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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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By Harmattan
Hello Adamlee.

Actually, I think a lot of people laughed as loud as I did. No offense, let me explain it to you. :)

A lot of us live in seasoned democracies with a lot of medias, a lot of different information sources which, sometimes, say different things and have different visions of truth. They also have different owners which, sometimes, may have conflicts of interests, disturbing the neutrality any information source should have. Finally, all those medias carries ads which aim to manipulate people (in order to sell things and so on) and have complex bounds with multiple source of powers, either public or private (friendhsips, necessity to know well each other and sympathize, financial, not making the other one angry, etc).

The result of it is we are all manipulated and more or less aware of it. So, most of us adapted to this complex environnement and learnt a few tricks, like this simple reflex : to ask ourselves "who's bringing me this information ?". And, here, you fail. Because, obviously, if I want neutral information about someone, I am not gonna read the newspaper he owns.

Sure, sometimes we can cross information sources and look into some official source to get their point of view. For example, if you want to have information about USA's foreign policy, you can have a look at the whitehouse's webpage to get the official point of view. But you know this is the official point of view, no more, no less, and it is presented like that. And you cannot only rely on that, you have to read a more neutral source obviously !

Now, let's take a look at the website you gave us. It is neither a neutral information source, neither an official source. It looks like a neutral information source but it is actually the voice of China on the web. The content displayed here is not like the one we can find on an official website, reporting official speeches, reports, etc. No, it is a lie, it smells like propganda, it has the same use as a tool of propaganda, so it is a tool of propaganda. How could we rely on that ?

This is the problem with your governement. They don't seem to understand that the more thay will prevent us to get genuine information (like when they close the Tibet's borders), the more they will try to use their propaganda on us, the more suspicious we will be. If China had free press, westerners could look at it and far better understand your country and your thougts. Same goes on your side.

PS : Now, unfortunately, even in seasoned democracy not everyone managed to adapt. 80% of european people think that ads influence other people but do not influence them. My conclusion is that at least 80% of european people are manipulated and not even aware of it. Once you realize you are, you can begin the long path to a greater freedom of thought. What about you ? Do you think you are manipulated ?
By Mike Powell
Hello Adamlee.

Actually, I think a lot of people laughed as loud as I did. No offense, let me explain it to you.

A lot of us live in seasoned democracies with a lot of medias, a lot of different information sources which, sometimes, say different things and have different visions of truth. They also have different owners which, sometimes, may have conflicts of interests, disturbing the neutrality any information source should have. Finally, all those medias carries ads which aim to manipulate people (in order to sell things and so on) and have complex bounds with multiple source of powers, either public or private (friendhsips, necessity to know well each other and sympathize, financial, not making the other one angry, etc).

The result of it is we are all manipulated and more or less aware of it. So, most of us adapted to this complex environnement and learnt a few tricks, like this simple reflex : to ask ourselves "who's bringing me this information ?". And, here, you fail. Because, obviously, if I want neutral information about someone, I am not gonna read the newspaper he owns.

Sure, sometimes we can cross information sources and look into some official source to get their point of view. For example, if you want to have information about USA's foreign policy, you can have a look at the whitehouse's webpage to get the official point of view. But you know this is the official point of view, no more, no less, and it is presented like that. And you cannot only rely on that, you have to read a more neutral source obviously !

Now, let's take a look at the website you gave us. It is neither a neutral information source, neither an official source. It looks like a neutral information source but it is actually the voice of China on the web. The content displayed here is not like the one we can find on an official website, reporting official speeches, reports, etc. No, it is a lie, it smells like propganda, it has the same use as a tool of propaganda, so it is a tool of propaganda. How could we rely on that ?

This is the problem with your governement. They don't seem to understand that the more thay will prevent us to get genuine information (like when they close the Tibet's borders), the more they will try to use their propaganda on us, the more suspicious we will be. If China had free press, westerners could look at it and far better understand your country and your thougts. Same goes on your side.

PS : Now, unfortunately, even in seasoned democracy not everyone managed to adapt. 80% of european people think that ads influence other people but do not influence them. My conclusion is that at least 80% of european people are manipulated and not even aware of it. Once you realize you are, you can begin the long path to a greater freedom of thought. What about you ? Do you think you are manipulated ?

Unfortunately, is the western media shows any good example being fair and just like they once were recently? Well, I do hope but right now, they can consider that they had lost my trust on them.

Believe it or now, some western media sources are supported by no other than the CIA who just love to pick a fault from other countries.
By stalker
See, just about every non-Westerner challenges the Western media's claim of being fair and independent. Should tell something.
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By Harmattan
Unfortunately, is the western media shows any good example being fair and just like they once were recently? Well, I do hope but right now, they can consider that they had lost my trust on them.

Believe it or now, some western media sources are supported by no other than the CIA who just love to pick a fault from other countries.

