If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 55 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Germany started World War II by invading Poland.


You mean that the uk decided to say that was their reason for starting it. Which is obviously a stupid reason. The ussr also invaded poland and the uk did not declare war on them.

But whether or not you actually believe (lol) that the uk cared so deeply about the borders of Poland as defined by the Versailles treaty..it still follows that they started the war.
QatzelOk wrote:NOVA SCOTIA (New Scotland, 18th Century)

No full-scale invasion The 13 colonies sent in some "planters" (scalpers) to help out.

I am surprised to see you using freelance psychology to try to destroy another poster. I also strongly disagree with FiveofSword's basic premise, but I would not go so far as to pretend to make a psychological diagnosis.

This makes you look as bad as him with his "race science" and your "unqualified psychological analysis."

No, Q, who is this poster? You think he is going to be here respecting my personhood and listening to my opinions with respect? Will he treat my older son who is African American with respect? My culture and my entire identity with respect? No he will not. If he gets a chance he would kill all of us and shit on our graves and think he was doing it for the good of his group.

You have a very wrong idea of what these fucking Nazis are about. I do not. I have first hand experience with them. They tried to destroy my mother with bullets twice. They do not think twice about it. McVeigh blew up that building in Oklahoma City. If she had stayed five more minutes longer than she had? She would have been blown up.

Blown away like the children she had to help pick up pieces of concrete off of as their parents were scrambling to save them. Who did that fucking barbaric act? A right wing neo Nazi fascist from FiveofSwords political thought group. That is who. Killed a bunch of kids in cold blood. All because his idea of the US government was not what he thought it should be.

Three incidents in my life just dealing with my mother's life almost being snuffed out by Neo-Nazis with violence all the way. It is not some abstract threat in my mind Q. My mother got an American Red Cross plaque for giving blood after the bomb went off. She saw the parents who had to pick up their dead toddlers from the ambulances. It kept her awake at night. Those people were totally destroyed by their acts. Imagine MILLIONS of Jews in death camps and the horror they perpetrated on those people and those families?

The Neo Nazi next door to us and his buddies, who grew pot for a profit and owned a bar? He sent his buddy to threaten my husband with a gun in our own back parking lot. He threatened to kill my teenage 16 year old son on his way to school. Blow him away for being the wrong race and he did not give a fuck about if he was innocent or not of the crime? He was not about rationality. They are coming for fucking BLOOD. Your vulnerable son who you struggled to raise and get straightened out for eight years. A lot of love, and work and caring, lying on some sidewalk bleeding out because of the fucking political thought process of racist shit that this FiveofSword espouses.

He is not an intellectual and respectful of me or anyone who is not white. He never has been. He is about killing and violence and oppressing people like me and my family. I am not in denial about who they are Q.

If they ever get a hold of you? I do not think they will respect your background, or your history, or your individual sense of dignity. They are destroyers in every sense of the word.

Psychological damage? What do you think these people who are Neo Nazis engage in all day and every day when they say that Black people are primitive and dumb and you can take over Africa because they are monkeys and so on? You are dealing with that kind of damaging bullshit. I for one, am never going to be easy on those people. Not in real life or in my home or in my world.

I will not be one of those people who are going to look for excuses for the behavior of those people Q.

When I was in Medical Case Management they tortured and raped a Gay man who was a client of mine. He was Latino and gay. What he described to me in my office was beyond horrific. I took the rest of the day off and went home. Vicarious trauma they call it. That anyone could go into the depths of depravity to that level? Because they hate gays intensely? No.

He needs to be destroyed psychologically because he is trying to destroy psychologically everyone who is not some pure race that he approves of. Does he give a fuck about me or any other Latin American in the world? No, he does not. We are the enemy and deserve death and destruction.

You do not give them your approval, your respect or your support ever Q.

It is a mistake. You are dealing with the ones who do not give a shit about the sacredness of human life. They are literally the ones who find no sense of empathy at all with people who they made objects only in their own mind and stripped of any human dignity long ago.

