ROMANIA in or out of UE - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By caesar
betelgeuse wrote:caesar, check my the post at

I am more than skeptic about the year 2007 for Romania. It's no use to make this prettier than it really is. The government is fighting corruption, but picking exculsively of the 2nd and 3rd grade corrupts, leaving the "party people" basically scott free. One editorialist once said: "The government fighting corruption would mean fighting against itself"

Not only that, it has also proven it is incapabile of taking positive action by itself, all the major decisions were a result of pressure from either Bruxelles, the IMF, labour unions or "party people". I it were only the first two it would still be something.

My bit

I work for the actualy government, but i am not so interested of our aderation to UE in 2007. I care most to have market econmy that functions. If the economics works, people accept more easily the change. That it our problem, mentality. Our peple do not respect the low any more, after 40 years of opression, they do not like any roule.
We try very hard by the educational way to change them to be more open . Fortunatly, our younger generation is very open to the democratic changes. For them we fight, they deserve a better life, a better tratament.
By caesar
betelgeuse wrote:
Napuljun wrote:
Not only that, it has also proven it is incapabile of taking positive action by itself, all the major decisions were a result of pressure from either Bruxelles, the IMF, labour unions or "party people". I it were only the first two it would still be something.

Do you really think that the IMF has done good to the communist countries into transition to market economy?

The IMF has done SOME good. Pressuring for the closing of unproductive, wasteful industrial mammoths, or for the privatisation of state industry that was still profitable. Whatever pressure for reform from an international body I consider good.

We need that pressure, but we hardly need a hand. The comunist shoeus are very hard to get over ! :hmm: It is very useful to see other country more evolved, to have contacts with other people, in this way we learn that we have rights but before we must respect the roule of the game.
By Napuljun
We need that pressure, but we hardly need a hand

Do you really think that the pressure the IMF exerts in countries is to sacrifice its prerious work to save countries like Romania from bad economies? Its all done for profits to the Western side.
By Napuljun
Thats' what the IMF claims: 'the client country would be in the driving seat'. But it's not that way.
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By Liberal
Well, the IMF needs to make sure that the money theyu invest are used properly.
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By Liberal
So what? What`s wrong with profit? If i need 100 $, to buy a machine...
you will give me 100$, but,i`ll have to return 120$ to you, after i buy the machine, and make some profit with it. the IMF takes care that the country buys the machine, and not something else, for example, a drink, or a luxury car.
By Napuljun
What they do is to persuade you to accept 1000$ instead of a hundred, you buy a machine (120$) which in the long run won't meet the debt demand. And the rest of the money go to oligarchs and capitalists.
By betelgeuse
Napuljun, the IMF money are peanuts (10, 20 million $ from time to time). Striking a deal is mostly a good sign to investors. But you should know better because you live in Malta :)
By caesar
Liberal wrote:it`s a common interest.

Indeed ;) ;) ;)
By Napuljun
But you should know better because you live in Malta

What does that mean ?
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By Liberal
Well, other would be happy to be in your place - as member of EU :)
By betelgeuse
Napuljim... there are many who honestly feel bad for Romania and see it as being exploited by the evil west. As one who lives there I would beg to disagree.
By caesar
Liberal wrote:Well, other would be happy to be in your place - as member of EU :)

Is there enithing you do not like in you country ? Give me some example ! If you are a member of european family all the problem are gone ? :p :p :?: :p
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