If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 54 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Your words, not mine.

Dude...did you just type dialectic into chatGPT? Because naturally it defaulted to hegel, not marx.

And lookee there. What do we see?


As for 'affirmation, negation, negation of the negation.'

Outside of the Marxist-Leninist tradition, the Frankfurt School had a go at synthesising Hegel's cerebral metaphysics and Marx's secular philosophy in its Critical Theory developed in the late 30s.


That went over his head Ingliz. I am afraid he won't be able to follow unless you spoon-feed information for him. He never was taught critical thinking skills about Hegel or anyone else.
FiveofSwords wrote:Dude there is nothing shadowy about it lol. It is in everyone's face. We all know that if Scotland tried to make a country for the scottish people, the usa would immediately launch a full scale invasion on Scotland. The only people allowed to have their own country is jews. Nobody else. What do you think happened with serbia in the 1990s?

No. The USA would not care at all if Scotland went full Nazi, as long as Scotland stayed in the international capitalist system and continued to make money for everyone like it does now.
Google is spying on us.

This popped up, unasked for, in my search window. :eek:

A warning to all talkers...

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

Proverbs 18:21

Pants-of-dog wrote:No. The USA would not care at all if Scotland went full Nazi, as long as Scotland stayed in the international capitalist system and continued to make money for everyone like it does now.

Well you are showing a lot of ignorance here, since going full national socialist would in fact preclude remaining part of the internationalist capitalist system. And also, you are just wrong. If Scotland decided only scottish people could be citizens of Scotland but remained on the capitalist system, the usa would immediately nuke scotland.

What a silly thing to say. The US has been snuggling up to right-wing dictators since before the war. Hitler was one of their favourite customers until he declared war on them by joining the Japanese.

Henry Ford got a medal for services rendered, Standard Oil kept the Luftwaffe flying, and IBM sold them the equipment to tabulate the Jewish dead, and that's to name just a few who profited from the conflict.

The Americans spent half of WWII supplying both sides.

Last edited by ingliz on 14 Jun 2024 17:05, edited 1 time in total.
ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

Is this simple enough?

'In the beginning, was the Word', is a no-no.


It sounds great that line. Like Michael Jackson and the Jackson Five....

He does not want togetherness with the Black African dummies with no creative talent, and who are just stupid. Like the Jackson Five people. Michael Jackson and every artist with the African genes are useless to these racist dummies. Lol.
FiveofSwords wrote:...We all know that if Scotland tried to make a country for the scottish people, the usa would immediately launch a full scale invasion on Scotland...

NOVA SCOTIA (New Scotland, 18th Century)

wiki history wrote:During the French and Indian War of 1754–1763 (the North American theatre of the Seven Years' War), the British deported the Acadians and recruited New England Planters to resettle the colony.

No full-scale invasion The 13 colonies sent in some "planters" (scalpers) to help out.

Tainari88 wrote: ...I suspect you grew up in a dysfunctional home with little intellectual stimulation and a bunch of emotional problems...

I am surprised to see you using freelance psychology to try to destroy another poster. I also strongly disagree with FiveofSword's basic premise, but I would not go so far as to pretend to make a psychological diagnosis.

This makes you look as bad as him with his "race science" and your "unqualified psychological analysis."
QatzelOk wrote:NOVA SCOTIA (New Scotland, 18th Century)

No full-scale invasion The 13 colonies sent in some "planters" (scalpers) to help out.

I am surprised to see you using freelance psychology to try to destroy another poster. I also strongly disagree with FiveofSword's basic premise, but I would not go so far as to pretend to make a psychological diagnosis.

This makes you look as bad as him with his "race science" and your "unqualified psychological analysis."

But to be clear, you would never think anything evil like th3re may be genetic differences between genetically isolated populations.

You aren't much more intelligent than her. And trust me, I would never care about either of your opinions? Lol
FiveofSwords wrote:This isn't controversial data...

And it also does not in any way support your claim:


Note 'and the mass expulsion of ethnic Germans from various parts of Europe.'

So now you are claiming expulsion is murder by starvation. That fits with the rest of your bald fabrications.
You can click that link and it admits millions of deaths. Without question Wikipedia understates the real figure, since it makes the allies look bad

The SOVIET UNION was the "ally" that was responsible for almost all of those deaths, NOT Britain, NOT the USA, etc., who were powerless to stop Stalin from taking revenge on ethnic Germans, and I will thank you to remember it.
Truth To Power wrote:And it also does not in any way support your claim:



So now you are claiming expulsion is murder by starvation. That fits with the rest of your bald fabrications.

The SOVIET UNION was the "ally" that was responsible for almost all of those deaths, NOT Britain, NOT the USA, etc., who were powerless to stop Stalin from taking revenge on ethnic Germans, and I will thank you to remember it.