You need to cope with these Neo Nazis when they are deciding you are not human and deserve a death sentence.

I will never kill anyone. But tolerating their mentality on a forum and being nice to them when they have fantasies about blowing my son's head off and killing me and my family because we speak Spanish or are some Brown animals unworthy of life?

No Q. I will never tolerate that. I never went for Stockholm Syndrome. That is not I.

What is the Stockholm syndrome of a narcissist?
An abusive narcissist uses intermittent reinforcement to make their victim addicted to their approval. Victims of narcissists can experience Stockholm Syndrome, where they develop positive feelings towards the person who is mistreating them.Jan 31, 2018

No, I am not into being mistreated or disrespected. That is for crazy folks. Q, I have no illusions about the Five Man he has absolutely no respect for people who he thinks do not meet some shit criteria and are not that purity bullshit thing in his brain.

Give me a reason why I should not make sure he gets a reply that counters his bullshit? You think being a racist is not damaging anyone or offending anyone in PoFo?

It is ok being a racist. But you are surprised? I am surprised you tolerate these violent Nazis so much.

Hating people is not good. It never is. But, you should not be giving them the benefit of the doubt. Believe people when they tell you who they are by their writings the first time and the second time and the third time and etc times they tell you who they are. Believe them when they say the shit they say. That is who they are.

Respecting them when they mean to damage people who are not white psychologically and call many on this forum as reading comprehension problems, and the same crap he says over and over again. Why does he do that? Projection of his own problems. I am not here to be a sounding board for a man with problems who wants to blame others for their own flaws. He is not in therapy on a political board.

Do you think he is?

He told @late that he knew me. He does not know me. He hates without knowledge. That is being a racist. Hating someone you do not know at all because in your mind they are the wrong race. That is what he does.

But I need to respect his psychology. No, I do not. Fuck these racists. The USA is full of people allowing these racists to start dictating public policy. Why?

You tell me your opinion on why that is happening Q?
FiveofSwords wrote:He did not occupy czechoslovakia. The people there voted to become part of Germany.



German Annexation of The Sudetenland, 1938

In the Sudetenland, ethnic Germans voted to join Nazi Germany but the vote was not free and fair. Most wanted to remain Czech in an autonomous province. Organised gangs of Nazi thugs beat (and sometimes killed) anyone who expressed this view publicly. The ethnic Germans were not heroes, they saw what was happening, and voted for the inevitable.

The ethnic Germans in the provinces where Czechs were a majority and the Nazi Freikorps were given short shrift did not vote to become part of Germany.

FiveofSwords wrote:Black people were never enslaved.

Actually, black people were enslaved by Yakub (a black man) who invented white people. Therefore, American chattel slavery was good.

Not just because it was good on its own, but because it built America, the best country.

For background...

According to the Nation of Islam, Yaqub was a black scientist from Mecca who lived 6,600 years ago and began creating the white race through selective breeding while he was living on the island of Patmos. He was a descendant of righteous blacks who floated to Earth on a piece of the Moon after these righteous people got all righteous and blew it up.

He had a big head - Think Mekon size or bigger if you've read Dan Dare.

Something like this...


Depiction of Yaqub from Malachi Z. York's Holy Tablets, 1993

Tainari88 wrote:...You tell me your opinion on why that is happening Q?...You have a very wrong idea of what these fucking Nazis are about. I do not. I have first hand experience with them....

Tainari, I understand that you had a terrible experience with some horrible people in your life. That is what you just revealed above and I feel bad for you having experienced this.

But earlier, you accused another poster (who you don't really know) of having a terrible childhood with emotional problems and no intellectual stimulation. You did this in a thread where that person's "arguments" are there for you to criticize. Which you are perfectly capable of doing.

But instead, you took a moment to attack that posters childhood, rather than his ideas. This is not correct. I would not attack your childhood even if I didn't agree with your ideas which I generally do agree with.

ingliz wrote:In the Sudetenland, ethnic Germans...

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say "germanophones" or "German-speaking communities?"

