ROMANIA in or out of UE - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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By Berkut
caesar wrote:
Napuljun wrote:I have a friend in Romania who said that the economy is still into a disaster and too much curroption to make it by 2007.

Corroption is evrywere ! even in the most developed countrys. So, please do not be so hard with us. We realy try but it is very hard after 50 years of comunism and totalitarism. Our people have suffer very much in this time. I am very sorry of my pour english but i hope you understand.

Yeah...I guess you suffered much during socialism... :roll: Well, now you're "free"...enjoy my friend... :roll:
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By Liberal
Is there enithing you do not like in you country ? Give me some example ! If you are a member of european family all the problem are gone ?

It is a matter of working and self improvement. Some things, however, cant be done alone. Help is needed. NATO and EU are good instruments for that. One more thing. The process of integration of my country in EU is someting that unites the people, and the different, even opposit political groups and parties, on bouth political, ethnical and other levels. And, that is what we need. A greater unity, an end to antagonism(not differences). The EU integration is what helps in the process of establishemt of peace and prosperity in the country.
By caesar
Liberal wrote:
Is there enithing you do not like in you country ? Give me some example ! If you are a member of european family all the problem are gone ?

It is a matter of working and self improvement. Some things, however, cant be done alone. Help is needed. NATO and EU are good instruments for that. One more thing. The process of integration of my country in EU is someting that unites the people, and the different, even opposit political groups and parties, on bouth political, ethnical and other levels. And, that is what we need. A greater unity, an end to antagonism(not differences). The EU integration is what helps in the process of establishemt of peace and prosperity in the country.

You are very lucky, our politician comport there self like babeys. :muha1: :evil:
By caesar
Napuljun wrote:
We need that pressure, but we hardly need a hand

Do you really think that the pressure the IMF exerts in countries is to sacrifice its prerious work to save countries like Romania from bad economies? Its all done for profits to the Western side.

If you say so ! :hippy:
One hand wash another !
By caesar
betelgeuse wrote:caesar, check my the post at

I am more than skeptic about the year 2007 for Romania. It's no use to make this prettier than it really is. The government is fighting corruption, but picking exculsively of the 2nd and 3rd grade corrupts, leaving the "party people" basically scott free. One editorialist once said: "The government fighting corruption would mean fighting against itself"

Not only that, it has also proven it is incapabile of taking positive action by itself, all the major decisions were a result of pressure from either Bruxelles, the IMF, labour unions or "party people". I it were only the first two it would still be something.

My bit

this days ive heard romania will go in, it seams they wont as in.
The problem is what we gone do after that?
Go up or go down ? tic tac, tic tac, tic tac, the clock is ticking ;) ;) 8)
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By QatzelOk
I'm a little concerned about the EU's prohibitions on blood drinking and coffin safety. Has the government in Bucharest taken this possible infringement on Romanian culture into consideration? Look what happened to all those unemployed leprechauns in Ireland.
By Napuljun
It is a matter of working and self improvement. Some things, however, cant be done alone. Help is needed. NATO and EU are good instruments for that.

EU for help? An example of how the EU helps is that when Italy tried to save one of its biggest employing companies (ALiTAlia) it said no you can't becuase of competition etc.....
By caesar
QatzelOk wrote:I'm a little concerned about the EU's prohibitions on blood drinking and coffin safety. Has the government in Bucharest taken this possible infringement on Romanian culture into consideration? Look what happened to all those unemployed leprechauns in Ireland.

I didnt know you are a kid and you like stories ! :lol: :moron:
By caesar
Liberal wrote:hmmmm

What do you mean by that ?
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By Liberal
So the EU does not secure jobs.

Well, some more competitivness is needed.
By betelgeuse
Liberal wrote:
So the EU does not secure jobs.

Well, some more competitivness is needed.

I have a feeling that competitivness will come from the accession countries' cheap labour. Despite the initial limitations, it just may be more than some old members are willing to pay. Why I not only have doubts about Romania on the 2007 accession, but I also worry such an accession would be counterproductive.
By caesar
betelgeuse wrote:
Liberal wrote:
So the EU does not secure jobs.

Well, some more competitivness is needed.

I have a feeling that competitivness will come from the accession countries' cheap labour. Despite the initial limitations, it just may be more than some old members are willing to pay. Why I not only have doubts about Romania on the 2007 accession, but I also worry such an accession would be counterproductive.

I know what you mean but I hope not. :D
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