If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 33 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:...If you knew the living conditions of a gunner in her majesty's royal navy, you would notice the absurdity of believing these people were motivated to do anything by having nicer stuff than other people.

The gunners lived in shit so that dukes and duchesses could live lazy, pretentious lives of hyper-consumption and ennuie.

You have come to the false conclusion that wars are about enriching the soldiers - the attack dogs.

They are about enriching the ONLY RACE THAT MATTERS, which doesn't include too many gunners. A lot of duck-hunters though.

You need a different explanation....

You need better pronoun use.
QatzelOk wrote:The gunners lived in shit so that dukes and duchesses could live lazy, pretentious lives of hyper-consumption and ennuie.

You have come to the false conclusion that wars are about enriching the soldiers - the attack dogs.

They are about enriching the ONLY RACE THAT MATTERS, which doesn't include too many gunners. A lot of duck-hunters though.

You need better pronoun use.

Huh? I was saying wars do not enrich the soldiers

What is the deal with this forum and reading comprehension?
FiveofSwords wrote: Was the 'white race' invented to justify their enslavement? People from Europe do differ physically from people who evolved in other parts if the world and it is physically identifiable. And outside of dress or language or similar cultural displays, it is not possible to physically distinguish different groups of white people from each other.

People from Europe did identify themselves as different "races." For example, the race of the Achaeans was seen as different from the Trojans. The Romans identified other Europeans as barbarians who did deserve enslavement. Also, you CAN identify different "races" of Europeans from one another such as by the color of their hair or eyes. It is only in America where "Whites" can be seen as one group because members of different groups intermingled and became Americanized through inter-"racial" sex. Italians and Irishmen weren't seen as "white" in America when they first came to the US and were relegated to living in ghettos far away from WASPS (white anglo-saxon protestants) because they were seen as "inferior." People in Europe still believe in these differences such as in the way they treat the Roma or Jews for that matter. And these separations live on geographically in America such as for instance Scots-Irish living in different regions from Yankees (immigrants from England).


FiveofSwords wrote:We cannot say with 100% certainty say that we are not living in a simulation and there is no such thing as people at all. So what? At what % accuracy does something become useful? Newtonian gravity was quite useful even though the orbit of mercury was a little off and current models of gravity failed to accurately predict gravitational lensing. But sane people do not conclude therefore that there is no gravitational force.

Actually, someone did come along and say there was no gravitational force. His name was Einstein and the concept of a gravitational force has largely been replaced with the concept of space-time. Now, Newtonian ideas have been replaced by Einstein's, just as racial ideas are being replaced by a more scientific understanding of genetics.
Bill_Nye wrote:People from Europe did identify themselves as different "races." For example, the race of the Achaeans was seen as different from the Trojans. The Romans identified other Europeans as barbarians who did deserve enslavement. Also, you CAN identify different "races" of Europeans from one another such as by the color of their hair or eyes. It is only in America where "Whites" can be seen as one group because members of different groups intermingled and became Americanized through inter-"racial" sex. Italians and Irishmen weren't seen as "white" in America when they first came to the US and were relegated to living in ghettos far away from WASPS (white anglo-saxon protestants) because they were seen as "inferior." People in Europe still believe in these differences such as in the way they treat the Roma or Jews for that matter. And these separations live on geographically in America such as for instance Scots-Irish living in different regions from Yankees (immigrants from England).


Actually, someone did come along and say there was no gravitational force. His name was Einstein and the concept of a gravitational force has largely been replaced with the concept of space-time. Now, Newtonian ideas have been replaced by Einstein's, just as racial ideas are being replaced by a more scientific understanding of genetics.

I know people in Europe identified themselves as different races. I would also say they are right.

Einstein did not suggest that there was no gravitational force. He merely said it worked slightly differently than Newton's model. Newton himself actually knew that it might and in the intonto principia Mathematica he mentioned that it wasn't yet possible to measure if light has any speed.

Modern genetics actually confirms the concept of race. They are simply afraid of using the word race. Their argument is 100% semantic.
Bill_Nye wrote:So which white race do you belong to?

He self-identifies as black and female.

But a few weeks ago he was saying that he's genetically white and biologically male - He'd tested as a Scotsman.

With ancestry in the South, it's all but certain that s/he is mixed race.


