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Nearly all Gaza campus protests in the US have been peaceful, study finds

An independent non-profit that tracks political violence and political protests around the world found that 97% of campus demonstrations over the war in Gaza that have taken place in the US since mid-April have been peaceful.

An analysis of 553 US campus demonstrations nationwide between 18 April and 3 May found that fewer than 20 resulted in any serious interpersonal violence or property damage, according to statistics from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (Acled).

Over the same period, Acled documented at least 70 instances of forceful police intervention against US campus protests, which includes the arrest of demonstrators and the use of physical dispersal tactics, including the deployment of chemical agents, batons and other kinds of physical force.

(Rest of article in link)

This study confirms what we all already knew. It's similar to the narrative about BLM. The far-right and mainstream media portrayed it as "a bunch of riots" when in reality, even property damage was quite limited and rare.

But the pro-genocide crowd isn't too fond of believing reality. They need to keep their fantasies going on because they know their arguments and positions are abhorrent, so they have to resort to lies.
KurtFF8 wrote:The difference between your critique of what's going on in places like Universities and the Left's actions and analysis is that the Left is looking at reality and you're promoting a Fox News fantasy of what's going on.

Footage says otherwise.

KurtFF8 wrote:Nearly all Gaza campus protests in the US have been peaceful, study finds

(Rest of article in link)

This study confirms what we all already knew. It's similar to the narrative about BLM. The far-right and mainstream media portrayed it as "a bunch of riots" when in reality, even property damage was quite limited and rare.

But the pro-genocide crowd isn't too fond of believing reality. They need to keep their fantasies going on because they know their arguments and positions are abhorrent, so they have to resort to lies.

And this "nearly all protests on Gaza have been peaceful" nonsense does not negate that there have been documented cases of harassment and vandalism in the protests, committed by protesters and counterprotesters. That's not counting that the definition of "no serious interpersonal violence and property damage" is subjective.

And yes, we also learned this from the BLM protests, which is why public opinion on them eventually soured.
Unthinking Majority wrote:1. Hamas are jihadist extremist terrorist scumbags and liars who slaughter/rape innocent civilians and hide in schools and hospitals like cowards and then cry victim. They can re-write whatever jibberish they want, their actions speak louder than words, including on Oct 7. Apologists for Hamas are either naive fools or monsters like they are.

Why is Oct 7th being given special status here? because Israeli civilians were killed? Far more Palestinians have been killed by Israel than Jews by Hamas, so what's the reason for emphasizing one attack where Jews were victims?

Unthinking Majority wrote:2. Yes 100% agree.

Unthinking Majority wrote:3. The UN Charter doesn't allow a governing party (Hamas) or non-state actors to launch thousands of rockets targeting civilians over decades or commit mass slaughter specifically targeting men/women/children/babies/elderly. The French didn't mass murder and rape German civilians, and if any soldiers by any country during WWII did do that they are monsters to be condemned which led to things like the UN Charter and UDHR. If the Palestinians want to resist military occupation then attack military targets. The resistance tactics of the jihadist terrorists are inhuman savagery and all of their apologists/supporters are terrible human beings that should rot in hell where they belong.

Israel is in violation - today - of more UN resolutions than the rest of the world combined. Each one is intended to address their persecution of Palestinians in one way or another. The collective effect of disobeying all of these is what should be on the news, not the violent reaction even terrorism of some of those suffering under the Israeli yoke.

Unthinking Majority wrote:4. Name a Muslim nation in the middle east that abides by international law, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Does the Hamas government? How many of them are non-authoritarian democracies? When Israel breaks international law I agree it's wrong and should be harshly condemned, but Palestinian and Arab/Persian leaders are the pot calling the kettle black. In fact, they'd murder ever Jew tomorrow if given the chance.

No country fully obeys international law including the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia. Nevertheless Israel - by far - is the leading rogue state when it comes to this, far ahead of any other country.

