Final Phase update: NATO-Russia in Kaliningrad stand-off - Politics | PoFo

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The Final Phase - Update: June 17, 2004.

Russia and NATO to stage military exercises in Kaliningrad - June 16, 2004:

MOSCOW (AFP) Jun 16, 2004

Russia and NATO next week are to stage military exercises next week in Russia's Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad, which to Moscow's chagrin is now completely surrounded by European Union member states, officials said Wednesday.

The field exercises will be joined by troops from Poland and Lithuania, the two new EU states encircling Kaliningrad, which has been at the heart of trouble in Russia's recent relations with Europe, in part because of free travel concerns.

NATO said in a statement that 1,000 soldiers would take part in the four day program that begins Tuesday. It is aimed at coordinating a joint response to potential terror strikes.

"The global threat of terrorism demands coordinated actions from all nations of the world," the NATO statement said.

The exercises will simulate a strike on an oil platform in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Kaliningrad -- one that would lead to great casualties and a massive flow of oil into the sea, the NATO statement said.

Russia, which has ruled out joining NATO and has watched the alliance's expansion up to its border with unease, is a member of the Partnership for Peace program between the US-led alliance and eastern and southern European states.

The program envisages regular military exercises between its member states, and the Kaliningrad wargames will include troops from 22 nations

N.K. Leader Likely to Visit Russia in late June: Beijing Source - June 17, 2004:

(ATTN: UPDATES with Kim Jong-il's possible summit with Putin in Vladivostok)
BEIJING, June 17 (Yonhap) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is likely to visit Russia later this month to hold a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, sources in Beijing said Thursday.

One source familiar with North Korea said Kim's trip is expected to take place around June 28 but declined to give other details, including where exactly in Russia he would visit.

In Moscow, Russian officials would neither confirm nor deny the report about Kim's Russian visit.

Perilous Times from the Final Phase Forum community wrote:Perhaps Kimmy will receive his orders to attack SK during his meeting with Pooty-Poot.

"We are going to do something terrible to you - you will no longer have an enemy" - Georgiy Arbatov, senior adviser to Mikhail Gorbachëv, International Herald Tribune, March 26, 1990, page 4.

Above: Some photographs of "starving" Russian soldiers - complete with Communist paraphernalia.;) :eek:

Recent Russian military tests.

6.9 quake hits Kamchatka Peninsula - June 10, 2004.

Earthquake strikes northeastern Russia - June 15, 2004:

PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKIY, Russia, June 12 (UPI) -- A strong earthquake has struck a remote area of northeastern Russia, the United States Geological Survey reported Saturday.

The earthquake, which struck Friday morning, local time, measured 7.0 on the Richter scale.

The tremor's epicenter was on the Kamchatka Peninsula, about 4,100 miles northeast of Moscow.

There were no reported deaths or injuries, nor was there any damage report from Russian officials.

OS1100 from the Final Phase Forum community wrote:The seismologists are giving the estimated depth of the quake at 114.5 miles which is very deep for most earthquakes. Underground tests show very shallow depths. ... usjnbd.htm
Damien wrote:Image
Above: Some photographs of "starving" Russian soldiers - complete with Communist paraphernalia.;) :eek:

Is that the British Special Forces? These guys don't look Russian. The guy in the middle looks like Dolf Lungdren and the guy in the back is wearing British camies. Yeah, Yeah, I see the red Baret and the red star.
By Spin
The seismologists are giving the estimated depth of the quake at 114.5 miles which is very deep for most earthquakes. Underground tests show very shallow depths.

Does that mean that the earthquake started off 114.5 miles under the earth?
Slablah wrote:
Damien wrote:Image
Above: Some photographs of "starving" Russian soldiers - complete with Communist paraphernalia.;) :eek:

Is that the British Special Forces? These guys don't look Russian. The guy in the middle looks like Dolf Lungdren and the guy in the back is wearing British camies. Yeah, Yeah, I see the red Baret and the red star.

I thought that the guy in the middle looked like Dolph Lungdren too - and didn't he once play a Russian man?Image

I didn't see the red berets though!:eek:

As far as I know, the picture above is genuine. It was posted on the Final Phase Forum earlier today. The Rusisan soldier in the centre is not Lungdren.

spin doctor wrote:
The seismologists are giving the estimated depth of the quake at 114.5 miles which is very deep for most earthquakes. Underground tests show very shallow depths.

Does that mean that the earthquake started off 114.5 miles under the earth?

I am not expert, but I think so.

The Kamchatka Peninsula is though on the Russian Pacific Rim - one of the Planet Earth's most notorious fault lines.:eek:
By Spin
I am not expert, but I think so.

So you think the "USSR" has mined 114.5 miles into the earth?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I've never seen Red Army soldier in berets.

Glinert, you ever where a beret in the army?

thought that the guy in the middle looked like Dolph Lungdren too - and didn't he once play a Russian man?

Yes he did in Rocky IV. But I have a problem with holywood using guys like Arnold and Lungdren to play Russians. Those guys have zero Slavic features.

