If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 35 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

In previous posts, you have said:

1. Jews are the enemy.

2. I kill my enemies.

3. The planet is not big enough for both of us.

Join the dots and your position is clear.

Why back away now?


Any sane person hates and wants to destroy their enemy. That is called politics. Killing random people associated with some nation, however, is not politics. That is just homicide. And it is not how warfare is effectively conducted. Even according to your own version of history, killing millions of jews did not dismantle jewish power..so power simple doesn't work that way. If you really want to destroy people, it is far more effective to do what the jews are doing to white people right now: occupy their education and entertainment and instill in them self destructive attitudes and behavior.
Potemkin wrote:That’s not what Hitler found in 1939-1945. :)

Hitler was fighting people who were duped I to believing they had sovereignty over their own country. They could be excused for that because the reality was far less visible then. White countries actually still had white immigration and white citizenship laws...and few people could be expected to have hitlers prophetic vision of what would inevitably occur in the future if jewish power remained unchecked.

The white man today has been inculcated into self loathing and hates nationalism. People like that cannot fight. Global powers only allow a sort of nationalism to thrive in Eastern europe...a fake nationalism...because they are worried about the rise of Russia. But at this point if the usa was ever to fight ww3 the military would need to be majority mestizo and they would have to believe that north America belongs exclusively to the mestizo.
Potemkin wrote:It’s not even the case that all Zionists are Jews

For every Jewish Zionist, there are 20 or 30 Christian Zionists.

Anyway, the post was directed at @QatzelOk because he intervened, but it was meant for our pet Nazi.

I didn't want to confuse @FiveofSwords.

You know he has difficulty processing messy and complicated. I thought it best to keep it simple.

FiveofSwords wrote:People like that cannot fight

People like that have been fighting.

The US Army is majority white.

The total number of Soldiers in the Active Component is 463,083. Males account for 84.3% and
Females account for 15.7% of the total. The Racial/Ethnic distribution of the Army is as follows –
White, Not Hispanic: 53.6%, Black, Not Hispanic: 20.3%, Hispanic: 17.6%, Asian or Pacific Islander:
6.9%, American Indian or Alaskan Native: 0.9%, and Unknown/Other: 0.8%.

Active Component Demographics, Data as of 31 October 2022

Last edited by ingliz on 23 May 2024 17:55, edited 1 time in total.
FiveofSwords wrote:Any sane person hates and wants to destroy their enemy. That is called politics. Killing random people associated with some nation, however, is not politics. That is just homicide. And it is not how warfare is effectively conducted. Even according to your own version of history, killing millions of jews did not dismantle jewish power..so power simple doesn't work that way. If you really want to destroy people, it is far more effective to do what the jews are doing to white people right now: occupy their education and entertainment and instill in them self destructive attitudes and behavior.

That is what the current elite are doing in the USA and around the world. Using all that media power to brainwash people into consumption lifestyles. It is horrible.

But you want to do the same evil fucked up plan? No thank you. I want improvement not the same evil shit based on if you are not white. That is horrific.

I already have seen and felt what it is to have some callous racist militaristic freaks deciding your people are expendable guinea pigs. That is evil shit. I would fight that till the end. You will get resistance over that for sure.

You either care about the Earth and other human beings from other ethnic groups or you do not care. If you do not care? Not much a difference in behavior from your political philosophy and the liberal hegemon from the corporate world doing a fake multicultural nation state scene. Evil is evil.
ingliz wrote:People like that have been fighting.

The US Army is majority white.

The total number of Soldiers in the Active Component is 463,083. Males account for 84.3% and
Females account for 15.7% of the total. The Racial/Ethnic distribution of the Army is as follows –
White, Not Hispanic: 53.6%, Black, Not Hispanic: 20.3%, Hispanic: 17.6%, Asian or Pacific Islander:
6.9%, American Indian or Alaskan Native: 0.9%, and Unknown/Other: 0.8%.