* He says he's having Bill Clinton's baby.
FiveofSwords wrote:Well my ancestry goes back centuries in the southern usa

Everybody’s ancestry goes back centuries, @FiveofSwords. In fact, it goes back for over three billion years. I presume you mean that you can trace your ancestry back for a few centuries. So you should be able to tell us how ‘pure’ that ancestry is, hmm? :)
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

If your jolly Jack Tars were that keen to fight for King and Country, why did the Navy need to employ press gangs?

Naval impressment...

Press gangs were well known for the physical force they used in recruiting men into the Royal Navy

The Crown claimed a permanent right to seize men, and the practice was at various times given parliamentary authority. The Crown's right to press was vigorously enforced during the naval wars of the 18th century by Acts passed in 1703, 1705, 1740 and 1779 for example.

The men pressed into service were often ordinary apprentices and labourers.

During the wars with France from 1793 to 1815, an impress service operated in British coastal towns.


Most soldiers are just cannon fodder for a state to use in these useless wars. Women giving birth to babies and families having to go and work for a living in order to feed them to make them strong and healthy, for some greedy fucked up politicians that are drunk on power to go and conscript them by force or send them to die for the Greatness of the State which is their own exaggerated egos on a power trip and with GREED on the brain.

It is bad.

Puerto Ricans were made US citizens in 1917 just in time for the draft in WWI, a very unpopular war in the USA, but the US government had illusions of Imperialist expansion and grandeur, and the Puerto Rican men had to fit the bill of die for the US without being able to vote for the men who send you to die. It was another Royal Navy Press gang Ingliz. This time with racially mixed men who they disrespected. Perfect cannon fodder material. But, they picked the wrong dude. Don Pedro Albizu Campos. He served in the Army of the USA and was outstanding. He hated the racist shit Yankee crap rules and a bunch of Southern Racist assholes in the US Army. He decided liberating Puerto Rico was essential. And being a nationalist that was not a White National Socialist but a racially mixed genius with a privileged education....he busted a move to liberate Puerto Rico from US rule. An ex-WWI soldier from the US Army.

Why can't these idiots learn something from these press gangs and bullshit? No one is snowed.

Then @FiveofSwords does not or claims to not know who coined White Genocide. Yet he uses it in this forum. He calls himself an expert on his own political philosophy and he has no knowledge of the phrases he uses? It is ridiculous shit.

He must know all species including our human species, which are Homo Sapiens are eventually going to go extinct. It will not be just the 'white as the driven snow' only European rooted in Northern Europe, it is EVERY RACE on the planet. The destiny of all species is death. That is a fact. But, the issue is what comes after the death of a species?

We can look at the examples. We have Neanderthals who as a distinct species is dead. But it lives on in the gene codes of some Europeans. They are present there. Not dead. But changed and transformed.

Dinosaurs are gone. But they live on in the gene codes of modern bird species. Not dead transformed.

And it is so with all of the living creatures who struggle for existence.

This White Genocide narrative that is totally all-consuming with @FiveofSwords is incredibly obtuse. Does he even care about how many cultures have been blown away totally genocided out of existence by modern capitalism and by the Manifest Destiny stage of the USA?

Native American peoples in the US is a small percentage when the entire continent before had a lot of cultures from the land of North America for thousands of years. Roaming and living off the land. All wiped out in killing frenzies of the worst sort. Colorado had the Platte River running red with blood over the Arapahoe Massacre and Sand Creek Massacre and so many massacres. Over land fights with the supposedly superior morally White Race people who wanted the land wiped clean of Native Americans.

Now they worry about their fucking White Genocide because of the South losing their wealth or power or some shit excuses that they can't produce any evidence for?

Then they go and sterilize Gypsies, Blacks, and Puerto Ricans in their quest for racial purity and political purity? The Nazis killed off disabled people and this and that people with fervor for their ideal society of shit and they LOST and their Fuhrer had to run to South America on a U Boat according to Abel Basti the journalist. So what does this mean for these cries for White Genocide now? One word. KARMA.

They should think about what it means--in the big picture @ingliz . What does all this fear of being wiped out means to these lack of compassion and disrespectful control freaks using violence and fear to control the world and all the many 'races' and ethnicities in it? Do they know what the hell they are doing as a political body these White Socialist Nationalists?

