ingliz wrote:@Tainari88
Dead in the water, yes.
However, there is progress of sorts. The bill passed in the House didn't have the island's current territorial status as one of the options for the first time.
It has sovereignty with free association. It is an attempt to break up the independence vote. If they have an option for statehood that is independent of the US Congress do you think they would allow it? Lol.
It is political theater Ingliz. It does nothing at all.
What is going to work like it worked in the 19th century. Progress will happen when the US government stops with the lying and gets scared and has an incentive to change the status.
If they go with statehood? They are going to open the door for every unincorporated territory and shitty deal they have done to the Guamanians, the Filipinos, the Boricuas, the Cubans, the Native American Reservation system, the Solomon Islanders, the American Samoans, the Eskimos, and so on and so forth. That apology that Clinton did with the Native Hawaiians and their Queen? It is all a legal serious problem.
It also includes Tierra Amarilla in Texas, New Mexico, California.
They are going to have to make a deal Ingliz. The smart thing is compromise. But knowing the rejuvinate the nation with violence is the Fascist motto?
They are asking for trouble. Of the IRA kind.
Albizu Campos and I paraphrase, 'You open the Yankees ears with bullets.' Because that was the only thing that made them allow us to wave the flag that is Puerto Rican in Puerto Rico. The only thing that made them push through a self government of local crap like the governorship and other concessions. Talk never worked.
And I hate violence Ingliz. It leads to someone innocent getting caught in the middle and getting hurt.
You would think that reason would be listened to. But knowing MAGA? No. They are going to be in denial. And it is going to be long long road to reason. If it ever arrives within a reasonable time.
The key is to stop the crap.
I am so sick of ignorance Ingliz. Ignorant people. They never read history or have curiosity of why there are things happening and they are surprised. There is seldom surprise if you study human history, human behavior and data, anslysis, science, numbers, biology and have some analytical skills. Also when you know why MYTH is so powerful. And how to understand the power harnassed by myth.
Sometimes people just fucking disappoint me...Ingliz.
I think I am starting to get why you like firearms. They are an expression of human imaginations and are meant to be used in very hard disputes. Or defense. It is either offense or defense. But in the end, it is not about who has more muscle when they use a gun. But who uses it for what purpose.
Peace is far more preferable. But the violent political power hungry intolerants make it impossible to live in peace.
It is a reality.