Active Component Demographics, Data as of 31 October 2022


He wants a lily white Army, Navy and Marine Corps and Air Force. It is not going to happen simply because they need to boost the numbers as is. They are down by a lot of recruits. No one wants their kids coming back from Iraq ready to commit suicide like many Veterans are doing. Who the hell wants to have their kids all psychologically damaged and suicidal because they believed that the US government is about a force for good and it is just a force for evil and destruction and they have their myth exploded and they are PTSD people with serious mental and emotional disturbances?

The military budget is too much in the USA as it stands because they have to be the World's cops. They need to get out of the intervention nosy business of being up in everyone's business trying to spy and control the world and all the citizens in their own country a la Snowden descriptions.

The USA citizens need to start making sure their privacy is ensured and habeus corpus means something.

Not accept all that shady behavior from the US government agencies.

But? People are so attached to tiktok and youtube and Instagram and who knows what else that they are willing to give up their right to privacy for some entertainment. It is terrible!
ingliz wrote:People like that have been fighting.

The US Army is majority white.

The total number of Soldiers in the Active Component is 463,083. Males account for 84.3% and
Females account for 15.7% of the total. The Racial/Ethnic distribution of the Army is as follows –
White, Not Hispanic: 53.6%, Black, Not Hispanic: 20.3%, Hispanic: 17.6%, Asian or Pacific Islander:
6.9%, American Indian or Alaskan Native: 0.9%, and Unknown/Other: 0.8%.

Active Component Demographics, Data as of 31 October 2022


And they are definitely going to have to get that white % down
Tainari88 wrote:That is what the current elite are doing in the USA and around the world. Using all that media power to brainwash people into consumption lifestyles. It is horrible.

But you want to do the same evil fucked up plan? No thank you. I want improvement not the same evil shit based on if you are not white. That is horrific.

I already have seen and felt what it is to have some callous racist militaristic freaks deciding your people are expendable guinea pigs. That is evil shit. I would fight that till the end. You will get resistance over that for sure.

You either care about the Earth and other human beings from other ethnic groups or you do not care. If you do not care? Not much a difference in behavior from your political philosophy and the liberal hegemon from the corporate world doing a fake multicultural nation state scene. Evil is evil.

Why are you grouping all non whites in with jews. Is it your assumption that they have the same fate?
FiveofSwords wrote:Why are you grouping all non whites in with jews. Is it your assumption that they have the same fate?

Look Five Man, I got a lot of errands to run today. The stupid Japay cut the water off by mistake downtown and I have to make sure those incompetents put the water on by today. It is roasting hot and I am going to need water to clean the place and so on. I have no time for your usually anti Jewish messages.

Jews for you are a threat at the levers of power. The Jews vary. Some are Commies, some are Fascist like Netanyahu, some are liberals and gay like Yuval Harari, and some are in between. They vary. Just like everyone else does. Your Jewish paranoia is not my issue and never has been. I am pro Palestine simply because I hate colonialism and what they are doing is modern day colonialism. There are orthodox Jews who are not Zionists. And many modern Jews are converted Jews and have zero Ashkanazi or any other Jewish rooted ethnic DNA components there. Lol.

I am never going to believe in White Supremacy dude. Both my parents were old time Ricans for more than four centuries. On both sides. Both came from the poorest of the poor and were super intelligent people with terminal university educations coming from nothing. So I do not believe in your born to lose through some shitty gene code. I adopted my older son who I already described. He is a successful person and never has been arrested once for anything. He got straight A grades in the university and got there through a college basketball scholarship. He worked his way through college working at Lowe's Hardware, because in that town where he went to college all the dudes going in there to buy lumber, toilets and hammers, paint etc were Spanish speaking guys and no one else there was a tall, energetic Spanish speaking person in that town who could take their orders in Spanish. He learned it with me. I made sure he did well in life.

Some fucking Neo Nazis threatened his life because they think all Black young men are thieves and criminals. A bunch of violent freaks are in your political column.