Unthinking Majority wrote:5. Israel is a Jewish nation-state. The Jewish people have a right to national self-determination. Arabs make up 20% of the Israeli population. In Israel, Muslim Arabs serve as MP's in the Knesset now and throughout its history and have all the same legal rights as Jews. Let me know when you can say the same for any Muslim majority country in the middle east and let me know how they treat their Jewish minorities, if they have any.

Israel exists not because of popular democratic movements in Palestine but because of the colonial powers colluding with Zionist extremists decades before WW2. The victors of WW2 carved up Palestine and decided the borders of Israel and thus forced all non-Jews who lived there to now become subjects of a non-elected government where Jews were given preferential status.

Unthinking Majority wrote:6. The Arabs have never wanted a 2-state solution, they want a 1-state solution controlled by Muslims and see the area as 100% the territory of Muslim Arabs and will never settle for less in any permanent political solution. A 1-state solution comprising Arabs, Jews, and Christians etc via power-sharing is a naive and ridiculous idea because the majority group is going to immediately politically dominate the minority groups, which will cause civil unrest and violence. This is the exact reason why the vast majority of civil wars occur both now and throughout history.

The rejection of a two state partitioning was caused by many things, not least of which is that Israel would (did) receive a greater size territory than the Arabs and that many Arabs would have to give up their land else become second class citizens. At the time of partition 51% the Israeli partition was 51% Jew and 49% Arab. At that time Jews owned just 10% of the land allotted to Israel. The Arabs did not participate in any elections, they just woke up one day and found there living under an imposed government that represented Zionist aims, nothing more.

Unthinking Majority wrote:7. Israel has more UN resolutions against it than any other country because the UN General Assembly is made up of a majority of corrupt authoritarian countries that gang up on Israel while never holding themselves to account for all the terrible human rights abuses and UN legal violations they incur. But I agree that the US and other allies can put more pressure to keep Israel more accountable and e.g. remove the illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Well if facts are relevant then we can look at some of those. The UN is the basis of international law, you can claim this is a corrupt organization that colludes against Israeli and unfairly victimizes it but Israel like other nations is subject to it by virtue of the fact it is a signatory to the UN Charter. But pick any resolution you want that has been applied to Israel and we can look at it, you can present evidence that it is unfounded, no factual support, so go ahead pick one and then you'd have to do that to the many others and only then, when you've demonstrated evidence that your conspiracy claims are consistent with facts, I'll consider it seriously.

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. You are claiming every one of these is unfounded, a result of antisemitism, every single one is a fabrication unfairly attacking Israel, that's a tall order and needs evidence to be taken seriously.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Every single Muslim nation in the middle east is super racist, super misogynist, super homophobic, and Muslim supremacists, including the Palestinian territories. Any pro-Palestine supporter picking on Israel for racism is a daft naive fool with double-standards coming out the ying-yang. It's not perfect, but it's the only country resembling a healthy democracy with human rights in the entire middle east.

My Asian friend visited Qatar for work and the local restaurants wouldn't let him inside because of his race FFS. Meanwhile Palestinian LGBT flee to Israel as refugees.

Jews and Arabs lived in relative peace together during and even after the collapse of the Ottoman empire, listen to a Jew explain this:

Many Jews in Palestine at that time were actually exiled from Europe.
Unthinking Majority wrote:What's the statute of limitations on being a colonizer or indigenous?

My oldest ancestors are from Africa after all.

Whether or not it is still having a significant impact on people's lives today.

So the Palestinians being killed by the tens of thousands have a real problem facing them right now while your Africa issue is merely trolling.
Unthinking Majority wrote:A Palestinian state can have whatever form of government they want. If Israel gave them back the West Bank and also 90% of current Israeli territory and Palestinians formed their own state, they'd import arms and attack the 10% remaining Israeli territory. Their position has ALWAYS been that all of the territory belongs to Muslims and they'll never allow a 2-state solution on "Muslim land". They will never compromise.

