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Rich wrote:Yet again who suggested that?

Public opinion in Ukraine was inevitably highly hawkish. Zelensky was an unpopular leader who risked being forced out before his term expired. I doubt he was keen to be seen to be responsible for what could be seen by many as capitulation to Russia, even as treachery. The bullshit by Johnson and other western leaders completely undermined Ukraine's leasers ability to compromise. When western leaders are saying we'll give you what ever you need for as along as it takes, how can any Ukrainian leader refuse the offer to get all their 2014 land back, to get reparations to pay for all the damage done in the war and the satisfaction of seeing Putin and all the other Russian leaders and generals spend the rest of their lives in a western prison.

Are you nuts? His support level before the start of the war was like 35% and when he did his "I need ammo, not a ride" and his general attitude catapulted his support to 90+%(93 or 94% was the peak?) for the time being. Right now it his approval rating is around 75-80% which is the highest out of all politicians in the country by a mile. The only one close to him might be Zalyzhny but his approval was lower according to the latest polls i have seen.

And before you say "Ha" Zelensky was unpopular with his 35% before the war.... Ukraine is a multi-party system so that 35% is very high for a multi party system that always goes in to the 2nd round. For multi party systems 35% is a very high number when you are competing against 5-6-7-8 parties.

If an election is held right now, there is no party that can realistically can come close to Zelensky. The only alternative in future elections also as things are right now is perhaps Zaluzhny joining any party or creating one but he doesn't have one and is not looking to create one by the looks of it.
Rich wrote:Yet again who suggested that?

Public opinion in Ukraine was inevitably highly hawkish. Zelensky was an unpopular leader who risked being forced out before his term expired. I doubt he was keen to be seen to be responsible for what could be seen by many as capitulation to Russia, even as treachery. The bullshit by Johnson and other western leaders completely undermined Ukraine's leasers ability to compromise. When western leaders are saying we'll give you what ever you need for as along as it takes, how can any Ukrainian leader refuse the offer to get all their 2014 land back, to get reparations to pay for all the damage done in the war and the satisfaction of seeing Putin and all the other Russian leaders and generals spend the rest of their lives in a western prison.

I don't remember the West promising reparations or getting all 2014 land back. Nothing like it.

Here's a Biden quote:

We want to see Ukraine win the war. And, as I’ve said before, winning means Ukraine is a sovereign, independent nation and — that can afford to defend itself today and deter further aggression. That’s our objective.

That's basically what we heard over and over again.

That "deal" Russia offered was a joke. It made the intervention by the security guarantor-states to help Ukraine in case of attack conditional on Russian approval ( :lol: ) and demanded the Ukrainian military to be limited to 85k troops ( :lol: ). Needless to say borders weren't even discussed and the security guarantor-states never asked.
Rich wrote:Biden's leadership on Ukraine has been disastrous. He has totally failed to set practical, realistic, achievable goals and then do what was necessary to achieve those goals, to force Russia to the peace table and accept a settlement in a timely fashion...

Yeah, by now, Biden ought to be at some kind of Yalta Conference dividing up the world between France, Germany, Ukrainian Nazis and the Marshall Islands.

Oh, and Israel gets to keep banking and media brainwashing, of course.

He needs this conference at least a month before his heroic re-election.
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By litwin
Tainari88 wrote:@litwin I agree that imperialism means losing wars and accepting losing wars for the Empire engaged in these wars for conquest.

What I do not like about you is thinking that the USA and its imperialism and shit policies in their side of the world i.e. in Latin America is ACCEPTABLE and good and the Russian imperialism is the only autocratic shit in the world. You are wrong about that mentality.

You are also wrong thinking I back autocratic authoritarian shit regimes. I never have.

What you think the Latin American left is? IS WRONG. 100%. But since all is black and white simplistic thinking in your world litwin you will be wrong on backing a US that is abusive in Latin America.

You will be the useful you know what you love to describe and ascribe.

Do not be.

All imperialism is about losing.

