ROMANIA in or out of UE - Politics | PoFo

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By Liberal
Well, it`s clear that Bulgaria is showing much more efficientsy in it`s preparations for EU membership. Romania has huge problems with economy, unemployment, low standard of living, minority problems. They`ll have to do much work.
By Napuljun
I have a friend in Romania who said that the economy is still into a disaster and too much curroption to make it by 2007.
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By DondonerKebab
Romania wont be in the Eu any time soon.

Though apparently the principle of its membership has already been established, circumstances permitting.
By caesar
Napuljun wrote:I have a friend in Romania who said that the economy is still into a disaster and too much curroption to make it by 2007.

Corroption is evrywere ! even in the most developed countrys. So, please do not be so hard with us. We realy try but it is very hard after 50 years of comunism and totalitarism. Our people have suffer very much in this time. I am very sorry of my pour english but i hope you understand.
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By Liberal
Corroption is evrywere ! even in the most developed countrys. So, please do not be so hard with us. We realy try but it is very hard after 50 years of comunism and totalitarism. Our people have suffer very much in this time.

This is not an escuse for not fighting corruption :)
By Napuljun
Yes just becuase you were ruled by a Communist party doesn't mean you have an excuse for curroption.
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By Liberal
Yes just becuase you were ruled by a Communist party doesn't mean you have an excuse for curroption.

Communist party is a synonime for coruption. :)
By Napuljun
Communist party is a synonime for coruption.

Anyone can be curropt. Not just communists.
By Devlar
Trivia: What system was Russia between 1991 and 1997 where the largest widespread corruption on the planet occured leading to the theft of billions of dollars in assets and a wonderful loans-for-shares program?
By caesar
Liberal wrote:
Corroption is evrywere ! even in the most developed countrys. So, please do not be so hard with us. We realy try but it is very hard after 50 years of comunism and totalitarism. Our people have suffer very much in this time.

This is not an escuse for not fighting corruption :)

I am not looking for any escuse, but i want to say that is very hard to go further,
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By Liberal
Yes, i am familliar with the situation. Well, if the government really wants to fight corruption, it should start by clean up in it`s own "patry army". But, this is not enought. An independent juricidy must be established. This is the best guarantee for rule of law, and thus an effective fight against corruption. Hehe, the question is how to do this. Well, it depends from case to case.
By betelgeuse
caesar, check my the post at

I am more than skeptic about the year 2007 for Romania. It's no use to make this prettier than it really is. The government is fighting corruption, but picking exculsively of the 2nd and 3rd grade corrupts, leaving the "party people" basically scott free. One editorialist once said: "The government fighting corruption would mean fighting against itself"

Not only that, it has also proven it is incapabile of taking positive action by itself, all the major decisions were a result of pressure from either Bruxelles, the IMF, labour unions or "party people". I it were only the first two it would still be something.

My bit
By Napuljun
Trivia: What system was Russia between 1991 and 1997 where the largest widespread corruption on the planet occured leading to the theft of billions of dollars in assets and a wonderful loans-for-shares program?

You should really do soem research to were curroption was highest.

Not only that, it has also proven it is incapabile of taking positive action by itself, all the major decisions were a result of pressure from either Bruxelles, the IMF, labour unions or "party people". I it were only the first two it would still be something.

Do you really think that the IMF has done good to the communist countries into transition to market economy?
By betelgeuse
Napuljun wrote:
Not only that, it has also proven it is incapabile of taking positive action by itself, all the major decisions were a result of pressure from either Bruxelles, the IMF, labour unions or "party people". I it were only the first two it would still be something.

Do you really think that the IMF has done good to the communist countries into transition to market economy?

The IMF has done SOME good. Pressuring for the closing of unproductive, wasteful industrial mammoths, or for the privatisation of state industry that was still profitable. Whatever pressure for reform from an international body I consider good.
By Napuljun
The IMF has done SOME good. Pressuring for the closing of unproductive, wasteful industrial mammoths, or for the privatisation of state industry that was still profitable. Whatever pressure for reform from an international body I consider good.

No the 'good' the EMF has done was by pressing the countries to stabilize, privatise and liberalize. People didn't had money to buy any assets, so high government officials and foriegners bought everything thus the countries fell into simple democratic oligarchies. And the profits went all into minimal pockets of people instead of the whole community. Go to Russia and check the situation, the gap between riuch and poor is massive.
By betelgeuse
Napuljun wrote:
The IMF has done SOME good. Pressuring for the closing of unproductive, wasteful industrial mammoths, or for the privatisation of state industry that was still profitable. Whatever pressure for reform from an international body I consider good.

No the 'good' the EMF has done was by pressing the countries to stabilize, privatise and liberalize. People didn't had money to buy any assets, so high government officials and foriegners bought everything thus the countries fell into simple democratic oligarchies. And the profits went all into minimal pockets of people instead of the whole community. Go to Russia and check the situation, the gap between riuch and poor is massive.

Well, Romania is not Russia. In Russia the West was more willing to look the other way to how the IMF money are distributed... for the sake of relative stability. As a consequence there was no major saber ratling from Russia, but also the middle class is somewhere between 1-2%, with a huge wealth gap. With no threatening army, nor maverick nuclear weapons, Romania was ripe for a bit more strong-arm tactics (sadly, not enough of them). To note the middle class in Romania is at 10%.

To complete, it's not the IMF money (which is not that much), rather the capacity to strike a deal that's more important.
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