Chinese couple executed, man threw his kids off balcony cause new lady rejected them - Politics | PoFo

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Xinhua wrote:CHONGQING, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- A local court on Wednesday executed a couple for throwing two children from a window in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.

The couple were found guilty of causing the children's fatal falls on Nov. 2, 2020, in Chongqing, and they were sentenced to death in December 2021. They were executed following a recent ruling from the Supreme People's Court (SPC) that confirmed and approved their death sentences.

Zhang Bo, the father of the two children, had begun an inappropriate relationship with Ye Chengchen without informing her of his marital or parental status.

After Zhang divorced his wife, Ye reportedly began to perceive the children as obstacles to her future with Zhang, regardless of the fact that Zhang and his former wife had established a custody agreement for their two-year-old daughter and one-year-old son.

Zhang and Ye devised a plan to murder the two children in a staged accidental fall. Ye repeatedly pressured Zhang to complete the scheme, setting deadlines and resorting to threats. When Zhang's mother was away from the home on Nov. 2, 2020, he followed through with the plan, causing the tragic deaths of his two children by throwing them from the 15th-floor window.

Zhang and Ye seriously challenged legal and moral boundaries. Their criminal motives were extremely malicious, and the case had particularly heinous circumstances, cruel methods and severe consequences. They were duly punished in accordance with the law, according to the SPC. ■
@noemon that article is depressing.

Anyone who resents your children need to be dropped from your life immediately.

How can you kill babies because they ruin your future life that you are going to have with a jealous malicious bitch of a woman? It is crazy.

People divorce their spouses for a lot of reasonable reasons. But killing their kids in order to please some crazy murderess? I have no words.
Execution of the woman is a little questionable, since the man was the one who committed the murder.

But in my view, she is morally culpable -- in fact perhaps even more to blame than him! She used her feminine influence to send the message that she did not want his children. She might not have explicitly told him to kill, but the message was obviously implied that she wanted him to get rid of the children through any means possible.

The man was obviously infatuated with this new woman he had entered into a relationship with, and wasn't able to think about the wellbeing of his own flesh & blood children.

Women often exercise a powerful influence over men in romantic relationships. Very often it's the women who has evil intentions and she gets some man to carry out her dirty work. Has been going on since ancient times.

Normally I might say since they were each "half" responsible for the murder, it might not be fair to execute two people for the death of one victim.
But there were TWO children who were murdered.
Unthinking Majority wrote:In a country of 1.4 billion people I bet they see just about every human behaviour and crime possible.

I had that exact same thought as well, except it doesn't turn out to be true, given there is another big very counteracting factor.

The homicide rate in China, as of 2022, was only 0.54 per 100,000 people. Compare that to 25.2 in Mexico, or 10.1 in the United Kingdom, or 6.8 in Russia.

(Part of it has to do with the very disciplined Asian mind which is genetic, part of it has to do with the stronger Asian family structure, and part of it has to do with China having made great strides in improving economic opportunity over the last 50 or 60 years, for a society that had become adapted to dealing with severe hardship)
Fasces wrote:Man throws his children off a roof and Puffer Fish thinks the girlfriend is more responsible. Shocker. :lol:

He gives a rather accurate analysis of the case actually. The woman was the instigator the whole idea came from while she was also pushing the man hard to commit the heinous crime they planned together. The guy could even be considered her victim perhaps, although he undoubtedly deserved being eradicated from the face of the earth as well.

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