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Hakeer wrote:We can debate the T2P theory of “justice” all day,

I am pretty sure I have asked you to provide a better definition of justice than mine, and to date you have not been able to do so. Still waiting. Now's your chance.
or we can talk about what real world option Congress will eventually be forced to adopt over the next 10 years to either fund or drastically cut spending for Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, etc. as Republicans would like to do, or raise taxes on billionaires and their corporations as Democrats would like to do.

Yes, well, we know all about what you are pleased to call "real world options": "In the real world, you have a perfect right to liberty: you are at liberty to labor for the unearned profit of whichever rich, greedy, privileged parasite you wish."

But somehow, in your "real world," justice is never an option....
Cynics and nihilists want us to believe that makes no difference, so why bother voting in this election?

I have spent thousands of hours in partisan political trenches of the left, right (yes) and center, and know the drill as well as I care to. When there are greater and lesser evils to vote for, it is certainly our civic duty to vote for the lesser that has a chance to win.
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By Hakeer
Truth To Power wrote:I am pretty sure I have asked you to provide a better definition of justice than mine, and to date you have not been able to do so. Still waiting. Now's your chance.

Yes, well, we know all about what you are pleased to call "real world options": "In the real world, you have a perfect right to liberty: you are at liberty to labor for the unearned profit of whichever rich, greedy, privileged parasite you wish."

But somehow, in your "real world," justice is never an option....

I have spent thousands of hours in partisan political trenches of the left, right (yes) and center, and know the drill as well as I care to. When there are greater and lesser evils to vote for, it is certainly our civic duty to vote for the lesser that has a chance to win.

My real world distributive justice approch is to tax billionaires and their corporations and distribute the money to benefit old people, poor people, and sick people.

I’ll do that while you guys debate perfect world alternative monetary systems.
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