The uk started world War 2, idiot
FiveofSwords wrote:The uk started world War 2


After securing the neutrality of the Soviet Union (through the August 1939 German-Soviet Pact of nonaggression), Germany started World War II by invading Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3.

ingliz wrote:Wrong!

After securing the neutrality of the Soviet Union (through the August 1939 German-Soviet Pact of nonaggression), Germany started World War II by invading Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3.


Therefore the uk started ww2.


Your inability to logic is so fascinating
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Germany started World War II by invading Poland.


Hitler Invaded Poland with 1,6 million man, this was not a limited Operation to get Danzig and unite With East-Prussia where the German state was founded by Teutonic Knights order, no this was an operation to wipe Poland from the map.

I respect Hitler he knew how to wage war, but he hated Slavs, he saw the Slavs as a mix of whites and Tartars/Turks (in south), but still was able to recruit Ukrainians and Bosnians for the SS.

If he had not have such a Slav-hate he would have probably won the war. He needed Oil, and in this time was the Oil El Dorado the Caucasus.

Yugoslavia delayed for 6 weeks the operation "Barbarossa" which probably saved Moscow.
World War 2 was a war about White Supremacy, which the white Supremacists won. A White supremacist world order was established at the end of World War I. The first principle of this order was that all racially European nations had a right to self determination. Ideally the racially European individuals within those nations would have individual rights, but the important thing was that racially European peoples had a right to determine their own future, their own governance, to order their societies as they saw fit. Even the Soviet Union paid lip service to this principle. Vladimir Lenin really believed it in, leading to his clash with Stalin over the autonomy of the Georgian Communist Party.

So yes it was Neville Chamberlain that started World War 2 by declaring war on Germany and leading Britain and France into a general war. Its very odd that Chamberlain has a reputation as a pathological peace monger when he, along with Wilhelm II is one of only 2 men in history to have started a world war. Adolph Hitler had already in Mein Kampf declared his opposition to the principles of White Supremacy. He believed in Aryan / Germanic Supremacy not White or racially European supremacy.

Chamberlain couldn't start a world war just based on what Hitler had written in a book a decade before taking power. Up until 1938 Hitler's actions were consistent with White Supremacy. In fact his demands for Austria and the Sudetenland and his support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine were more consistent than the allies. However his occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 was a blatant violation of the principles of White Supremacy and gave Britain and France an unambiguous casus belli.

Germany was aware of what would happen if they invaded. Britain promised on March 31, 1939, that if Germany made aggressive moves toward Poland, they would come to Poland’s defence. Many British politicians feared the implications of not keeping the promise to Poland, and they were done giving Hitler the benefit of the doubt.

It wasn't a secret.

He gave his word that he would respect the Locarno Treaty; he broke it. He gave his word that he neither wished nor intended to annex Austria; he broke it. He declared that he would not incorporate the Czechs in the Reich; he did so. He gave his word after Munich that he had no further territorial demands in Europe; he broke it. He has sworn for years that he was the mortal enemy of Bolshevism; he is now its ally.

— Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's radio address to the German people on Sept. 4 1939

FiveofSwords wrote:...You aren't much more intelligent than her. And trust me, I would never care about either of your opinions? Lol

...The uk started world War 2, idiot...

...Your inability to logic is so fascinating...

You started a thread to defend 19th century "race science," and when it became obvious that you lost the debate, you started throwing around insults.

Insults can't compensate for a lack of argument, FiveofSwords. At least not after Grade Four.
Rich wrote:World War 2 was a war about White Supremacy, which the white Supremacists won. A White supremacist world order was established at the end of World War I. The first principle of this order was that all racially European nations had a right to self determination. Ideally the racially European individuals within those nations would have individual rights, but the important thing was that racially European peoples had a right to determine their own future, their own governance, to order their societies as they saw fit. Even the Soviet Union paid lip service to this principle. Vladimir Lenin really believed it in, leading to his clash with Stalin over the autonomy of the Georgian Communist Party.

So yes it was Neville Chamberlain that started World War 2 by declaring war on Germany and leading Britain and France into a general war. Its very odd that Chamberlain has a reputation as a pathological peace monger when he, along with Wilhelm II is one of only 2 men in history to have started a world war. Adolph Hitler had already in Mein Kampf declared his opposition to the principles of White Supremacy. He believed in Aryan / Germanic Supremacy not White or racially European supremacy.

Chamberlain couldn't start a world war just based on what Hitler had written in a book a decade before taking power. Up until 1938 Hitler's actions were consistent with White Supremacy. In fact his demands for Austria and the Sudetenland and his support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine were more consistent than the allies. However his occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 was a blatant violation of the principles of White Supremacy and gave Britain and France an unambiguous casus belli.

He did not occupy czechoslovakia. The people there voted to become part of Germany.

If the Wilson doctrine won world War 2 then please explain why no white country has self determination today?
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