Do not try to control the inner workings of other societies. It is not only counterproductive but useless. Much better is to be again, fair and humane and trustworthy with other nations through human and consistent decent foreign policy initiatives. Wars, manipulations, undermining due to wanting to control and be increasingly wealthy and neglecting the people in your own nation's need in order for some oligarchic fools to control everything at the expense of the masses is asking for massive collapse down the road.

It is obvious.

The Yale professor is right on that. But the problem is the people in the ex-colonies of the USSR who hate the Russians do not see the problem with human behavior in all nations pursuing Empire. Too blinded by love of American slick propaganda. They are brainwashed. They should be better at critical thinking.

US HAS never been en empire. and never will be one.
“Israel is secretly controlled by Jews“ -
- Dima Medvedev

@litwin living in total denial says:

US HAS never been en empire. and never will be one.

Even the Americans know they are an empire.

Mark Twain

What did Mark Twain do for America?
Did prominent members such as author Mark Twain believe that imperialism violated the US principles of and independence?
The Anti-Imperialist League was first founded in the government's planned annexation of the Philippines. Prominent members, such as author Mark Twain, believed that imperialism violated the US principles of and independence.Nov 2, 2023

Empires invade other nations with military and impose conditions. How many nations has the US invaded on their side of the world and in other far away places?

A lot is the answer. ... ted_States

So no, Litwin you are not valid in thinking the US is not an empire. It has been an empire for a very long time.
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By litwin
Tainari88 wrote:@litwin living in total denial says:

Even the Americans know they are an empire.

Mark Twain

Empires invade other nations with military and impose conditions. How many nations has the US invaded on their side of the world and in other far away places?

A lot is the answer. ... ted_States

So no, Litwin you are not valid in thinking the US is not an empire. It has been an empire for a very long time.

Mark Twain wrote the children books , I read them when i was 10 . Once again, USA HAS ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST COLONIALISM.
litwin wrote:Mark Twain wrote the children books , I read them when i was 10 . Once again, USA HAS ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST COLONIALISM.

Then why do they have and continue to have colonies or de facto unincorporated territories. Why did they invade the Phillipines and kept it as a colony until 1946? Why did they invade Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Grenada, Mexico, Panama, Iraq, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and the beat goes on?

No, Litwin. They are an empire. No one argues that really. Only people who believe lies. Here are US History crash course saying they are an empire.

Sorry dude. You are wrong. American Imperialism is real.
By Rich
So the question of why is the Liberal so stupid, is a question I've raised a number of times. Just watching Timothy Snyder, a man who claims to be in the know and I don't have any reason to doubt him. He claims that all the Liberal experts thought Russia would conquer Ukraine in 3 days. As I said I believe he was in the know. I believe he did know what the Liberal military experts were thinking, but I just don't believe he or the other so called experts really believed that Russia would conquer Ukraine in 3 days.

If we are to compare Russia's conflict with the Ukrainian regime to the US's conflict with the Saddam regime, then it is far more akin to 1991 than to 2003. But note that even in 2003 the Coalition of the Willing didn't win in anywhere close to 3 days. Humans tend to be good at what they focus on. Hence a Grand Master Chess Player can often appear to act stupidly in other areas of his life. The Liberals big focus is on gas lighting leaving him less time to develop other skills. However I do not believe that the Liberal Military experts were stupid enough to believe that Russia would overrun Ukraine in 3 days. No where near. Not close.

So I find it difficult to believe that there wasn't some level of conspiracy amongst the Liberal Military experts. That there wasn't some level of coordinated conspiracy to claim that Russia was expected to over run Ukraine in 3 days. You have to admit it was a brilliant piece of gas lighting. You could even call it genius. By saying this, they could then claim that Putin and the Russian high command claim believed that they would overrun Ukraine in 3 days. Although the Liberals have failed to produce a shred of evidence for this claim. Then all the Liberal sheeple could say "Nah, nah,, nah, nah, nah! You thought you were going to overrun Ukraine in 3 days. You're a bunch of losers."
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By litwin
Startup in Muscovy : mother of a Muscovite soldier killed in the war in Ukraine spent the bereavement payments on the purchase of an apartment, but there was not enough to repair the old house in the village, so she sent her second son to the war, too.

If only Gorky knew about such depths of the Mongol - Muscovite people's character & their traditional values - his "Mother"then would had been so much more realistic novel...