They send some man in here screaming about White Genocide and Replacement Theory when all they have done in human history in their political column is precisely that to OTHER GROUPS. It is a boomerang effect from the Karmic coinage tradition from India. Lol.

You need to learn your historical lessons in time to adapt to a new reality. The people who are creating problems now are all power hungry, land grabbing, need to control the wealth with the petrol, the grain, the access to everything. To dictate to the rest of the world with these exaggerated warmongering lack of conscience political leaders who are fucking worthless Ingliz.

They send these whining Nazis into the world to talk about White Genocide, when that mentality that has caused their own losing situations because instead of respecting LIFE they want to KILL it off hoping to dominate the Earth, other nations, other ethnicities, stamp out cultural diversity and variations which are endemic to human life and human survival.

We are all as a race called the Human Race going to go EXTINCT. That is a fact. What we are fighting for is to have the right to reach our total and complete manifestation as a species. To reach our best expression and potential. And to allow a new version of what is the best of us to go on to become another species. Like the Neanderthals before us and the Dinosaurs before us. The Birds of the World are the legacy of the Dinosaurs. We live off of them through using their dead bodies. Petrol and or gasoline fuel products for our SUV horrors of which @QatzelOk rightly criticizes. We had our chance to not use that as an energy source that is not sustainable or good for the natural environment. Greed made it a moot issue to not use it. Addicted to that machine and transportation system we are. To our own detriment too.

Yet, we keep not understanding. We have to reach our potential. And as one species and not some shitty racist petty shit...we need to be able to bring out the best of who we CAN BE.

In order for that to happen? The petty race wars need to be dumped for all time. Not used as a social and economic control device by some greed-filled capitalists manipulating psychologically the insecurity of a bunch of defeated Confederates from the Southern USA who would rather burn their nation state to the ground than share power with a bunch of Brownies and Black people. That shit is not going to help anyone in the end. Not survive at least and not transform ourselves in this hard world we live in.

Nazis complaining about shit in my opinion. They should try living the life of a Mayan peon in the Yucatan who is living with 108 F heat and no fans and no AC and being paid one dollar an hour and trying to feed three kids and relatives, in some little hut, in some tiny town with a corrupt PRI asshole mayor who throws their votes away and steals their taxes and then tells them they have no power. They send their kids to government schools, and can't afford shoes. And they are not thinking about White Genocide. They are thinking about living another day. Surviving the here and now. The reason why most races on planet Earth have made it this far.

That White Genocide phrase is about ENTITLED crybaby bullshitters.
FiveofSwords wrote:so upset at me for not wanting white people to not go extinct.

What pisses me off is not your whiteness (?) or your 'not wanting white people to go extinct' but your desire to kill Jews and blacks in a race war.


When did you hear me say anything about birth rates?

Well, you should talk about them.

If you look at the numbers, there is no 'White Genocide'; it is a suicide.

1.46 live births per woman is not enough to sustain a population.

ingliz wrote:What pisses me off is not your whiteness (?) or your 'not wanting white people to go extinct' but your desire to kill Jews and blacks in a race war.


Well, you should talk about them.

If you look at the numbers, there is no 'White Genocide'; it is a suicide.

1.46 live births per woman is not enough to sustain a population.


I never expressed any desire to kill anyone. You simply assume that because I suggested I cared about the survival of white people
FiveofSwords wrote:I never expressed any desire to kill anyone. You simply assume that because I suggested I cared about the survival of white people

Then what do you mean when you say that you care about the survival of white people?

I have white family and friends. I care about their survival. Therefore it can be correct to say that I care about the survival of white people.

Is that what you mean?
Bill_Nye wrote:So would you say you are a different race from a white person from say California or Connecticut? At what point does a new race form? After a few hundred years?

What creates a race is a sufficiently large initial population, relatively high genetic isolation (either caused by physical limitations like geographic distance or something less tangible like culture and laws which disincentivize hybridization...genetically the difference is irrelevant), a particular way of life which is consistently followed and remains constant over a sufficient period of time, and some reproductive pressure that the way of life has on the population. Over a long enough period (which could technically be as short as a single generation, there isnt some hard rule about this that would violate the logic of it), a race will be the outcome. People forged for a particular way of life will naturally be better at it and it will come more easily to them...just like finches in different parts of the galapagos will naturally be better at eating the nuts in their vicinity because of the shape of their beaks. This concept is not limited to humans...it is true for all life...and over enough time a distinct race can even become a distinct species. This is the origin of the diversity of living organisms on earth. Not such a hard concept, to be honest.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Then what do you mean when you say that you care about the survival of white people?