Otherwise, you are reinforcing FiveofSwords idea of "race" determinants, rather than cultural ones.

It would. But @FiveofSwords expressed ideas in this thread are so dumb,* it would go over his head.

Better to show that he's talking bollocks using a construct he understands. At least then, when he rejects it, we know it's not the words that confused him, he's just an ignorant oaf.


* For Q. who has a soft spot for dumb animals.
Last edited by ingliz on 16 Jun 2024 15:12, edited 3 times in total.
ingliz wrote:...@FiveofSwords is so dumb it would go over his head.

Once again, it's more accurate to say "his expressed ideas in this thread are dumb."

As for him, he might be a 160-IQ genius who is just using this thread for ulterior motives that mere mortals like us could never comprehend.

Better to show that he's talking bollocks using a construct he understands. ...

Yes, but your "ethnic German" construct also reinforces his central argument, which is where all the dumbness calls "home."

I edited my last post just for you (or rather I fucked up the edit twice before getting it right).

you are reinforcing FiveofSwords idea of "race" determinants,

It's not my fault if FiveofSword's idea of what constitutes a "race" determinant is bollocks too.


Race is a division of people based on physical characteristics.

Ethnicity is a categorization based on language or common ancestry.

Nationality refers to citizenship in a particular nation.

ingliz wrote:Wrong!


German Annexation of The Sudetenland, 1938

In the Sudetenland, ethnic Germans voted to join Nazi Germany but the vote was not free and fair. Most wanted to remain Czech in an autonomous province. Organised gangs of Nazi thugs beat (and sometimes killed) anyone who expressed this view publicly. The ethnic Germans were not heroes, they saw what was happening, and voted for the inevitable.

The ethnic Germans in the provinces where Czechs were a majority and the Nazi Freikorps were given short shrift did not vote to become part of Germany.


Your history is just wrong and comes from dumb propaganda. The referendum was fair. Hitler respected the sovereignty of the rest of czevhoslavakia. But the president of begged Hitler to become a puppet state because he was afraid of the incursions of Hungary. That is the actual mainstream and established history...but thebobly reason it is obscure is because jews simply lie about it all the time
QatzelOk wrote:Tainari, I understand that you had a terrible experience with some horrible people in your life. That is what you just revealed above and I feel bad for you having experienced this.

But earlier, you accused another poster (who you don't really know) of having a terrible childhood with emotional problems and no intellectual stimulation. You did this in a thread where that person's "arguments" are there for you to criticize. Which you are perfectly capable of doing.

But instead, you took a moment to attack that posters childhood, rather than his ideas. This is not correct. I would not attack your childhood even if I didn't agree with your ideas which I generally do agree with.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say "germanophones" or "German-speaking communities?"

Otherwise, you are reinforcing FiveofSwords idea of "race" determinants, rather than cultural ones.

She has no way of comprehending ideas, dude. She thinks Timothy McVeigh just wanted to kill non whites (lol).. she is wrong about that. She is wrong about ME wanting to kill non whites. And she is also wrong about McVeigh and myself having similar politics. But she will never be able to understand such things because she is simply insane and stupid. But she is clearly lying about her past...people who live in terror don't act like her. But I would be happy if she did live in terror...she deserves that.
ingliz wrote:@QatzelOk

I edited my last post just for you (or rather I fucked up the edit twice before getting it right).

It's not my fault if FiveofSword's idea of what constitutes a "race" determinant is bollocks too.


Race is a division of people based on physical characteristics.

Ethnicity is a categorization based on language or common ancestry.

Nationality refers to citizenship in a particular nation.


What caused the difference in physical characteristics? Is it genetics? Because you have already insisted that there is no genetic basis for race. And why do people have different genetics? Is it because they are mostly genetically isolated populations that have adapted to a particular habitat?

If nation simply means citizenship, then what is the difference between a nation state and an empire? How can someone be a 'Quebec nationalist' while simultaneously being a citizen of Canada?

Your world view is rife with internal logical contradictions...but you lack the basic logic to even see those contradictions, even when I point them out to you.

