China taking all Oil - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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By glinert
China recently has begun to raise world oil prices by buying so much oil much of it from us. I like it because it stimulates our economy. But people beginning to theorize China buying all this oil to store up because they preparing for war. This true? Who would they attack, I have heard that they would like to attack Japan for revenge.

I repeat Napoleon's famous maxim: "China sleeping giant, when they wake world will shudder."
By SpiderMonkey
I think China wants to repeat what Stalin did with the USSR - a rapid, forced catchup with the west, and damn the casualties. They'll need lots of oil for that.

It's possible they are stockpiling oil in order to gain more power over the global price and therefore the US (remember how saudi arabia made america hurt in the 70s?). I'm not sure if there are any issues with storing extracted oil for long periods though.
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By gravedigger
glinert wrote:But people beginning to theorize China buying all this oil to store up because they preparing for war. This true? Who would they attack, I have heard that they would like to attack Japan for revenge.

you'd better shup up. you wanna spread you make-up lie for what?

Proctor's edit: Oi. We'll have none of that.
Actually the only reason I didn't delete it was because it got so many replies.
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By Boondock Saint
you'd better shup up. you wanna spread you make-up lie for what?

What was the point of that?

Glinert and I might have very differing views on some things but that was just plain rude to say such a thing ...

China recently has begun to raise world oil prices by buying so much oil much of it from us.

I thought it was Americas fault? At least ... everyone seems to like to pin it on the US ... :?:

China go to war with Japan? Interesting concept though I am not sure why China would do that. Revenge? Not a good enough reason. We know China has claims on Taiwan so if China wanted to test its amphibious landing capability my money would be on Taiwan.

Japan is also too important on a global scale ... to declare war on Japan is to declare war on the USA ... to declare war on Taiwan is to declare war on ... Taiwan.

China may be preparing itself for a Korean conflict or perhaps my dear glinert just perhaps China is preparing to take Siberia? :muha2:
By fastspawn
Boondock Saint wrote:
you'd better shup up. you wanna spread you make-up lie for what?

What was the point of that?

Glinert and I might have very differing views on some things but that was just plain rude to say such a thing ...

gravedigger is from china, and probably his english is not that good, so he couldn't express himself in a more gentle manner. but i mean if you were nationalistic about your country and someone sullied its image, you would be angry about it too.
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By Boondock Saint
but i mean if you were nationalistic about your country and someone sullied its image, you would be angry about it too.

I am nationalistic and people make fun of my country all the time ... USA in case you didnt know ... I dont get angry or insult them, I counter their claims or I admit they are right or I ignore them.
By glinert
I can understand him, people on this forum have made insulting my nation into national sport. I just insult them. 8)
By Proctor
Boondock Saint wrote:Japan is also too important on a global scale ... to declare war on Japan is to declare war on the USA ... to declare war on Taiwan is to declare war on ... Taiwan.
Actually that's not true. It has always been US policy to use "all means necessary" to defend Taiwan. That wouldn't work too well for China.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
China has a rapidly-growing economy which is low on the value-added chain. Driving China's inefficient industries requires massive amounts of energy. As such, China's rapid growth demands huge amounts of oil. I doubt China is preparing for war. Rather, China is simply consuming more energy.
By John Maynard Keynes
China is a huge country with a billion people. It's not surprising that they consume a large amount of energy. The robust economic growth in china is the main factor why their demand for oil is always on the uptrend.

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