I have white family and friends. I care about their survival. Therefore it can be correct to say that I care about the survival of white people.

Is that what you mean?

If the white people in your immediate family were the only white people to survive, then the race would go extinct. So no, that is not sufficient.
FiveofSwords wrote:Well my ancestry goes back centuries in the southern usa

And you never really recovered from slave-ownership, did you.

Plantation slavery (and its long shadow on the south) kept "scientific racism" alive for a century after it was a brain-dead weight around the neck of the nation. Americans were the last "literate" people (besides Israelis) to believe in race science.

The "creator-of-the-universe" religions have kept humanity trashing his living environment right up to the edge of human extinction.

Races aren't real, but killing the entire planet by keeping alive profitable-for-you ideologies.... is a great way to ensure that human survival is not real.

Stop building up your vanity with lies.

ingliz wrote:...If you look at the numbers, there is no 'White Genocide'; it is a suicide.

1.46 live births per woman is not enough to sustain a population.

Keeping our population at a sustainable level by low birthrates... is a survival strategy.

Women in many countries have "decided" to lower their populations. But governments won't accept this because lower populations mean that rents go down, and we are currently governed by the rentier class who produce nothing of value.

Please don't accuse humans of "suicide" simply because they want to lower the human population to a sustainable level. Be angry that so many "races" have been encouraged to breed like cockroaches, including your own.
QatzelOk wrote:And you never really recovered from slave-ownership, did you.

Plantation slavery (and its long shadow on the south) kept "scientific racism" alive for a century after it was a brain-dead weight around the neck of the nation. Americans were the last "literate" people (besides Israelis) to believe in race science.

The "creator-of-the-universe" religions have kept humanity trashing his living environment right up to the edge of human extinction.

Races aren't real, but killing the entire planet by keeping alive profitable-for-you ideologies.... is a great way to ensure that human survival is not real.

Stop building up your vanity with lies.

Keeping our population at a sustainable level by low birthrates... is a survival strategy.

Women in many countries have "decided" to lower their populations. But governments won't accept this because lower populations mean that rents go down, and we are currently governed by the rentier class who produce nothing of value.

Please don't accuse humans of "suicide" simply because they want to lower the human population to a sustainable level. Be angry that so many "races" have been encouraged to breed like cockroaches, including your own.

...so you think my plantation owning ancestors like...had some impact on my dna?

Tell us more...
FiveofSwords wrote:...so you think my plantation owning ancestors like...had some impact on my dna?...

They had a strong impact on your ability to understand the world around you.

I'm glad my family were from different cultural backgrounds because this forced me to conclude, at a young age, that subjective cultural experience is simply not enough... if you want to understand global problems like racism and the violence that it brings.

Objectivity comes from distancing yourself from the home-made worldviews of the segregated.
QatzelOk wrote:They had a strong impact on your ability to understand the world around you.

I'm glad my family were from different cultural backgrounds because this forced me to conclude, at a young age, that subjective cultural experience is simply not enough... if you want to understand global problems like racism and the violence that it brings.

Objectivity comes from distancing yourself from the home-made worldviews of the segregated.

Do you believe life forms genetically adapt to their environment?
FiveofSwords wrote:Do you believe life forms genetically adapt to their environment?

Yes, but this takes hundreds of thousands of years, and humans are unable to know what characteristics will enrich their species' survival odds.

"Race" describes the local way that humans have adapted to a particular local environment. For example, most Southern USA people have Scottish genes. This means that they often don't have enough skin pigment to live comfortably in the Southern states which they genocided.

The people they killed had enough pigment to thrive under this sun.

By mixing with the First Nations of the area, Scottish people would produce some offspring that would not get skin cancer so often. But first, they would have to let go of their anti-social ethnocentrism that served them so well when they lived in caves sculpted out of the sides of Scottish cliffs.
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