There is no way to discuss any of this with you because of your small brain. Just like I could not discuss such things with an oyster.
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 16 Jun 2024 16:49, edited 1 time in total.
QatzelOk wrote:Once again, it's more accurate to say "his expressed ideas in this thread are dumb."

As for him, he might be a 160-IQ genius who is just using this thread for ulterior motives that mere mortals like us could never comprehend.

Yes, but your "ethnic German" construct also reinforces his central argument, which is where all the dumbness calls "home."

Actually my expressed ideas are very simple and obvious. I haven't even gotten to anything debatable...I have only claimed things that any sane intelligent person would agree with. You guys cannot grant any truth behind any basic stuff I have said because you are not sane or intelligent.
QatzelOk wrote:Tainari, I understand that you had a terrible experience with some horrible people in your life. That is what you just revealed above and I feel bad for you having experienced this.

But earlier, you accused another poster (who you don't really know) of having a terrible childhood with emotional problems and no intellectual stimulation. You did this in a thread where that person's "arguments" are there for you to criticize. Which you are perfectly capable of doing.

But instead, you took a moment to attack that posters childhood, rather than his ideas. This is not correct. I would not attack your childhood even if I didn't agree with your ideas which I generally do agree with.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say "germanophones" or "German-speaking communities?"

Otherwise, you are reinforcing FiveofSwords idea of "race" determinants, rather than cultural ones.

Q, you are still under the impression that they are people who see others who are not the right color or race as human. They don't.

Most of these people who are attracted to these political ideologies are from bad childhoods. Many people are from that. You have a choice in this world. I know a lot of people with bad childhoods and they choose to be tolerant, respectful and do positive things with their life circumstances. The ones who join Nazi groups and scream about White Genocide all day are not part of those people. They are violent, discriminators and as a group they love killing people over power fights. Do you think they will stop and ask about who I am or my family is before thinking they are the brown mud people and need to be offed because my white race is under threat?

You are dealing with total brainwashed fearmongering people who were unable to do much with their lives. The only thing they cling to is their 'white race'. Because they could not become successful white people with millionaire status due to being part of the marginalized of the Earth. Who do they blame? Everything is about Elites who are also white selling out the whiteness. Is it accurate? No. But they insist on it because being white is the only thing they think about day and night. They live in fear. Mobs living in fear are dangerous. They kill a bunch of people who they think are a threat even when they are not.

Those are they in the current situation in the USA.

Someone comes around saying to me or my family that they will kill my son and shows a weapon like a gun and says they are going to be watching him walk to school and eliminate him? Oh, that is not a threat? They are a threat. Black teen boys die in the USA in disporpionate numbers. By the cops or by racists like Five man is. They die a lot in prison too. The stats are appalling. 1 out of 4 young Black men are in prison. Not all of them committed crimes Q. It is systemic racism. And racist violent groups. Either by bad neighborhoods they live in, or white men who hate black young men or systemic law enforcement.

I did not realize it was so bad until I adopted my son. It shocked me how bad it is.

FiveofSwords is part of that group killing them and getting away with it mostly. No one found out who that guy on the bike was with the gun who threatened my husband with killing our son.

They hardly ever identify themselves. He did have a Nazi tatoos though and he was a Neo Nazi. No doubt about it.

No, Q, again I find their racist shit statements as offensive and they have no right to not address the points brought up and running and then lying and distorting and then repeating the same statements. All of it are lies Q.

I have little tolerance for the violent racists. If I did? I would have been a really naive political thinker. No one is going to come in here and tell me I am dumb, stupid, this or that or try to denigrate my background, my culture. That Five man has tried to say my English is bad because he thinks I speak English with a Spanish accent. That means he can make fun of those people. Do you know how much SHIT he has written that is offensive?

I do not take his crap seriously because he is not really worthy of much consideration. He can't handle many people in here.

