Moscow empire is ready to capitulate. was it Kharkiv, Swiss peace summit, or our sanctions - Politics | PoFo

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Moscow empire is ready to capitulate. was it Kharkiv, Swiss peace summit, or our sanctions on the Moscow Stock Exchange?

ps That's nice of you pig-dogs to let Ukraine know that Mongol- Muscovite horde will surrender :D

What does Putin's statement on peace talks mean - the day before the Swiss peace summit and right after sanctions were imposed on the Moscow Stock Exchange?

Putin’s proposal for Ukraine is not peaceful. The Alliance will continue to provide military support to Kyiv.

- NATO Secretary General


Last edited by litwin on 14 Jun 2024 17:07, edited 1 time in total.
Rugoz wrote:Same old bullshit. Ceding more territory than Russia currently controls, including Kherson, plus no NATO membership for Ukraine.

There's absolutely nothing for Ukraine to gain from this. The moment it withdraws it is in a much worse position than before.

Lame attempt at distracting from the "peace summit".

“We call for turning the tragic page of history and gradually restoring relations with Ukraine & Europe.” :lol:
- czar putin

Putin’s proposal for Ukraine is not peaceful. The Alliance will continue to provide military support to Kyiv.

- NATO Secretary General 8)

WITH OTHER WORDS, Mongol - Moscow ulus as a 13c. Mongol project IS DONE ! The only way to go

The only reason an autocracy (like Putin's #horde ) shows any interest in a ceasefire is when they know they're losing, and realize that time is not on their side.

The fact that a prominent Putin apologist amplifies the Kremlin's interest in a ceasefire in #Ukraine means they're not only losing, but losing badly. ... 0896640119
litwin wrote:The only reason an autocracy (like Putin's #horde ) shows any interest in a ceasefire is when they know they're losing, and realize that time is not on their side.

The fact that a prominent Putin apologist amplifies the Kremlin's interest in a ceasefire in #Ukraine means they're not only losing, but losing badly. ... 0896640119

If anything this non-proposal shows Putin still thinks he can win this. As soon as he makes a serious proposal, we can be certain he loses.
Rugoz wrote:If anything this non-proposal shows Putin still thinks he can win this. As soon as he makes a serious proposal, we can be certain he loses.

Stoltenberg: Putin's new proposal is even more aggression and occupation

“This is not a bona fide proposal
. It is not Ukraine that should withdraw troops from Ukrainian territory, it is the horde that should withdraw its troops from occupied Ukrainian land.”

Even before the horde 's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Estonia's Kaja Kallas warned Western leaders not to make concessions to the Kremlin, citing a 3-point negotiation tactic used by the Moscow commie empire (ussr) .
Interesting. I wasnt expecting anyone to even talk about this here. The western media is certainly silent about it.

So Russia makes again an unbelievably generous offer for peace to Ukraine. Basically they demand everything everyone (well, everyone who pays attention) knows they would demand, and really nothing else. For example in regards to territory, Ukraine will only lose those parts that we already knew for sure they would lose anyway. And they have to fulfill the other demands Russia had from the start, like protecting the rights of ethnic russians in their territory (thats 30% of the ukrainian population before the war) and returning to neutrality and denazification and all that jazz.

And of course all the west (well, and for that matter, litwin) has to offer is "oh that shows they are weak. You just wait now they will break down". Yeah, right.

Peace will still come, but under worse conditions. And many thousands more people will die on both sides for nothing but this worse peace.
Negotiator wrote:Interesting. I wasnt expecting anyone to even talk about this here. The western media is certainly silent about it.

So Russia makes again an unbelievably generous offer for peace to Ukraine. Basically they demand everything everyone (well, everyone who pays attention) knows they would demand, and really nothing else. For example in regards to territory, Ukraine will only lose those parts that we already knew for sure they would lose anyway. And they have to fulfill the other demands Russia had from the start, like protecting the rights of ethnic russians in their territory (thats 30% of the ukrainian population before the war) and returning to neutrality and denazification and all that jazz.

And of course all the west (well, and for that matter, litwin) has to offer is "oh that shows they are weak. You just wait now they will break down". Yeah, right.

