Uday and Quasi have died...YEAAHAW - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By S. P. Laroche
If it's true, then Hazaa. If it's not then :*( .
By segment
Oh how the US has struck yet again. Interesting how the United States just eliminates whomever we choose at will without question. It's rather sickening being that this country tries to portray a peaceful nation, one where justice is a virtue, yet we break all the rules.

What's sickening is the mentality of our citizens who allows these actions to take place without questioning the motives, integrity, etc., of those in power in this country (the United Snakes).

Aside from having a thieving (p)Resident, we also have one who cannot lie correctly and now *SHOULD* be made to answer for the so called WMD scams they've been pulling over on everyone. Has everyone forgotten about the geopolitical implications of the US in that region? Sure seems like there are going to be some fattened bank accounts in the White House this year.

;) Gotta love the Military Industrial Complex
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By Boondock Saint
Thats right segment ... everyone in that region will be mourning the loss of Uday and Qusay ... or whatever the feck their names are spelled.

I say good, at least they are dead ... no good scumb bag animals that they were. The world is no worse off without them.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
And Al-Jazeraa says 9 US soldiers went with them...Yey!!! (I cheer for Uday's death...of course :roll: )

Also one more US soldier died in an unrelated attack, and one protestor was killed while Iraqis protested the American attack in Mosul against the house where Uday and Qusay were killed.

On a lighter note, a new resistance movement, called the Jihad brigades, gave an interview to Al-Jazeraa in a small room with a protrait of Saddam, and said they would kill US soldiers ans all those who collaborate with the US.

The world suerly is a better place... :)

Stocks went up today...commentary was it was becasue Uday was dead. Yes...evil Uday was keeping US stocks low :roll:

I was so happy I was enspired to write a poem about the glorious events of today (copyrighten >: )

Happy Day

Birds were singing louder
And babies smiled more.
A couple was kissing in the park
Now that Uday is gone.

An Iraqi scavenged for food.
A protestor was killed at a house in Mosul.
Ten US soldiers met their creator,
And Stocks climed higher
Now that Qusay "The Butcher"
Threatens us no more.

Iraq is dancing and Baghdad is gleaming
I can hardly belive it, am I dreaming?
Now that Qusay is gone and Saddam is trouncing
And American tanks pull down their statues.
Or such is the image Photoshoped for TV.

We will never really know.
Al-Jazeraa reporters are shot on sight
By the "trigger-happy" American soldiers.

...and British soldiers sun-bathe half naked.

Mass graves are uncoverd with thousands of victims
And FOX loudly acclaims "justification!"
On closer inspection one finds the bodies
Of 1.2 million dead Iraqi children,
Killed in the 90s by American sanctions.

Oh but what a happy day it is,
Now that Uday and Qusay are gone
And Wall Street is back in the green.

Oh don't bother us with such trivialities,
American Idol is on!!


Gotta love the Military Industrial Complex

MIC is your friend. Obey your MIC!
Last edited by Tovarish Spetsnaz on 23 Jul 2003 02:16, edited 1 time in total.
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By Boondock Saint
Four US soldiers were wounded in the fighting.

"Uday and Qusay are dead, we saw it on TV," one man, Hassan Zaif, told AFP news agency after emptying the magazine of his Kalashnikov into the air.

"I don't want him dead. I want to torture him first," he told Reuters news agency, recalling how Saddam's son had beaten him with electrical cables when he made mistakes.


I go with the BBC over Al Jazeera anyday.
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By Noumenon
"And Al-Jazeraa says 9 US soldiers went with them...Yey!!! (I cheer for Uday's death...of course ) "

Not what I heard. Several US sources said no soldiers were injured or killed during the attack.