This is mere speculation.
wat0n wrote:I'd say the Islamic conquest of the Levant is definitely having a significant impact on people's lives today. So does the Ottoman Empire.

So who's the colonizer or indigenous again?

We can talk all day about history, but it doesn't change today's reality. Israel is a rogue terrorist state in violation of a multitude of resolutions and it will either be forced to change democratically from within or be forced by sanctions and military strikes or it will simply implode.

Israel is unsustainable, it brings misery to Arabs and Jews alike, it is a monster and like the Third Reich must be neutralized.

Who here supports any or all of these

1. Punitive demolition of non-Jew homes
2. Taking Palestinian hostages (aka "Administrative Detention")
3. Militarily aiding violent settlers
4. Checkpoints that restrict the movement of non-Jews
5. A separate legal system for Jew and non-Jew

This is a random selection but all are true and easily verified, so how can a person support Israel without supporting all of these?
Last edited by Sherlock Holmes on 10 May 2024 16:56, edited 2 times in total.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:Tell that to the Rabbi.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:We can talk all day about history, but it doesn't change today's reality. Israel is a rogue terrorist state in violation of a multitude of resolutions and it will either be forced to change democratically from within or be forced by sanctions and military strikes or it will simply implode.

Israel is unsustainable, it brings misery to Arabs and Jews alike, it is a monster and like the Third Reich must be neutralized.

So Arab discrimination against Jews gets (as usual) a pat in the back, huh? I find it interesting now you don't want to discuss history, when you were trying to sell us Lehi had any sort of major popularity in the Yishuv :roll:

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Who here supports any or all of these

1. Punitive demolition of non-Jew homes
2. Taking Palestinian hostages
3. Militarily aiding violent settlers
4. Checkpoints that restrict the movement of non-Jews
5. A separate legal system for Jew and non-Jew

This is a random selection but all are true and easily verified, so how can a person support Israel without supporting all of these?

Nobody, and yet why is Israel still in the West Bank? It left Gaza in 2005 yet it seems this alone did not suffice to end terrorism.

Also, Palestinians who are arrested while rioting or worse are prisoners, not hostages.
wat0n wrote:Nobody, and yet why is Israel still in the West Bank? It left Gaza in 2005 yet it seems this alone did not suffice to end terrorism.

You say "nobody" but the Knesset and most Israelis do support these practices otherwise they'd cease.

Israel also meets the definition of terrorist, Hamas and Israel alike employ terrorism. The difference is one of magnitude, the terror emanating from Israel far exceeds Hamas in terms of degree of violence and numbers of victims.
Breaking News - Palestinian UN Membership


Look which states voted "No"

1. Argentina - refuge for many former Nazis and now headed by a deranged right wing chainsaw fetishist.
2. Czech Republic
3. Hungary
4. Israel :lol:
5. Micronesia
6. Nauru
7. Palau
8. Papua New Guinea
9. United States

The US is becoming increasingly isolated here, it's influence on the World stage is waning.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:I listed five things, do you or do you not support, approve these practices?

I don't, and if you look carefully those are mostly because of the settlements.

Also, some of the points there are imprecise to say the least. The distinction is not between Jews and non-Jews but between Israelis and non-Israelis. Hint: Israeli Arabs are treated like other Israelis are.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:You say "nobody" but the Knesset and most Israelis do support these practices otherwise they'd cease.

Israel also meets the definition of terrorist, Hamas and Israel alike employ terrorism. The difference is one of magnitude, the terror emanating from Israel far exceeds Hamas in terms of degree of violence and numbers of victims.

Or maybe settlers are an entrenched interest group that manages to get what they want just like in many other Western countries small yet very organized single-issue groups can get what they want.
wat0n wrote:I don't, and if you look carefully those are mostly because of the settlements.

Are you willing to explain why you diosapprove of those practices? what would you say about these if you were say, addressing the Knesset? what reasons would you give for your refusal to support these practices?

wat0n wrote:Also, some of the points there are imprecise to say the least. The distinction is not between Jews and non-Jews but between Israelis and non-Israelis. Hint: Israeli Arabs are treated like other Israelis are.

