I would also move for the following policies:
- Open foreign relations. Every country is inextricably connected to both those directly around it and those in the global market. No country is to be held as a superior of another, and strong cooperation and diplomacy should be the tools of conflict resolution, not ruling out military coalitions and regional aid groups. Support should be given for organizations like the EU, AU, etc in their aims to regulate and equalize nations in their respective regions, with representation from said nations.
- Capitalism is not something to be ruled out. It is something that can exist freely outside of the state; free enterprise is every citizen's right, though excess riches and corporate muscling shall be limited.
- The state will not invest in wasteful private enterprise. So much boo-hooing is done about welfare for the poor and working classes, while public funds are regularly given to the construction of sports arenas and teams, which see profits in huge amounts for non-necessary skills. Not only shall the state not invest in any such private enterprise, it shall also provide luxury taxes on use of public facilities by things like golf courses, which use disproportionate amounts of a community's water supply, especially in times of drought. This is not a declaration against sports, they are merely examples.
- Education is a right of every person, including trade skill training.
- If someone designs us a logo, please don't put a damn eagle on it.
Intellectual Property: The SLD acknowledges the usefulness of intellectual property in promoting innovation, but also recognizes its exploitative and anti-productive effects when carried too far. We therefore a 3-year limit on patents, and a somewhat longer lifespan for copyrights.
Patents are a tricky area. Some require a lot of investment; we should recognize (well regulated) extensions on technology and medical patents, as well as a classification of university research patents (to be available to other universities).
Monetary policy: The SLD favours a Keynesian approach to central banking, or possibly nationalization of monetary system.
I'd prefer to leave a Keynesian central bank with a free (though regulated) public sector. There should be a central bank, a treasury branch, and various international funds.
Further, I'd like to voice opposition to a concept of global currency. Markets vary too much regionally for a stable currency to represent all nations - though each country is free to peg its money to another currency (or utilize a shared currency, such as the Euro). They may also be free to own foreign currency in their reserves; this helps balance catastrophic inflation in the event of single-market failure, though at the risk of devaluation of foreign currency.
Oh, one more thing... I'd insist on international standardization of rail and air travel. This includes magnetic rail and ultra-high altitude or space deployment by private companies or governments; all nations should share in tracking systems for air and space traffic.
BTW, I notice people are using various random poll sites... everyone (of any stripe) is welcome to use
http://www.zagadka.net/pollfo/ , registration is open and I take no responsibility for content. It might be more convenient (and permanent) than free poll sites.