Are you saying you cheer for the deaths of US soldiers and also cheer the death of Uday, or just the death of Uday? If the former, then let me try to convince you that Uday is nowhere near in the same category as US soldiers. This is what he has done:

-Personally tortured political opponents

-Periodically kidnapped random women and raped them

-Had members of the Iraqi soccer team beaten with iron bars for losing

-Lead the Iraqis to plunder Kuwaiti property

-Involved in illegal financial dealings

-Stole hundreds of expensive cars from Kuwaitis

-Murdered at least a half-dozen women

-Brutally murdered his friend Muhammed Qaraghuli

-Beat an Iraqi boxer for losing a competition, the boxer was never heard from again

Instead of congradulating Uday for killing 9 American soldiers (which probably didn't happen), maybe you should congradualate the soldiers for killing Uday. I know you said you're glad that Uday is dead, but give US soldiers credit for bringing justice, at least.

Have any of you heard Congressman Charles Rangel's statements today? I saw him on Hannity and Colmes, and I seriously think he is mentally deranged. When I first heard the news of uday and Qusay being killed, I thought there was no possible way democrats could politicize it. Surely even they would celebrate the deaths of ruthless murderers, rapists, and thieves. Looks like I underestimated their ability to side with the enemy, when it means they can score points against America. The first thing Sean Hannity said in the interview with Charles Rangel was that he wanted him to hear him say that it was a good thing that Uday and Qusay were killed. I was stunned by the response. Rangel went on a diatribe about it being illegal for the US to make political assassinations. He basically said it was wrong for the US to kill Saddam's sons under international law, and the US should be punished. He said it was wrong for us to target individual people in a war effort, and compared it to our assassination attempt on Castro. When asked by Colmes if he thought at least that it was a good thing because it made our troops safer, Rangel refused to say so. Hannity tried to point out the flaws in his argument, but Rangel kept changing the subject to his anti-war views. Of course the flaws were self-evident to any sane person. There is no international law preventing the targeting of enemy leaders during wartime. That is not assassination, its war. The troops would have tried to take them alive for a war tribunal, but Saddams sons fought back and were killed in the firefight. Thats not assassination, but war. Any sane person who was aware of Uday and Qusay's crimes would think that their quick death was too good for them. No doubt that had we captured them alive, liberal human rights groups would be complaining to the end of time about how we mistreated them. That is because many liberals fail to understand the concept of justice. Justice is torturing Uday until he dies a long, slow, painful death. It is not giving him a trial in a international court where he gets to live out his life in a relatively comfortable prison. Democrats like Rangel do not understand justice, nor war, nor morals. The only thing that they understand is their blind hatred of America, which overrules all reason. No matter what your position on the war, if you are sane you will find satisfaction in the deaths of Uday and Qusay, and you would have been more satisfied had they died more painful deaths.

Sorry if I offend any democrats here, but I hope no more democrats side with Rangel. I am sure much of the extreme left of the party already has, and it is only them I am criticizing right now. For example, some posts on the popular website Democratic Undersground:

study_war_no_more (948 posts) Tue Jul-22-03 02:19 PM
Response to Reply #1
46. we should have a national celebration

we just murdered two bad guys without a trial or due process in their own country. We can show our national pride and pretend other people don't like us cause we claimed their natural resources which evryone knows are ours. Manifest destiny they just don't get it.

aquart (1000+ posts) Tue Jul-22-03 03:13 PM
Response to Reply #70
71. It was murder. Firefight means we did it with guns.

Or don't you think they had the right to defend themselves?
Of course not, the god USA says they're criminals.
You know what, I'll bet they were bastards who did everything they were accused of.
Still didn't give us the right to invade their country and murder them. Nothing ever will.

Generic Other (1000+ posts) Tue Jul-22-03 01:14 PM
Response to Original message
13. Murdering the families of heads of state is a great precedence to set

I'm sorry, if these guys are such criminals they should have been brought to justice, not just murdered by our military. Convenient isn't it?

That is the extreme fringe, but I believe much of the liberal base of the Democratic party is heavily influnced by that fringe, and shares many of the same views. I have doubts that even non-extreme left will come out and congradulate the President and our troops for directing the attack on Saddam's sons. I don't believe any of the democratic presidential candidates have done so yet, but I hope they prove me wrong. I wouldn't bet on it though.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
I know you said you're glad that Uday is dead, but give US soldiers credit for bringing justice, at least.