You say you are into killing your enemies and you say racist shit all the time. @ingliz has pointed out all your statements that make that obvious.

I do not believe in the US system dude. My entire life and family has been running from the fucking US government. You talk shit about habeus corpus but I lived that shit. So do not talk to me about how I back the US government because they are the worst of the worst in my opinion.

I am from a group of people who do not want anything to do with revisiting some past where Hitler is the savior of the world. Because the man is dead in some grave somewhere by now, and the entire world is following a Rainbow coalition of shitty politicos. African Americans like Ben Carson, Candace Owens and Omarosa and others all wanting to join the Republican parade thinking they can follow the money to be had and the Nazis are not a threat. Some Anne Coulter tells that Vivek Ramaswamy man that she is not voting for him because he is an Indian even though she agrees with his politics? He is an asshole with no dignity. The same as that sellout Ted Cruz who's father was a Cuban and some pastor and he accepted that Trump said his father was a Cuban trying to kill off Kennedy in the early sixties and he had some ugly wife like Heidi and he accepts that and kisses his ass anyway. Nikki Haley is the same. They all insult their ethnic group, family and so on and think that is ok to keep backing that asshole conman because they all pander after power at any cost. Sellout pieces of shit all of them.

I have no respect for those people.

People who run around spouting White Genocide and deny knowing where the phrase comes from (It is from Derek Black). Look it up you lazy man. Stormfront is the largest website in the world that backs White Nationalist sentiment. Derek Black's godfather is David Duke. He renounced it all. Became a flaming liberal and his father still has a relationship with him. They want to convert normies as you call them. They have enough dummies in the USA who might consider it. But the reality is that trying to take over the USA from the liberal corporate middle and right agenda in the USA is pretty difficult.

That is not my problem. I am an anthropologist and my specialty is ancient Mesoamerican civvies and languages and culture. And I left that Moronic Inferno full of people who believe in a bunch of shit that is foisted on them all day.

My love is internationalist politics. Not some National Socialism for White people worried about being wiped out. That is for people who do not know how to live their lives without fear and with love for their fellow human beings. Which is what works in the end. Not hate and crap that has no real transformational value.

Me voy a hacer diligencias. You monolingual Southern loco. :lol: :lol:
Potemkin wrote:@FiveofSwords wasn’t claiming that it does; his idea of ‘race’ is based on the concept that there has been (some vaguely defined) genetic adaptation by a human population to the conditions of a particular locality. That can happen on the time scale of a few millennia.

Tibetan monks have genes that increase their ability to process oxygen at high latitudes. However, I want to know what this vaguely defined characteristic is. Also, most populations haven't been genetically isolated in such a way as he suggests. Most Europeans for example intermixed through war and before the adoption of the nation state in the late 18th century there was no concept of peoples being distinct nations.

a single national identity, [was] based on a combination of shared social characteristics such as culture, ethnicity, geographic location, language, politics (or the government), religion, traditions and belief in a shared singular history,[7][8] and to promote national unity or solidarity


The peoples of Europe didn't conceive of themselves as being nations for thousands of years prior to the onset of nationalism. That is a relatively new categorization that ignores the more messy historical truth of people fighting, fucking, and moving through the continent for thousands (perhaps 10s of thousands) of years
Bill_Nye wrote:Tibetan monks have genes that increase their ability to process oxygen at high latitudes. However, I want to know what this vaguely defined characteristic is. Also, most populations haven't been genetically isolated in such a way as he suggests. Most Europeans for example intermixed through war and before the adoption of the nation state in the late 18th century there was no concept of peoples being distinct nations.


The peoples of Europe didn't conceive of themselves as being nations for thousands of years prior to the onset of nationalism. That is a relatively new categorization that ignores the more messy historical truth of people fighting, fucking, and moving through the continent for thousands (perhaps 10s of thousands) of years

So basically you don't believe it would be possible for a dna test to distinguish whether someone had scottish or german ancestry?
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