Would you like me to show you evidence that your statement is false?

wat0n wrote:Or maybe settlers are an entrenched interest group that manages to get what they want just like in many other Western countries small yet very organized single-issue groups can get what they want.

Settlers are breaking the law but get police support while doing so. Knesset members publicly defend them and encourage them.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:Why is Oct 7th being given special status here? because Israeli civilians were killed? ...

If you study cults like the Jonestown cult of a few decades ago... you notice that their isolation and socially-constructed sense of social rejection... can lead them to do very harmful things.

One of the reasons that cults can do great harm is that their ideology often short-circuits natural human empathy, along with other instinctive survival instincts.

By destroying natural instincts with powerful propaganda and in-group repression, the entire human race is negatively affected by the cult's actions.

Israelis would probably "wipe out the world" over October 7 if they could. This is a dangerous situation for the entire world. A race-based cult that is being exposed as what it is can get very homicidal (or suicidal, in the case of Jonestown).

IF only Jimmy Jones could distribute kool-aid to all violent cults... their nuclear and biological and propaganda weapons would never leave their silos.
KurtFF8 wrote:Nearly all Gaza campus protests in the US have been peaceful, study finds

(Rest of article in link)

This study confirms what we all already knew. It's similar to the narrative about BLM. The far-right and mainstream media portrayed it as "a bunch of riots" when in reality, even property damage was quite limited and rare.

But the pro-genocide crowd isn't too fond of believing reality. They need to keep their fantasies going on because they know their arguments and positions are abhorrent, so they have to resort to lies.

This incident is the worse example I have heard of so far of violence emanating from the side of the demonstrators , and it took place in the Netherlands , not the U.S.

Police in Amsterdam warned people to avoid a canal and thoroughfare in the city’s center as an effort to remove a pro-Palestinian encampment there turned violent on Wednesday.

Rioters tossed ammonia, an irritant that could cause permanent sight damage, at police moving into the encampment, Amsterdam’s police said Wednesday in a tweet, adding, “Police call on everyone to go home. We are acting to stop this violence.”

Video streaming on Dutch news sites showed police in riot gear pushing back against protesters wearing Palestinian scarves. At one point, three police pulled a woman off of an earth mover clearing away the encampment.

The clashes came a day after police raided an encampment at the University of Amsterdam, one of a growing number of European universities to replicate the pro-Palestinian demonstrations that have rippled across U.S. campuses for the last several weeks. The protesters want the universities to cut ties with Israel and its institutions.

Video has circulated of the pro-Palestinian protesters striking pro-Israel counter-protesters with planks of wood at the university.

In March, pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated against the presence of Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the opening of the country’s new National Holocaust Museum. Jewish Telegraphic Agency
I post this , just to show that I don't cover up news of pro-Palestinian activists behaving badly . And also , you already posted the article on how protests in the U.S. have been mostly non-violent , and @Sherlock Holmes posted the one on the attack upon the UNHRA office in Israel , which saved me the trouble of posting them myself, as I was going to otherwise . So nice work .
^ European cops seem to be much harsher in dealing with protests in general than American ones.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Are you willing to explain why you diosapprove of those practices? what would you say about these if you were say, addressing the Knesset? what reasons would you give for your refusal to support these practices?

I disapprove of them, but more importantly I disapprove of the settlements that cause those policies to begin with.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Would you like me to show you evidence that your statement is false?

For starters, all signs refer to Israelis (not Jews).

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Settlers are breaking the law but get police support while doing so. Knesset members publicly defend them and encourage them.

Yes, and they get away with that because they are an entrenched group of interest. Even then, though, they don't always get what they want. They didn't in 1982 and 2005 for instance.

The attitude of the Israelis here reminds me of those DAs who released BLM protesters who had evidently committed crimes without charges in 2020.
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