Justice??? You killed 10,000 civilians, illegally occupied a country, stole their oil, set up a puppet regime, kill and brutalize them daily,...and you call that justice???

Have you no shame??

Uday was a nut case. But his daddy wouldn't have been in power if it wasn't for the CIA which brought him to power.

You create the shit, clean up your own mess, and procede to shit on them again. And you call it justice...
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By Boondock Saint
Well to be fair Tova ... it wasnt Isildur ... it was me ... I was the one who killed the alleged 10,000 civilians ... did you know I also executed every Iraqi POW? That long line of Iraqi soldiers that surrendered in teh north? It was all a ploy ... after the cameras went off we napalmed them all and shot them with helicopter guns ships ... i say 'we' cause I couldnt pull enough triggers mylsef so i had to get my fellow KKK members to help out ...

kill and brutalize them daily

As I understnad we now have 90% of the Iraqi population in concentration camps ... the extermination of the arab Iraqi is nearly complete ... just as I and Isildur planned ... unfortunatly we had to bring Isreal in to help us finsh off the other 10% ...

You know ... I can watch FOX news for crap propaganda that is biased for America and then i can look for Tovas posts for crap propaganda that is biased against America .... i think if I put all the shit together and seperate the pure shit from the impure shit I will be left with absolute shit.
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By KurtFF8
And Al-Jazeraa says 9 US soldiers went with them...Yey!!!

thats kinda sick/assholish
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By Demosthenes

Your excellent arguments are lost on TS, you may as well forget it. Even if you filmed Sadam Hussein admitting to all the charges and showed it to him, it wouldn't matter. He's totally brainwashed by anti-US propaganda, and loves reveling in it. I'm just letting you know so you don't waste your talents unneccessarily.

I'm still trying to figure out whether he's really Albanian or just another American Communist poser...the world may never know...
By Efrem Da King
YAY my dad has that episode of hannity and colmes on tape. (It was on while I was at school).

It is disgustiong how low the democrats have gone these days.
By CasX
Efrem, I think you've got the wrong thread there.

I just heard that they were both killed. 'Tis a shame, if would have much better for them to have been brought to trial. However, they went down in a fight so it was probably near impossible to take them alive.

So, where's Hussein?

(And, unrelated) Where's Osama?
By Comrade Osnowski
I agree CasX, from the looks of the latest pictures that mansion they were hiding in sure came under a lot of firepower. Just saw the BBC's news, there was a peaceful protest about the assault on the mansion...one protester shot dead in order to disperse it, now that truly is a shame.

I doubt that Osama or Saddam will be captured. It would be near impossible to directly hand themselves over to soldiers (if they ever do) and live. The average GI would shoot first, ask questions later.
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By Noumenon
I doubt that Osama or Saddam will be captured. It would be near impossible to directly hand themselves over to soldiers (if they ever do) and live. The average GI would shoot first, ask questions later.

If Saddam's sons were unable to leave the country, what makes you think that Saddam has? I think theres a good chance he's still in Iraq, and sooner or later someone will betray him for the reward.

As for Osama, I'm gonna believe he was blown into a fine red mist at Tora Bora until there is evidence that he's still alive. Doesn't seem like the leader of the jihad against America would be laying this low for so long if he was still alive.

The US military captured khalid Sheik Mohammad alive didn't they? US soldiers would rather capture Osama or Saddam alive in order to get information from them. But if they choose to exchange fire with US troops, theres no way theyre coming out alive.

Justice??? You killed 10,000 civilians, illegally occupied a country, stole their oil, set up a puppet regime, kill and brutalize them daily,...and you call that justice???

So you deny that the soldiers were bringing justice in killing Uday? Or did you not want Uday killed? Regardless of whether you think the war was justified or not, at least give US soldiers credit for the good deed they did in ridding the world of that murderer.