Peace will still come, but under worse conditions. And many thousands more people will die on both sides for nothing but this worse peace.

back to reality : The fact that a prominent Putin apologist amplifies the Kremlin's interest in a ceasefire in #Ukraine means they're not only losing, but losing badly. EU/NATO should do a counter-offer. Demand a putinist withdrawal from Moscow and most colonies west of the Urals

UK: "We need to hunt for everything - money, oil, stop gas, ships - everything that allows the Muscovite war machine to work!"

NATO countries have agreed to ban the free movement of Muscovite " diplomats " and restrict their stay to the countries of their accreditation.


Rugoz wrote:Same old bullshit. Ceding more territory than Russia currently controls, including Kherson, plus no NATO membership for Ukraine.

There's absolutely nothing for Ukraine to gain from this. The moment it withdraws it is in a much worse position than before.

Lame attempt at distracting from the "peace summit".

“The fact that DESPOT Putin yesterday came out with this silly peace proposal shows you that he is clearly panicking. So this is good news.”

- Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte
litwin wrote:Moscow empire is ready to capitulate. was it Kharkiv, Swiss peace summit, or our sanctions on the Moscow Stock Exchange?

ps That's nice of you pig-dogs to let Ukraine know that Mongol- Muscovite horde will surrender :D

What does Putin's statement on peace talks mean - the day before the Swiss peace summit and right after sanctions were imposed on the Moscow Stock Exchange?

Putin’s proposal for Ukraine is not peaceful. The Alliance will continue to provide military support to Kyiv.

- NATO Secretary General

We can see US hypocrisy and insincerity very clearly here, they said:

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin also dismissed the Russian demands, saying: "Putin has illegally occupied sovereign Ukrainian territory.

The very same thing Israel has stood accused of for fifty six years yet the US enables Israel to continue, by always vetoing any resolution that could punish Israel.

It's obvious then that the US is not sincere, it is playing geopolitics and trying to economically crush Russia, destroy its currency, impoverish the population, cause widespread instability and eventual fragmentation of the Russian Federation just like it did in Yugoslavia.
Ukraine's national debt has about doubled since the war started. Every man woman and child is now impacted by this, this debt is not a gift, it must be paid back and that means a reduction in the standard of living for all Ukrainians.

Zelensky chose to go to war, he knew that continuing with his excitement about NATO that Putin would eventually act, everyone did. Zelensky could have simply agreed to drop the NATO issue and none of this would have happened.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:We can see US hypocrisy and insincerity very clearly here, they said:

The very same thing Israel has stood accused of for fifty six years yet the US enables Israel to continue, by always vetoing any resolution that could punish Israel.

It's obvious then that the US is not sincere, it is playing geopolitics and trying to economically crush Russia, destroy its currency, impoverish the population, cause widespread instability and eventual fragmentation of the Russian Federation just like it did in Yugoslavia.

Albert Einstein:

"You can't beat fascism by being nice to it. You have to use the same amount of force or more to defeat it."

Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenković: The peace that Croatia can advocate will never be the peace where the victim should capitulate and get rid of its own territory.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Ukraine's national debt has about doubled since the war started. Every man woman and child is now impacted by this, this debt is not a gift, it must be paid back and that means a reduction in the standard of living for all Ukrainians.

Zelensky chose to go to war, he knew that continuing with his excitement about NATO that Putin would eventually act, everyone did. Zelensky could have simply agreed to drop the NATO issue and none of this would have happened.

a bunch of Moscow RT propaganda

the reality :

"I'm not sure this is going to do anything. Good weapons will do something."

The Peace Summit starts today in Switzerland. The video shows what Ukrainian Defenders think about it.

Personally, I welcome and totally support the Swiss Peace Summit and am certain of its significance. But the fate of Ukraine is decided on the battlefield. The AFU are the people on whom peace in Europe ultimately depends.

I would like the politicians on whom decisions depend to look into the eyes of our military and their families.

And I am grateful to all those who, while in safety, understand what is happening on the frontlines, feel empathy for Ukraine, and continue to help us.

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