Democrat donor sentenced to 30 years for death and drug-fueled perversion - Politics | PoFo

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Democrat donor sentenced to 30 years for death and drug-fueled perversion
Democrat donor played out his disgusting perversions and fetishes on young black gay men, injecting them with the drug methamphetamine.

Two young dead gay men were found in his apartment. But he didn't stop and continued his sexual orgies that were fueled by drugs.

Prosecutors say he had such disregard for life that even after the two deaths in his apartment, he did not stop paying men to come to his home and injecting them with walloping doses of methamphetamine before he engaged in his sexual fetishes with them.

The 67 year old had a penchant for young, Black men!

The black men came there for the money and the drugs. This creep then engaged them into his fantasies after they were so high they didn't know what was happening.

Straddling the line of consent. They knew they were going there to have sex, but they did not have full awareness of exactly what was happening to them during those encounters, due to the influence of the drugs. That seems to have been intentional. The sexual fetish encounters were apparently pretty extreme and intense.

Of course the men couldn't complain about being drugged into a state of semi-consciousness. What were they going to do? Go to police and admit they were involved in drug use and prostitution, but someone gave them too high of a drug dose and took advantage of them? This is almost like a borderline case of rape. This creep drugged them into a state of semi-consciousness so they couldn't even remember what was happening so he could do sick perverted things to them that even they probably wouldn't have agreed to if they were sober. ... tal-fetish

The judge would have sentenced him to even more prison time, but noted all the good he had done (donating large amounts of money to the Democratic Party and other Progressive causes)

I wonder if the BLM movement will cite this as one example of a rich white man taking advantage of and victimizing vulnerable black men?
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By Puffer Fish
from another article:

LA political donor gets 30 years in prison for fetish deaths

Buck, 67, a wealthy gay white donor to Democratic, LGBTQ and animal rights causes, was sentenced Thursday in U.S. District Court to 30 years in federal prison for injecting two men with lethal doses of methamphetamine as part of a fetish that turned fatal.

Prosecutors, who sought a life term, said Buck had such disregard for life that even after the two deaths in his apartment, he did not stop paying men to come to his home and injecting them with walloping doses of methamphetamine. One man overdosed twice in the course of a week.

“This defendant preyed upon vulnerable victims — men who were drug-dependent and often without homes — to feed an obsession that led to death and misery,” United States Attorney Tracy L. Wilkison said. “Mr. Buck continues to pose a clear danger to society.”

Buck managed to avoid arrest for more than two years after Moore’s death and family and community members led by political strategist Jasmyne Cannick complained that he escaped prosecution because of wealth, political ties and race. He donated more than $500,000 since 2000 to mainly Democratic causes. ... ose-deaths

It should be noted that part of the reason the prison sentence was so long was not only that he was seen as "responsible" for the deaths (even though the victims knew the risk they were taking, and probably wanted to take those drugs), but also that he sexually took advantage of them.
These men were not really in a position to say "no" because they were addicted to the drugs, and were in a position close to homelessness and needed the money.
It was a rich white older man with power taking advantage of vulnerable black young men.

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