Nice mother. Where is the father or was he sent also?

Darkest of dark humor:

By Rich
I haven't bothered to watch all of this video. There's simply not enough time to watch all the drivel that the Liberals produce.

So there's some talk about the Ukrainian soldiers abandoning their positions allowing the Russians to capture part of Ochterety. but I love the way the Liberal manages to spin this as a sign of Russian stupidity.

Well I guess we shouldn't have to wait long for the Ukrainians to spring the trap and deliver their devastating pincer movement. I thought I'd add these two videos both celebrating Russia's defeat.

He talks about the tide of munitions coming to Ukraine. It will be interesting to see in November what we've actually achieved with these billions upon billions of aid.

:) Yes apparently its another disastrous week for the Russians.
To litwin, Tainari88 wrote:Even the Americans know they are an empire.

Mark Twain...

litwin doesn't know this.

What litwin knows is:

"I made $10,000 last year working from home with only a Beginner's Level Two mastery of English.

Ask me how YOU TOO can join!"
QatzelOk wrote:litwin doesn't know this.

What litwin knows is:

"I made $10,000 last year working from home with only a Beginner's Level Two mastery of English.

Ask me how YOU TOO can join!"

By Rich
We're getting some shocking claims coming through. They would be utterly shocking if true. That the Russians have captured Novobakhmutivka, south of Ochyteretyne. This is very strange because we expected the inevitable southern pincer of the Ukrainian counter attack to come from here. The battlefield movements around Ochyteretyne are of no great significance in themselves, but I thought they might make an interesting microcosm to examine. At least according to the Liberal media, Russia has suffered, defeat, after defeat, after defeat since it launched the biggest scale invasion of Ukraine in world history in 2022. And at least according to some of the western liberal media this stupid advance into Ochyteretyne was setting themselves up for another massive defeat.

Has Russia even won a war in the last 5000 years? Whether it has or not, 2022 was widely recognised to be one the greatest military defeats a nation has ever suffered not in just on earth, but in the Milky Way and even the local galaxy group. Aliens in the Andromeda Galaxy laugh at Russian incompetence. But there's something strange, something weird about the great Russian defeat of 2022, as there is with so many of the Russian defeats. Russia was actually bigger at the end of 2022 than it was at the beginning, both de jure and de facto.
I see USA has some kind of problem with the size of its dick. Senators providing graphs with outdated numbers just to a bit squeeze out on top of everyone in the number donated while using only military aid numbers and then using old data at that not showing that they have donated less even in just military terms:

@Rancid What is up with that?

By Rancid
JohnRawls wrote:I see USA has some kind of problem with the size of its dick. Senators providing graphs with outdated numbers just to a bit squeeze out on top of everyone in the number donated while using only military aid numbers and then using old data at that not showing that they have donated less even in just military terms:

@Rancid What is up with that?


Of course the US has a problem with it's dick size. Don't you see me posting about penis size all the time? I've internalized that shit!

Joking aside.

Part of it is related to domestic propganda (We're #1! We're #1! We're #1! shit). Which is hilarious given that the US basically sat on its thumbs with aid to Ukraine for many months. That's the politics game, unfortunately. It's a real dick move to start wagging it's finger now.... geopolitics be geopolitics.... :hmm:

This is why it's important to not view the US as a friend, or as an agent of right/wrong like our friend Litwin does. Probably more practical to just think of this sort of stuff as strategic partnerships with deep shared interests...... however, they will still dick you out if they can here and there.
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By litwin
Tainari88 wrote:Then why do they have and continue to have colonies or de facto unincorporated territories. Why did they invade the Phillipines and kept it as a colony until 1946? Why did they invade Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Grenada, Mexico, Panama, Iraq, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and the beat goes on?

No, Litwin. They are an empire. No one argues that really. Only people who believe lies. Here are US History crash course saying they are an empire.

Sorry dude. You are wrong. American Imperialism is real.

lets make our conversation shorter

1. do we agree that Moscow horde fight an imperialistic war in Ukraine ?
2. do we agree that US support Ukr anti - imperial struggle ?

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Russia-Ukraine War 2022

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