And your post is just pure propaganda, and not worth responding to, but I will anyway. How brainwashed do you have to be to believe that we stole Iraqi oil, set up a puppet government, and brutalized the Iraqi people? Thats what the extreme left was telling us would happen, but it obviously hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will happen. You have it so set in your mind that the US does those things, as a result of leftist propaganda, that you forgot to check whether they actually happened or not. As far as I know, the US hasn't taken Iraqi oil, without paying for it, and shipped it over to the US. The idea is ludicrous, and the fact that the left continues to say it happened without any evidence is more ludicrous. How does setting up a democratic Iraqi council constitute a puppet regime? Do they take orders from us? Wheres your evidence? Its far too early to tell if a puppet government has been set up anyway, since we're still in the transition phase. Again, the idea that the US is setting up a puppet government is so embedded in your mind that you don't realize that Iraq hardly has any government right now, much less a puppet government. As for killing and brutalizing Iraqis daily, wheres your evidence? Or will you just take the propaganda as fact and leave it at that? You say that we killed 10,000 civilians, which give or take a few thousand is probably true, but what about the tens of thousands we saved? The UN estimates that as many as 300,000 Iraqis are missing right now, wiped off the face of the planet by Saddam's regime. How many more would have "dissappeared" had we not gone into Iraq, with the inevitable loss of a few thousand civilians? How many more mass graves would there have been? Before you accuse the right of being callous towards civilians, take a look at your own side.
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By paul30
I question the timing.

On the very same day Private Lynch gets a tickertape homecoming for heroically crashing her Hummer, Saddam's two sons are victoriously killed.

Could it be these are to distract us from the fact that one US soldier a day is getting picked off in Iraq, and George W. is squirming like mad to pin his lies on his underlings??
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By Boondock Saint
Could it be these are to distract us from the fact that one US soldier a day is getting picked off in Iraq, and George W. is squirming like mad to pin his lies on his underlings??

Could be ... but then again the media is now talking about the effects of the death of the two brothers in relation to the attacks on the US troops ... so ... thats one of your theories crossed out ...

And I havent really seen any change in the media reporting on the GW Niger uranium thing ... I assume thats what you were implying when you said 'pin his lies on his underlings' no? There are only so many times the media can ask about the uranium and get stone walled from the white house ... after that its beating a dead horse ... but I have yet to see any left leaning political head yet to drop the issue ...

So ... I would say your two ideas are lacking ... as the news has not taken the heat off either subjects and in the case of one of them brought focus to the subject from yet one more angle.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Yes Boon...I guess you are right. I don't know what came over me :(

America is truly a gift of God on the Iraqi people. You killed 1.2 million of them in the past 10 years...but thats not nearly as much as Saddam killed.

Of course you put Saddam in power...but thats not nearly as bad as...ehmm...those god damn dirty democrats...They have gone so low *shakes head*

You really are sick people...

I'll leave it to the Jihad Brigades to deal with your "liberation"...and your "democratic" Chalabi government...

But I feel so much better now that Barbie doll is back safely in West Virginia. I was sooooo worried about her.
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By Boondock Saint
Its ok Tova ... I understand, youhave been indocrinated by socialists and your brain has been deluded with the ideals of communism ... its not your fault ...

Well ... i dont know if America is a gift of God ... I guess if you say so ... but I don't really think its that great ...

Actually I have killed 1.2 million IRAQIS in the past ten years ... i have killed ALOT more then 1.2 million PEOPLE in that time ... I am an equal opportunity killer.

Well ... I was young and foolish when Saddam came around and asked me if he could be president. He promised to be nice and I figured why not give him a chance.

Its true about the dems ... I mean they put a president in office who got a bj from a woman who WAS NOT HIS WIFE!!! Now if there is an offense desearving of impeachment ... THATS IT!

Well, I didnt know you ran the Jihad brigades ... but if they keep themselves as well hidden as Uday and Qusay did I dont think they will be all that much trouble. And once I have infected the people of Iraq with greed and capitalism I can assassinate Chalabi and put in a better man.

Barbie? Oh Lynch ... eh, I gave you that one. I knew you were concerned for her well being so I sent her home. Your welcome.

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