Well, it seemed to me I just explained that because our western medias are full of craps we became very cautious about them. Seems like we agree. Did you misread me or did I miswrote it ?
By Mike Powell
Well, it seemed to me I just explained that because our western medias are full of craps we became very cautious about them. Seems like we agree. Did you misread me or did I miswrote it ?

Opps, a little misunderstood here. Guess I miss some point at the end of the article eh.

But still ,before we judge a situation perhaps we should make some detail research before any judgement to be made.
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By Harmattan
But still ,before we judge a situation perhaps we should make some detail research before any judgement to be made.

Well, it is a news website in english hosted in china whose name contains "china". I remember there is barely no free press in China (Does I really need to enumerate facts to prove that ? Like the names of the 33 journalists currently in jail and the reasons they are here ? Or the 180 incidents with foreign correspondants ?). Ok, so, what are the odds this is not propaganda ?

Fine, let's check : we go to Chinaview, click on "about us". This media is owned by Xinhuan. What is Xinhuan ? The oldest and most important public news agency in China which Reporters Without Borders described as "the greatest propaganda agency in the world" (source in french : According to wikipedia, Xinhuan is an institution of the State Council, directly reporting to the CPC.

Your cautious is welcome given the topic but I am not rushing into a simplistic judgement here.
By Watermoon
hmmm,China is a third world.
But really get big improvement in just 30 years.
Wish press free.Maybe it still a long time to wait coz
then the society will get very un-harmonious.
Respect to Chinese tradition,not only the govt
but also average ppl,chinese dont like show bad-side
to others,just look the movies,seldom see how to cut one's head in detail.Not many blood scene.
In fact,there are many different kinds of newspapers.People know,still dont wanna read on bad stuff on main newspapers.
Usually dont put too much time on question the govt.
Just do their own business.(That is the different from westerns. I found they like criticism,it's a good way of helping thinking.)
If bad things show everyday,ppl will lose heart to govt and society. The central govt has no confidence.
The local govt dont wanna be judged they are worse than other local govts so they cover many things.
However,it is more and more difficult to hide,
even ban some webs,still can get many information.
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By creamdog
Harmattan wrote:Hello Adamlee.

Actually, I think a lot of people laughed as loud as I did. No offense, let me explain it to you. :)

A lot of us live in seasoned democracies with a lot of medias, a lot of different information sources which, sometimes, say different things and have different visions of truth. They also have different owners which, sometimes, may have conflicts of interests, disturbing the neutrality any information source should have. Finally, all those medias carries ads which aim to manipulate people (in order to sell things and so on) and have complex bounds with multiple source of powers, either public or private (friendhsips, necessity to know well each other and sympathize, financial, not making the other one angry, etc).

The result of it is we are all manipulated and more or less aware of it. So, most of us adapted to this complex environnement and learnt a few tricks, like this simple reflex : to ask ourselves "who's bringing me this information ?". And, here, you fail. Because, obviously, if I want neutral information about someone, I am not gonna read the newspaper he owns.

Sure, sometimes we can cross information sources and look into some official source to get their point of view. For example, if you want to have information about USA's foreign policy, you can have a look at the whitehouse's webpage to get the official point of view. But you know this is the official point of view, no more, no less, and it is presented like that. And you cannot only rely on that, you have to read a more neutral source obviously !

Now, let's take a look at the website you gave us. It is neither a neutral information source, neither an official source. It looks like a neutral information source but it is actually the voice of China on the web. The content displayed here is not like the one we can find on an official website, reporting official speeches, reports, etc. No, it is a lie, it smells like propganda, it has the same use as a tool of propaganda, so it is a tool of propaganda. How could we rely on that ?

This is the problem with your governement. They don't seem to understand that the more thay will prevent us to get genuine information (like when they close the Tibet's borders), the more they will try to use their propaganda on us, the more suspicious we will be. If China had free press, westerners could look at it and far better understand your country and your thougts. Same goes on your side.

PS : Now, unfortunately, even in seasoned democracy not everyone managed to adapt. 80% of european people think that ads influence other people but do not influence them. My conclusion is that at least 80% of european people are manipulated and not even aware of it. Once you realize you are, you can begin the long path to a greater freedom of thought. What about you ? Do you think you are manipulated ?

Nevertheless all chinese are manipulate by goverment, the obscurantism has advantage anyhow. The people who suffer from tyranny is happily live in the world of themself. You think they are live in great misery, but they do not. On the contrary, they even belived you are in a terrible capitalism society.
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By ZhenQ
Nevertheless all chinese are manipulate by goverment, the obscurantism has advantage anyhow. The people who suffer from tyranny is happily live in the world of themself. You think they are live in great misery, but they do not. On the contrary, they even belived you are in a terrible capitalism society.

That's exactly the point, the PRC could use some peace first. Trying to feed a rebellious nation is kinda hard, better keep their mouth shut, feed them and let them open their mouth after they are well fed. Bet they won't be as rebellious afterwards.

As for the provided links.. it gives insight to China's train of thought, pretty interesting no?

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