Final Phase update: NATO-Russia in Kaliningrad stand-off - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Some things that didn't make it on the map: Ivanov's GULAG Shack (in the weight-room) and the dozens of paper-mache statues of Lenin and the gang (made in the art room).

Here's some pictures of me, by the way... before I side-track this discussion anymore. ;)


(There's a strong Russian presencce at my school, if you're wondering.)
By glinert
You have no idea of anything about Russia and communism you?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
AlexanderTheGreat wrote:Man, the day you can tell things are really going bad for Russia's military is when the asthetics of it's special forces could be compared an Inglewood street gang from L.A. :lol:

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By Boondock Saint
Polyfrag, thank you for your racist descriptions of my country in your pictures.

glinert ... can you please tell me whats racist about the pictures?

I thought Russians were primarily white? Is this wrong?
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By Attila The Nun
polyfrag wrote:
Boondock Saint wrote:Poly you didnt really make those did you?

No, I didn't. I'm using this art to help me create a brand-name feel for my revolutionary movement at my school. Kinda ironic, eh? People pay Nike to wear their ads, and likewise in my revolutionary battle for minds.

"The capitalist shall sell us the rope to hang him with."

Boondock Saint wrote:The hottest of the three pics is the woman on the right (with hat) because she looks strongest there. She looks as though afraid but sure ... a strong heart adn spirit, not afraid to die for her cause.

Yeah, totally. I shall run for student council, and that is why she shall be the spearhead in the poster campaign (along with the NBP commie girls, if circumstances permit.) She shall adourn our banners and standard. And we shall march through the halls, and we shall say, "Comrades! Red Party feels the pride too!"

And my comrades shall proudly wear ties around their fore-heads like bandanas, with the tie danling behind their head, and we shall call ourselves the corporate guerilla fighters, and we shall battle the fascist autocracy that is our school administration.

And with that, I shall turn the conformist pussies into a radical stock!

Our school, shall be the commune. Our sports team, the "Hawks", shall be the Red Army, and its players the conscripts. Teachers and staff the commissars, and everyone together will be comrades.


And they shall rejoice, "Death to the bourgeoisie! Power to the proleteriat!"

...or not. I can swing both ways, really. :/

You're way too radical. it almost sounds like your planning a militaristic coup with that map.
Damien wrote:Russian or British soldiers?:?:

spin doctor wrote:
I am not expert, but I think so.

So you think the "USSR" has mined 114.5 miles into the earth?

As I said, I truthfully am not very knowledgeable on these geological matters, but I would in fact assume so.:eek:

Impossible. The heat and pressure would definitely break any technology anyone has. Study your geography.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
glinert wrote:You have no idea of anything about Russia and communism you?

My father was polkovnik in the army, my mom was a nurse in the military. I lived in Russia for over 7 years, and visited several times since. I think I know a lot for my age. :p

...and my grandmother was trained as a paratrooper!!

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:You're way too radical. it almost sounds like your planning a militaristic coup with that map.

Yes, if democratic means fail, our syndicate would resort to other means of struggle including disinformation, manipulation, propaganda, protest, and vandalism with the aim of eliminating any possible or real threat to our interests.

And you see something against it? We practically run the high school behind the scenes. We have plenty of friends higher-up in the school board. "I have Mr. Mar on the end of the string on my tennis shoe," as a certain comrade would say.

"Damn straight Mr Kruschev, we WILL bury you!"
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 18 Jun 2004 04:10, edited 1 time in total.
By Vassili Zaitsev
Watch out, its 'Admiral America'!


:lol: (Sorry I just had to post that for kicks)
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Slablah wrote:Cartoon women are sexy.

3D ones are even better...

Mmm, I don't think we're going to be able to get back on topic anymore. :p
By glinert
жаль, но картина с шляпой, рисунки, и ваши политические теории, кажется, очень смешные.

Я предпочитаю видеть, что молодежь сосредотачивается на школьных занятиях как хороший российский мальчик и революция начала позже.
By Vassili Zaitsev
^ Could someone please translate?

Oh, and I just realized, Admiral America has an uncanny resemblence to my 7th grade drama teacher.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
He's says the political theories are laughable. He prefers that we be good Russian boys and focus on school work. :p

And I'm having heavy doubts that you're really Russian, glin. The overall quality of your sentencing is horrible. You put words that don't go together. 'Nachala' should be 'nachalac'
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By Attila The Nun
polyfrag wrote:Yes, if democratic means fail, our syndicate would resort to other means of struggle including disinformation, manipulation, propaganda, protest, and vandalism with the aim of eliminating any possible or real threat to our interests.

And you see something against it? We practically run the high school behind the scenes. We have plenty of friends higher-up in the school board. "I have Mr. Mar on the end of the string on my tennis shoe," as a certain comrade would say. think your school board is stupid enough to let you do this? I don't know about in Russia, but if you tried a coup in the States you'd get arrested for vandalism, the propoganda would be torn up, and you'd be seen as big of a wacko as Ted Kasynski. Bullying also isn't allowed in our schools. Maybe you black shirts could get lucky and get suspended for a week.

And because you "run the school behind the scenes" doesn't mean you cvan abuse power for personal gain. It's for the best of the school, and this is not in the school' interest, now is it?
By glinert
Polyfrag, trust me here, I really think I can use correct grammar in my home language.
By Absolute Zero
Hey polyfrag, I'd watch out with the whole Russian coup-de-tat thing... especially after 9/11, you might wind up being detained as an enemy combatant and licking John Ashcroft's taint.
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