As far as the photo is concerned. The British camies look very suspicious to me. Perhaps it was just a friendly photo-op?
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 17 Jun 2004 23:36, edited 1 time in total.
By Spin
The guy at the back is smiling. Correct me if Im wrong but dont Russians smile very little as they see a smile as something sincere? I know Russian border guards were told to smile when on duty but I doubt that they would dress border guards up in USSR gear.
By Damien
Russian or British soldiers?:?:

spin doctor wrote:
I am not expert, but I think so.

So you think the "USSR" has mined 114.5 miles into the earth?

As I said, I truthfully am not very knowledgeable on these geological matters, but I would in fact assume so.:eek:

Slablah wrote:
thought that the guy in the middle looked like Dolph Lungdren too - and didn't he once play a Russian man?

Yes he did in Rocky IV. But I have a problem with holywood using guys like Arnold and Lungdren to play Russians.


Slablah wrote:Those guys have zero Slavik features.

"Slavic" or "Slavonic". I personally prefer and always use "Slavic" though - but I know that I just would not be able to in such cases as the "Slavonic Grebe".:eek:

Slablah wrote:As far as the photo is concerned. The British camies look very suspicious to me. Perhaps it was just a friendly photo-op?

Well, it would not in fact be the first time that the British soldiers have been secretly producing counterfeit pictures recently, would it?:D :eek:

What evidence is there that these soldiers are in fact British though? Why would they be holding and bearing just such an overt Soviet-era Red Flag insignia like that, with a quite clearly aggressive, nationalist, anti-Western logo to the forefront of the presumably knowingly snapping, photographing camera?:eek:

And this is off-topic too.:eek: Image

spin doctor wrote:The guy at the back is smiling. Correct me if Im wrong but dont Russians smile very little as they see a smile as something sincere? I know Russian border guards were told to smile when on duty but I doubt that they would dress border guards up in USSR gear.

Maybe he knows that the United States' number is up?:eek: Image :evil:

People do smile, you know. The Russians soldiers are actually allowed to have and show emotions, you know. They are not at all like the Queen's Royal Guards at Buckingham Palace in London who cannot even flinch with one of their eyes!:eek:

Besides, haven't the Russian border-dispatched troops recently been told to "smile" at enterers and passers-by by the Putin Russian Government?:?: :D Image
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Ok these are Russian soldiers. Pictures from a russian site.

Is this from a paratrooper unit?


These guys look like special forces to me.

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By Boondock Saint
These guys look like special forces to me.

Or Eminems homies ... ;)

Damien, I love your posts.
By Piano Red
Man, the day you can tell things are really going bad for Russia's military is when the asthetics of it's special forces could be compared an Inglewood street gang from L.A. :lol:
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That is probably the most badass soldier ever!


And that is the most Badass AK EVER!
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I don't mean to side-track this discussion, buuuut: thanks Damien, you've just helped me finish my montage for a school project. SOVIET MIGHT! Image

These shall go well with the Soviet Squad:

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By Boondock Saint
Poly you didnt really make those did you?

The hottest of the three pics is the woman on the right (with hat) because she looks strongest there. She looks as though afraid but sure ... a strong heart adn spirit, not afraid to die for her cause.
By glinert
Polyfrag, thank you for your racist descriptions of my country in your pictures. They non sensical at best.

No I never wore homosexual beret.

Damien I grow increasingly tired of your incessant paranoia, we trying to gain military might not to invade US but to protect ourselves. Every nation in world holds military exercises. We no different we doing this for totally non connected to any big plan.

We not nation that thinks very far ahead. We natino that just does. This our thing. We not think, we just do.
By Vassili Zaitsev
Those are nice drawings, but those ladies are too thin! they look anarexic! and unhealthy.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Boondock Saint wrote:Poly you didnt really make those did you?

No, I didn't. I'm using this art to help me create a brand-name feel for my revolutionary movement at my school. Kinda ironic, eh? People pay Nike to wear their ads, and likewise in my revolutionary battle for minds.

"The capitalist shall sell us the rope to hang him with."

Boondock Saint wrote:The hottest of the three pics is the woman on the right (with hat) because she looks strongest there. She looks as though afraid but sure ... a strong heart adn spirit, not afraid to die for her cause.

Yeah, totally. I shall run for student council, and that is why she shall be the spearhead in the poster campaign (along with the NBP commie girls, if circumstances permit.) She shall adourn our banners and standard. And we shall march through the halls, and we shall say, "Comrades! Red Party feels the pride too!"

And my comrades shall proudly wear ties around their fore-heads like bandanas, with the tie danling behind their head, and we shall call ourselves the corporate guerilla fighters, and we shall battle the fascist autocracy that is our school administration.

And with that, I shall turn the conformist pussies into a radical stock!

Our school, shall be the commune. Our sports team, the "Hawks", shall be the Red Army, and its players the conscripts. Teachers and staff the commissars, and everyone together will be comrades.


And they shall rejoice, "Death to the bourgeoisie! Power to the proleteriat!"

...or not. I can swing both ways, really. :/
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By Comrade Ogilvy
glinert wrote:Polyfrag, thank you for your racist descriptions of my country in your pictures. They non sensical at best.

Racist? Glin, baby, homie... I'm Russian myself! Now how's about we get to know each other a little better?

C'mon, play around with the stereotype, will ya? :p
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