Iraqis celebrate their new regime... - Politics | PoFo

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By Vassili Zaitsev
Fucking Imperialist Yankey American Scumsucking Bastards! >: That makes me so mad!
By Freedom
I dont see much wrong with them pics...With all the bad things the Americans have done in Iraq, thats the worst thing that happened? Seriously a bunch of guys praying, freedom of protest and some idiot with a Saddam could've at least posted an article on the Al Falluja massacre or something.

That was just lazy Spetnaz.
By CasX
I guess that's what you get when you invade a country and blow lots of it up.

In my opinion most Iraqis seem to hate BOTH Saddam and the US coalition. Most seemed to hate the Ba'aath regime immediately after it was deposed, so through american common sense the yanks seemed to think this meant they liked the invasion. But Iraqis also seem heartily sick of the yanks. Understandable, since they have been screwing Iraq for the last few decades.

If you don't remember, the US put Saddam in power. They then aided both him and Iran in a devastating war against each other. Saddam committed the vast majority of his atrocities while being a US friend and ally. The US then led a war which killed thousands upon thousands of Iraqi conscripts who had no choice whether to fight or not. The US was then the major backer of crippling sanctions which, among other things, contributed to destroying the basic health infrastructure in Iraq. Now the US has invaded the country, killed thousands, and isn't using half the money it used to blow the place up to rebuild it again.

So is what is happening now understandable? It's more than understandable, it's inevitable.
By Freedom
All i said was that i saw nothing wrong with those pics...I dont need a lecture full of half truths and propagandha...US friend this US friend that, every major country whether it be England, France or Russia has had some dealing with Saddam Hussein. To blame everything on the Americans is playing with the facts to suit your own purposes. There has been a lot of foreign interruption in Iraq with Saudi's and Iranians rallying support for "Jihad" etc. But what i think the Iranians and Saudis need to do is to look at their fecked up countries instead of screwing another country over with all this nonsense "Islam economics" and all that crap. Remember those news reports about 4000 suicide bombers that got bused to Iraq? I wonder what they're doing now... it could hardly have anything to do with them could it?
By CasX
Freedom wrote:All i said was that i saw nothing wrong with those pics...I dont need a lecture full of half truths and propaganda

Your post: Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 10:25 am
My post: Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 10:26 am

I was replying to earlier stuff.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Now you are right Freedom that a lot of countries have had some dealings with Saddam...but the US IS a special case...becasue the aid the US gave Saddam was what allowed him to come to power in the first place.

Saddam was a CIA agent...even the Baath Party members who worked close with him testifed so. While in Egypt...his appartment was payed for by the CIA...he made weekly visits to the US embassy. The CIA payed for this expenses and travels. The CIA put him throught a training course...

Once he got in power (with or without CIA not know yet)...the CIA gave him lists of thousands of suspected communists and such...which Saddam promptly had executed.

The relationship Saddam had with the US...was truly a political one...of a master and a servant. The british, French, Russian, Chinese and others...did not want or attempt political control of Saddam...they only had business dealings with him.

So the question is not why did the USSR sell Saddam T-72s...The USSr sold Saddam T-72s to make money...nothing more. They sold T-72s to the Iranians just as well...again to make money.

The question is however...why did the US give monitary and political support to Saddam...and what role did the US play in putting Saddam in power...and how much did the US influence and control Saddam politically??

That is why the US stands out here...


If you want to hear more disturbing things about what the Americans did Freedom...I'll be happy to provide you with them:

I'll just have to warn you...they are not pretty... ... 33&lang=en ... 35&lang=en

If you want to see pictures of dead and maimed Iraqis from the Americans....I'll give you some of those too. But I am sure you are aware...what war does...Just looking at those horrific numbers of people killed in a matter of a few days...will give you an idea of what the Americans did in Iraq.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
They did shoot about 14 people in that particular city...and a lot more others since demonstrations.
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By KurtFF8
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:They did shoot about 14 people in that particular city...and a lot more others since demonstrations.

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By KurtFF8
by the way, do you guys think that the US should show no presence in Iraq right now? oh wait, that makes no sense, you need to defend yourself! i forgot
By Freedom
The Americans did open Fire on streets of protestors in Al Falluja and a few other places too.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Source?? Kurt...what planet have you been living for the past few months?? Even CNN reported "many" of these shootings....though not all.

Just in the most recent protest by ex-soldiers...US troops killed 2 of them. And the british troops in Basra...were chased down the street becasue they opened fire on the demonstrators killing 4.
By Freedom
And the british troops in Basra...were chased down the street becasue they opened fire on the demonstrators killing 4.

Dont believe all you hear about that incident. I seen on the BBC, they had an interview with a kid who broke his arm around the time of that incident. He gave one story to the reporter then the crowd talked to him and he changed his whole story completely. This kind of lieing could be widespread. The killing of the British troops was a sad story that had been building for a while.
But the British are doing a lot better then the Americans.
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By Boondock Saint
Even CNN reported "many" of these shootings....though not all.

I love when people say things like this ... implying CNN is some state run propaganda television channel that doesnt say anything bad about the gov't. I always get a laugh when I hear that I didnt hear something on CNN which is usually something I jsut heard on CNN ... always makes me laugh.

Anyway, goats.
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By KurtFF8
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:Source?? Kurt...what planet have you been living for the past few months?? Even CNN reported "many" of these shootings....though not all.

I havent heard of anny except for like 1 incident of americans fireing apon innocent demoninstrators, its not like they're just randomly shooting people.
By Countium
Well personally I'm fed up to the back teeth with Media laying into the Armed forces at every bloody corner.

The British trrops mentioned earlier were killed for no reason at all, they did not fire into the crowd.

If it were me I'd bring a little truth to the Iraqi stories, for every Coalition forces member killed in peace time I'd kill 100 Iraqis.

They are an ungreatful & hostile nation, the complain about the years of repression, torture etc, while under Saddams rule but as soon as he's gone they want things back to the way they were.

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