CIA World Factbook: Onnela [UNDER WORK] - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Demosthenes
I didn't mean your writing, I'm talking about the association many have when you mention Asatru. Add that to your PoFo rep...etc, etc...
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By Dave
Oh okay, yeah that was kind of the point, but bear in mind that it's not some crazy neo-Nazi prison faith. It's about hypothetical Pofoese Dave coming to the ancient faith of his forefathers. This would likely play a role in the decision of many other Pofoese to convert.
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By Demosthenes
Nah, I got it and I'm down with it.
By Korimyr the Rat
Demosthenes wrote:I was thinking this as well, Asatrus w/out the racial stuff...

This is actually one of the major divisions within the faith. Discussion of this matter can get... heated in certain circles.
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By Dave
The faith Pofoese Dave created is more or less copied from the Icelandic one, which is not racial in nature. The faith is of course ethnocentric, but then so are most Christian denominations de facto. Wotanism is the religious culmination of Neo-Nazism, and has its largest base in maximum security prisons.
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By MistyTiger
Natural hazards:
tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, violent storms

Wow. That's quite a lot for a country only twice the size of Ireland. :eek:
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By R_G

Why can't the majority of the population be agnostic? Or at least not part of any official religion?
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By Demosthenes
It's unrealistic?

Anyway, doens't that mean that "Of the number of people who are religious, this is their breakdown"?
By Aekos
a modernized version of norse

I've worked on something like this before (a Modern Vinlandic Norse) so if we decide to go that route I have some helpful stuff
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
I really hate the country's name. :/

I demand a vote to decide what to name the country.
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By R_G
I really hate the country's name. :/

I demand a vote to decide what to name the country.

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By Dave
let's name the country George-Michael-Theismanstan
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By Nattering Nabob
I really hate the country's name. :/

I demand a vote to decide what to name the country.


I too hate "Onnela".

It sounds like a food substitute...or a crazy cat lady...
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By Thunderhawk
Perhaps Onnela had a communist-capitalist civil war akin to Greece after WW2?

Onnela was a neutral port during WW1, and was initially a neutral port during WW2 providing goods (and secretly some torpedoes) to German uboats for lucrative contracts. The people were stirred into supporting the allies and stop trading with the Germans by British and American agents aswell as the local communist population, resulting in much of the old growth forests stripepd down and land plowed to make supplies for the buyers - be they the Brits or Axis ships. The primary financer of those actions was the government with loans from American (and some British) financers. The end stages of the war saw Onnela become a supply depot for allied forces. Once the war ended so did the demand, and with it the newly developed industry lost most of its market while the loans still had to be repaid.

An economic collapse followed soon after. A Socialist government came to power, nationalized some industries, renegged on some debt and was overthrown by rebels of dubious values (read: CIA, maybe a junta?). Some oppression, some violence, etc. etc. and started developing along the lines of Chile/Greece.

Gives reason for the existence of so many extreme and moderate political factions.
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By Donna
Did you write the OP, Zag? If so, you should be our designated historian.

Edit: Also, we need a Coat of Arms/National Seal
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By ingliz
Give it a Gini index equivalent to Hong Kong that will solve your lack of poverty. :lol:
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By albionfagan
Are we up near Iceland then?

I take it we're not viewed favourably in the west considering we overthrew their puppet>
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By Dr House
ingliz wrote:Give it a Gini index equivalent to Hong Kong that will solve your lack of poverty. :lol:

Who said Onnela lacked poverty? It was agreed that Onnela had a massive urban poverty problem despite being wealthy, due to the fact it is an energy power and oil and gas generate huge revenues but little jobs. This is not the result of any of our policies. It is a template, a problem to be solved.

And of course the PNL has the best policies available to solve it, since we're the only party actually concerned with the production side of economics. ;)
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By Zagadka
You aren't always born into a place that sounds cool :-p

I'll take all of the above into consideration. The name *is* subject to change.

We currently recognize no "official religions". A modernized/bastardized Norwegian is fine, but we obviously have to conduct all of our business in English, so we're kinda stuck there.

Regarding agrarian %age, I'll look at more stats from countries, but it was decided that the country be roughly half rural, half urban. We aren't as developed as America in the 1910s - 1930s.

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