Things I dislike about common people - Politics | PoFo

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While I do of course like some, if not many common people, those who are nice, there are still a lot of things that I dislike about them.

First of all, common people believe in myths. Even the educated common people believe in myths!
With myths I mean the common myths like that the cold is caught because you have wet feet or because you are cold, that the nails continue to grow some time after you are dead or that we only use 10 % of our brain.

I can go on and on about the common folk myths.

The problem with the common people is that they don't think or study for themselves. They believe truely in what they hear from their neighbor.

The problem only gets worse with journalists who write articles and titles that are inconsistent with what the sources say.

We live in a time of information. Everyone has access to free information, which means that everyone with only litle effort, like a search on google, can get a bunch of knowledge. While not everything might be correct, there are lots of decent scientific articles on the web.

Yet many people continue to believe in myths. I am tired of having to tell people that what they just said is wrong.
I remember my philosophy teacher saying that in the middle ages the catholic church said the earth was flat!
I said that this is a myth, they never believed so, the catholic church based their view of the universe from the ancient greeks who, like the ancient egyptians, tried to calculate the shape of the earth. The myth about the flat earth is from the 19th century fiction book "The Voyage of Christopher Columbus" where it was said that the sailors were afraid to fall out of the edge of the earth.

Common people are stupid and unintelligent! They don't think for themselves and make up their own decisions or think about the world.

The common people only wants entertainment, games and pleasure.

Many common people wants to discuss politics, but only if it does not become "too complicated". What is "too complicated"?
Well, my experience is that they get off pretty quickly when we enter discussion about economics or military strategies.

As for the taste of music and culture, common people dislike classical music like that or Scarlatti, or late renaissance-music, or church music. They call it "too heavy" or "too sad". The common people only want what makes happy, rarely something that they can inspire them, make them think about life and so on.

The common people are therefore not qualified to rule a country. They are not even qualified as leaders, teachers and so on! A simple commoner shouldn't become a teacher!
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By Abood
Do you have a source backing up your accusations against "common people", or did you hear that from your neighbour?

We all like to channel our anger towards someone; someone we blame for the what's wrong with the world, yet I really doubt someone that stereotypical actually exists. Sure, some people believe myths, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they believe everything they hear and don't question anything.

Your post just reeks of elitism.
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By dwix
Who are the common people, more specifically?
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By QatzelOk
Yet many people continue to believe in myths.

dktekno, there's an entire forum about media.

Why are you pretending you've never heard of media?

Are you a Greek Classisist or are you simply short on time?
By Aekos
The common people are therefore not qualified to rule a country.

You talk like a commoner. Commonly, common people feel elitist. You're probably not half as uncommon as you think you are.

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