing.
Examples of sarcasm for future reference:

Well...since no one's jumping on my "jettison them into space" bandwagon,

Yeah well all this talk about doing away with poverty is kinda boring, I still think jettisoning the extras out into space is much more fun and could provide for some high quality entertainment.

Do I sense the makings of a new "reality" show? 100 people, half of them criminals are launched into space on a long journey to colonize a new planet. How do they interact? How will they handle adversity? If an asteroid slams into their ship would the cameras catch all the gore? Tune into DemoTV tonight at 8:00 and find out!

Well, I'm for continueing to expand humans dominion over the universe so we could just start developing colony ships and jettisoning them into outer space for "parts unknown".
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By wench
[quote="Demosthenes] Did you take that seriously??? HAH! how funny, gee I guess you didn't quite catch all the obvious sarcasm... how sad for you oh-one-who-pretends-to-be-wise.

I love newbies who burst on the scene, hoping to make a splash but just make themseleves look foolish...

I love how moderators think they're cool because they've been spewing their nonsense on a site for a longer period of time than said user,me. How sad for you oh-one-who-needs-a-blowup-doll-to-get-laid.

nice try Kiddo. :)
By Freedom
I love how moderators think they're cool because they've been spewing their nonsense on a site for a longer period of time than said user,me. How sad for you oh-one-who-needs-a-blowup-doll-to-get-laid.

Well he has only been a moderater for a few days now...
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By Demosthenes
We can do without drival like that thank you.

Please try and have some respect for other users on the forum - then they might just repay the favour.

Ah it was my fault too, I egged him on a bit I guess, I became a bit powermad this afternoon, what with my newfound promotion. I forgot to be a little more responsible...dooohhhh...this moderator stuff is tough....

Well he has only been a moderater for a few days now...

Actually today was first day, whew! almost made it...
By Delphi
That is "Survival of the Fittest" actually. Also known as Natural Selection.
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