Israel's military exemption bill - Politics | PoFo

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The current exemption many Orthodox Jews have is beginning to cause a real stir within Israel. There are increasing calls to increase conscription and lower the age at which exemption stops. Nazinyahu though gets a lot of support from the Orthodox community who are pushing to maintain the exemption while others are becoming angry that those exempt are not doing "their part" to defend the homeland at a time of war.

The bill, pushed by Israel’s government, would lower the age at which ultra-Orthodox students can be exempt from military service from 26 to 21, while only slowly increasing their conscription rate.

The legislation has prompted outrage among many Israelis who feel the ultra-Orthodox, traditionally exempt from military service, are not pulling their weight during the war.

Source: Al Jazeera

The reality is though these Orthodox Jews do not feel they owe anything to the state. Their theological position is that they follow God not secular Jews or Zionism. At the beginning of Zionism in the 19th century it was a very minor movement within the Jewish diaspora, a fringe subject. The vast majority of Jews back then had no interest in the creation of a "state of Israel".

The state was setup on the basis that Jews would be safe, safe from violence and persecution that had plagued Jews for centuries around the world. But today's Israel is becoming increasingly hostile and intolerant to the very people it was created to protect.


What's more, these Jews want nothing to do with a fake "war" which they know all too well is nothing more than a racist genocidal campaign against Palestinians, a campaign that pursues territorial expansion. Attacking and killing Palestinians is something they refuse to do. Orthodox Jews and Palestinians once lived peacefully together in Palestine, before the neo-Nazi monster of Zionism emerged that is.
wat0n wrote:Yet they certainly don't mind getting government benefits, I wonder if @Sherlock Holmes believes this means they benefit from Israel's existence and therefore they should be exterminated too.

The Orthodox back at the founding of Israel were under no obligation to any Jewish state and when that state was created by UN decree they found themselves living in a Zionist state not through personal choice but as a result of the colonial powers using the UN to establish the state. Like the Palestinians they woke up one day to find they suddenly lived in a new country that did not reflect their interests but the interest of militant zionism, a state that was to varying degrees hostile to some.

The Torato Umanuto agreement was entered into by the Haredi Jews and Ben Gurion, it was a formal agreement they be largely exempt if certain conditions were met, this was agreed back in 1948. Israel now want to renege and those Jews impacted naturally refuse.

Read about anti-zionism just prior to Israel's "creation":

On the eve of the foundation of Israel in 1948, Judah Magnes, president of Jerusalem's Hebrew University, adopted an anti-Zionist position in opposing the imminent establishment of a Jewish state. His opposition was grounded on a view, anticipated in the 1930s by Arthur Ruppin, that such a state would automatically entail a situation of continuous warfare with the Arab world, an inference Moshe Dayan later endorsed.

Was Judah Magnes correct? yes, did anyone listen? no, are they listening now? no, of course not, the Israelis are deaf and blind and they now stumble in the darkness.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:The Orthodox back at the founding of Israel were under no obligation to any Jewish state and when that state was created by UN decree they found themselves living in a Zionist state not through personal choice but as a result of the colonial powers using the UN to establish the state. Like the Palestinians they woke up one day to find they suddenly lived in a new country that did not reflect their interests but the interest of militant zionism, a state that was to varying degrees hostile to some.

The Torato Umanuto agreement was entered into by the Haredi Jews and Ben Gurion, it was a formal agreement they be largely exempt if certain conditions were met, this was agreed back in 1948. Israel now want to renege and those Jews impacted naturally refuse.

Read about anti-zionism just prior to Israel's "creation":

Was Judah Magnes correct? yes, did anyone listen? no, are they listening now? no.

The agreement was only supposed to be limited to senior Haredi scholars, it was not originally meant to include all the Haredi male population.

And no, Judah Magnes was not correct as the peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan show it is certainly possible for Israel to enjoy peace with its neighbors. It is actually racist to believe Arabs can't make peace.
wat0n wrote:The agreement was only supposed to be limited to senior Haredi scholars, it was not originally meant to include all the Haredi male population.

And no, Judah Magnes was not correct as the peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan show it is certainly possible for Israel to enjoy peace with its neighbors. It is actually racist to believe Arabs can't make peace.

Israel is at war with everyone now, Arabs, Palestinians, University Students across the globe, the ICC, the ICJ, and even its own Orthodox Jews, the very people who were assured a safe haven for Jews. It is unsafe, it is surrounded by enemies who have seen the fruits of Zionism and the state's days are numbered.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Israel is at war with everyone now, Arabs, Palestinians, University Students across the globe, the ICC, the ICJ, and even its own Orthodox Jews, the very people who were assured a safe haven for Jews. It is unsafe, it is surrounded by enemies who have seen the fruits of Zionism and the state's days are numbered.


Where's Israel war with Egypt, Jordan and the UAE?
What I find ridiculous, actually the height of entitlement arrogance, is the way the recent deaths of eleven soldiers is being described as some kind of significant event. The IDF recently killed 270+ men, women and children and it barely gets lip service in Israel, then eleven soldiers get killed and its like oh so terrible. This demonstrates the Jew supremacy nature of the society. If they don't want soldiers to be killed then call a ceasefire and stop killing Palestinians at the rate of 150 per day.
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