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By Dave
You don't think it's a revelant topic of discussion or at least satire that jews are so overrepresented in media?
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By NoRapture
You don't think it's a revelant topic of discussion or at least satire that jews are so overrepresented in media?
Not any more than finding it relevant that most plumbers are Catholic. It doesn't doesn't effect my bowel movements.
Redneck isn't a racist term, it refers to the healthy tans that hardworking white farmers developed. Similarly, "blueblood" describes how the leisure classes often had exposed blue veins due to the lack of sun exposure.

I realise where redneck comes from. However it is reserved for white people, it is derogatory and it is racist. When did you last hear a non white person referred to as such?
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By NoRapture
When did you last hear a non white person referred to as such?
Condi Rice?
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By Dave
JRS1 wrote:I realise where redneck comes from. However it is reserved for white people, it is derogatory and it is racist. When did you last hear a non white person referred to as such?

I haven't, since bad minorities can just be referred to by whatever their minority name is (or appropriate racial slur), and good minorities don't have a "trash" segment.
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By QatzelOk
every production is dictated, managed, and groomed in some monolithic hi-rise for mass consumption by a fat, pasty white guy whose receptionist gives him blow jobs and he drives home to his gated community in a fortressed suburb of New York or LA.

The important thing is that it's primarily one group - one group of rich people from a very narrow ethnic pallet - one single sliver of the America experience - that makes all its mainstream media. And this group fabricates racism in order to maintain its own entitlement within the racial hierarchy.

Other ethnically-stratified elites do in other societies. The Sunnis who controlled Iraq probably created racism as well in order to maintain their "upper end" of the racial spectrum.

The race-segregated elites of our societies maintain a racist narrative in order to maintain their position of privilege in - what eventually becomes - a warring society. This "war" that the elites manufacture (and market) the ingredients for, is against both other human beings and nature. As long as the ethnically-segregated elites are allowed to exist, mankind (and the other species) will be negatively affected by mass murders of convenience and global pollution.
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By Dave
Most societies are ethnically homogeneous, Qatz--especially historically.

You have this exactly backwards. The elites are explicitly anti-racist precisely because it suppresses the identity of the masses and keeps them addicted to consumption.
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By QatzelOk
Most societies are ethnically homogeneous, Qatz--especially historically.

Look into the elites of most European countries, Dave. And then come back and tell us all how "homogenous" the elites are vis-a-vis the population they enslave.

The elites are explicitly anti-racist precisely because it suppresses the identity of the masses and keeps them addicted to consumption.

White supremacy has been used to sell so many products, that it's surprising that you wouldn't have noticed this in your entire life. The elites are the manufacturers of working class racism. They desire it in order to keep their underlings both subservient and loyal to "their own" elites.

Who are your elites, Dave? Are they of a particular blue-blooded lineage, or are they the same as the plumbers? And how important is that racial divide in maintaining the blue-blooded privilege? Of defending nepotism and close-door "democracy?"
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By Dave
QatzelOK wrote:Look into the elites of most European countries, Dave. And then come back and tell us all how "homogenous" the elites are vis-a-vis the population they enslave.

Most of them are from the same ethnic stock as the people they rule.

QatzelOK wrote:White supremacy has been used to sell so many products, that it's surprising that you wouldn't have noticed this in your entire life. The elites are the manufacturers of working class racism. They desire it in order to keep their underlings both subservient and loyal to "their own" elites.

Who are your elites, Dave? Are they of a particular blue-blooded lineage, or are they the same as the plumbers? And how important is that racial divide in maintaining the blue-blooded privilege? Of defending nepotism and close-door "democracy?"

Qatz, your texts are outdated. White supremacy was once an invaluable part of the elite narrative to keep people down. But that text stopped working, and so it was discarded. The elite replaced it with the exact opposite, explicit anti-racism. Whereas previously elites told whites they were better, and therefore didn't need justice or community, now they tell whites that they have no identity. No identity, that is, except consumerism.

And who are my elites? Well right now I have a half-negro President (who completes the new oppression text), and much of media and banking seems to be controlled by jews. And the Supreme Court is majority Catholic. I'm just a WASP, so you tell me.
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By QatzelOk
The elite replaced it with the exact opposite, explicit anti-racism.