But, that I live in denial of who he is on a political level? No, I do not. They will hate on others, kill people and not have any problem sleeping at night. We are not human to them. We never will be Q.
FiveofSwords wrote:She has no way of comprehending ideas, dude. She thinks Timothy McVeigh just wanted to kill non whites (lol).. she is wrong about that. She is wrong about ME wanting to kill non whites. And she is also wrong about McVeigh and myself having similar politics. But she will never be able to understand such things because she is simply insane and stupid. But she is clearly lying about her past...people who live in terror don't act like her. But I would be happy if she did live in terror...she deserves that.

No, you are lying again. No, Timothy McVeigh was tried in Denver at the Byron White Federal Court House. I was called to be a juror on that trial. I was eliminated because of two reasons. I told the truth. My mother nearly got blown up by his domestic terrorism and that made me prejudiced against him. I told the lawyers the truth. Anyone who is responsible for killing children I will not be very objective about. Plus, my mother nearly got killed. I got curious about who McVeigh was after that and read a book. His biography. You are wrong about me not knowing a thing about him. He was sentenced to death in Florence Colorado Supermax death row. He was an Iraqi Gulf War veteran. He was born in upstate New York. His mother died when he was young and the biggest influence on him when he was young was his grandfather and father. Both of which were extreme right-wing racists. LIKE YOU ARE TOO. Do you want the book I read? It is the only author he endorsed as accurate. So I know more about that racist murderer than you do. You do not read and have reading comprehension issues that you project all day. Every day.

He said he wanted to kill socialists and hated the US Government because they lied to him about what being an American patriot in the military was about. You do not know shit from shinola. He came back from Iraq insane. Most of you violent fucks are insane. For sure.

He was sent to go blow people's heads off in Iraq. He did that and was commended as an exemplary soldier.

You are too fucking lazy to read the people you claim to know or not know. The examples of your lack of information on your own political philosophy is the evidence.

You are not going to kill nonwhite people. So you say? You endorse WWIII. You believe in ridiculous theories about being discriminated against for being what? White and poor? How many white and poor people are there in the world? They do not complain and blame some unknown Black people or others.

Go and complain about your bullshit to someone that believes all that victim Si Me Comprendieras to someone naive enough to think your Nazi Hitler defending is about peace, love and harmony with the human race.

Anyone who believes your White Genocide shit is for real? Is not very bright for sure. :D

No I do not live in terror. You do. Terrorfied of White Genocide coming to your front door. Lol.

No, I am going to a beautiful beach in the Yucatan to celebrate Father's Day with my family. Take in some sun and eat seafood.

Enjoy my life. Because I do not waste it worrying about some fake White Genocide in order to recruit some normies who can be manipulated by some racist murdering people who have zero conscience.

Meanwhile enjoy this tune:

Last edited by Tainari88 on 16 Jun 2024 18:32, edited 1 time in total.

You missed out the bit where Hitler gave the Czech President two options: cooperate with Germany, in which case the "entry of German troops would take place in a tolerable manner" and "permit Czechoslovakia a generous life of her own, autonomy and a degree of national freedom..." or face a scenario in which "resistance would be broken by force of arms, using all means."

And one mustn't forget Goering threatened to turn Prague to rubble.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

You missed out the bit where Hitler gave the Czech President two options: cooperate with Germany, in which case the "entry of German troops would take place in a tolerable manner" and "permit Czechoslovakia a generous life of her own, autonomy and a degree of national freedom..." or face a scenario in which "resistance would be broken by force of arms, using all means."

And one mustn't forget Goering threatened to turn Prague to rubble.


The Nazis Sword man endorses are peaceful people. Murder is not part of their vocabulary. What a crock of shit. :lol:
FiveofSwords wrote:Well you are showing a lot of ignorance here, since going full national socialist would in fact preclude remaining part of the internationalist capitalist system. And also, you are just wrong. If Scotland decided only scottish people could be citizens of Scotland but remained on the capitalist system, the usa would immediately nuke scotland.

No, this is so stupid and implausible that you will need to provide evidence for anyone to take you seriously.

Provide a link and a quote, as well as a short explanation as to why the quote supports your claim.
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