No, the elite "replaced white supremacy" with "white people using a sanitized vocabulary and a few black people dressed in suits at the reception desk."

Take another look at your president. Now look at all the White House "guests" he handed the keys to.

I mean, just before his became prez, his future admin voted - en masse - to enrich the corrupt elite banking community by handing them over the public treasury. Not exactly a minority-empowering program, that act of generosity towards the most parasitic members of the most elitest elite.
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By Dave
QatzelOk wrote:No, the elite "replaced white supremacy" with "white people using a sanitized vocabulary and a few black people dressed in suits at the reception desk."

Take another look at your president. Now look at all the White House "guests" he handed the keys to.

Jewish Chief of Staff, black Attorney General, hispanic Secretary of the Interior, Asian VA Sec, couple of women, etc, then a series of regular white crooks.

QatzelOk wrote:I mean, just before his became prez, his future admin voted - en masse - to enrich the corrupt elite banking community by handing them over the public treasury. Not exactly a minority-empowering program, that act of generosity towards the most parasitic members of the most elitest elite.

Guess what Qatz--minorities aren't this country, white people are. And the parasitic elite you refer to isn't racially based, but class-based. They happily welcome blacks (Ken Chennault), jews (everywhere), Asians (Citibank CEO), or anyone else who can hack it in their circle. And everyone else they leech off of, regardless of color, gets the joy of supporting them. But the largest group of people supporting them, the people who built this country, are the white working class, and the elite propagates a text which deprives them of their identity.

And for the record, it was in partly a minority-empowering program, the CRA, which provided the latest surge of parasitic enrichment to this elite, and which we are now expected to bleed for.
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By NoRapture
...And for the record, it was in partly a minority-empowering program, the CRA, which provided the latest surge of parasitic enrichment to this elite...
So home loans for poor minorities in city ghettos is what brought about the current economic collapse? The biggest one since the Depression, and now being assessed as even bigger? Who'da thought a bunch of poor African Americans with new shot-gun shacks in East L.A. and Brooklyn could have brought down the whole fucking nation and the world to the tune of multi-trillions of dollars and growing?

Dave, I think you and Qatz need to partner up. You blame the lazy, shiftless people of color and their ghetto ways and Qatz places the blame on those tricky Jews in banking and the media. Maybe we could nip this whole thing in the bud. It's about time somebody got racial cleansing right.
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By Dave
NoRapture wrote:So home loans for poor minorities in city ghettos is what brought about the current economic collapse? The biggest one since the Depression, and now being assessed as even bigger? Who'da thought a bunch of poor African Americans with new shot-gun shacks in East L.A. and Brooklyn could have brought down the whole fucking nation and the world to the tune of multi-trillions of dollars and growing?

The main trigger was, of course, the unprecedented monetary expansion undertaken by the Federal Reserve. But very important secondary factors included regulatory fuckups (like the SEC allowing much, much higher leverage for investment banks) and the CRA. As you may know, minorities were held to far lower credit standards for their loans, and subsequently had much higher rates of default, especially on those exotically repackaged subprime mortgages investment banks were claiming were the greatest investment since the railroad boom.

NoRapture wrote:Dave, I think you and Qatz need to partner up. You blame the lazy, shiftless people of color and their ghetto ways and Qatz places the blame on those tricky Jews in banking and the media. Maybe we could nip this whole thing in the bud. It's about time somebody got racial cleansing right.

Ethnic cleansing is not necessary. And end to ethnic pandering is.

Qatz and I probably agree on one-third of stuff, but disagree strongly on the rest.
By Zyx
guzzipat wrote:That isn't "greasing the wheels", it's building a new track that leads nowhere. It places individuals thoughts above all else, it is basically "look at me aren't I clever". It posturing no more.

This is certainly true. QatzelOk does do a lot of projecting especially in this thread. There is no reason to assume that Thatcher, here, was being critical of the media despite QatzelOk's insistence. guzzipat, you are completely correct in your criticism of QatzelOk just then.

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