A brief history of the Greek Left - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is mostly to organize my own thoughts on the matter.

So it will be in the form of notes.

Also, by "Greek left", I mean the centre-left-liberal parties that dominated particular eras of Greek politics.

I'm going to start with WWI onwards and will not deal much with Greek politics prior to WW1 and the Balkan Wars.

Right, so.

Greek politics have largely been dominated by the right-wing during the course of the past 2 centuries.

The major challenge to right-wing parties came right before the Balkan Wars and more particularly during the Cretan Uprising.

A bit of background just to put this into context. As the country transformed, geographically and demographically so did its politics.

For during 1821-1900, Greece was constrained within the confines of the Peloponnese and Attica. This particular area in the corner of Europe had been in decline since the Byzantine Empire and during the revolution it became even more depopulated and largely barren of economic activity. The major Greek economic & cultural centers of the time were: Chios, Zante, Hydra, Odessa, Bucharest, Constantinople, Smyrne & Trebizond. It should be noted that even for those organizing the Greek Revolution, modern-day Romania was a more important target than modern-day Southern Greece. The Peloponnese was dominated by warlike people such as the Maniots, while Attica, Euboea and some islands were dominated by the equally warlike Arvanites. The first century of Greece was mired with constant civil wars between them 2, as well as anaemic growth and a lack of civic obedience. People like the Maniots and the Arvanites had risen up against the Ottomans, but they had largely done so for their own benefit.

Their primary concern was to push back the Ottomans, get the booty & go back home. The issue they had was that other Greek people, intellectuals, traders, and educators from these major centers had by that time flocked to the Peloponnese and had wrestled political power from the tribal Maniots and Arvanites. So a sort of equilibrium developed between these 3 groups, and eventually both Maniots and Arvanites agreed to allow the intellectuals to run politics. These intellectuals were largely what we would call today right-wing.

In the late 1800's Crete was getting anxious and several revolts started breaking out in the island calling it to be unified with Greece.

After several revolts and a couple of wars, the Ottomans granted autonomy to the Cretan state and that produced one of the finest political personalities of the century, Eleftherios Venizelos, the first PM of Crete.

Venizelos was a new type of intellectual, he was a centrist politician who effectively founded modern Greek liberalism.

A few years later, Crete got annexed and Venizelos now came to the forefront of Greek politics by launching a pan-Hellenic party and winning the elections to propel himself as Prime Minister of all Greece, Venizelos went from "terrorist" to "rebel-leader" to Autonomous Governor to Prime Minister of Greece to Vanquisher of the Ottomans within a relatively short period of time.



At the same time, the Balkan Wars break out and with a combination of luck and good fortune, Venizelos now finds himself running a country 3 times as large and 3 times as populous after the integration of Macedonia, Thrace and the islands.

Venizelos became so popular, both the King and the right-wing parties that preceded him started panicking. They started an anti-war campaign, proclaiming that electing them would mean the end of the war and the return of our troops back home. The year is 1920, Greece has won Smyrne & Constantinople and is chasing Kemal's units around central Anatolia to force them to sign the treaties.

Back home, Venizelos decides to hold premature elections to solidify his position, but he totally underestimates public opinion. He loses the elections and he loses his MP seat as well. The King and the right-wingers take over and seeing the successes of the Greek army in Anatolia they decide to forego their anti-war claptrap and push forward to capture Ankara.

However, they did not account for the fact that the WW1 Allies(namely Britain, France & Italy) are no longer subject to the treaties they had signed up with Venizelos and so the French and Italians abandoned their positions in Anatolia and stopped securing the rear and the supply lines of the Greeks. At this point in the year 1920, 24 years have passed since the war first started(1896) and Greece is standing both at the pinnacle of its achievement, having kicked the Turks out of Europe entirely and now fighting for Ankara itself. So they decide to push forward for a final blow even without the French and Italians covering their rear. They reach 10 miles from Ankara before they agreed to pack up and retreat due to a clear lack of supplies and food.

Kemal smells the weakness, attacks during the retreat and routs the Greek army. Greece loses Smyrne, Istanbul, Pontus, and Cappadokia.

Back home, they hang the right-wingers, kick the King out of the country(this is when Prince Philip was sent to the UK and later married the Queen), invite Venizelos back and the first major schism develops in Greek politics.

Ever since that moment, Greek politics will forever be marked with left-wingers(essentially liberals) and right-wingers, acrimony develops and each side accuses the other of national betrayal. The next 2 decades of 1930-1940 became even more difficult until fascism arrived to put a stop to national politics altogether.

During WW2, Greece had a fascist government of Ioannis Metaxas. Metaxas had been a Venizelist opponent, had studied in Germany and was a fascist, he decided however to ally himself with Britain and the Allies after Mussolini gave him his ultimatum. And within a few months, he died as well. When Metaxas died, other right-wingers from his faction took over the government but since the Germans arrived, they went to exile.

That meant that the Greek resistance movement developed outside the clutches of the Greek government and was largely a communist-run affair.

By the time the Germans retreated, the resistance movement had already liberated 95% of Greece and once the Germans evacuated Athens, it quickly moved into Athens too.

The Greek government in exile and its British allies came to Greece a week later and after they congratulated the resistance movement they requested it be disbanded. The communists argued that they should be integrated in the regular Greek armed forces but their request was rejected out of fear it would give them too much power and popularity and so the Civil War began even before WW2 had ended, of course British snipers were instrumental in creating the conditions for the civil war as well but that is another subject.

The communists lost the war and they were consequently tortured and deported, hundreds of thousands of Greek communists were forced to leave the country in 1949. The right-wingers were not just winners but now totally dominant in politics.

In the 1950's, a liberal Venizelos ally, George Papandreou launches the Center Union party and in the 60's he wins with the largest share ever recorded in Greek history surpassing 50% of the votes cast.

The King starts getting nervous and calls the PM in the Palace for a chat, he tells the PM that as per tradition, the King has a right to appoint the Defense Minister and the Intelligence Chief. The PM disagrees, he tells the King that this is merely a convention he had with the right-wing and not a constitutional right and that the elections have defined the government already. He should be able to choose his own cabinet 100%.

He decides to call his son Andreas, who is at the time a Prof. of Economics at Princeton and asks him to return to run these 2 offices(Defense Minister and Intelligence Chief), Andreas comes to Greece but the King continues to argue with him and his dad over their decisions. He goes further and starts criticizing them out in public. In the meantime, the Cyprus issue is raging with inter-communal violence and Andreas decides to step in, he sends 20k soldiers in the island of Cyprus to form the first Cypriot Army, this angers the British colonial authorities, who in turn call on the Americans(Lyndon Johnson at the time) to moderate the Greeks & they also called on the Turks who were instructed by the British Ambassador to use the Istanbul Greek minority as leverage, in 1955 the Istanbul Pogrom happens, the 400k Greeks leave the City forever and the Cyprus UN conference to decide on Cyprios Independence gets canceled. Britain has secured yet another divide-and-conquer victory.

Nevertheless, the Americans and the Brits start a campaign against the government and especially against the Greek military presence in Cyprus.

Amidst the turmoil and because some pro-Royal Ministers(the 'Apostates') tendered their resignation from government, an unheard-of, minor officer who was training with the CIA in the Greek army, seizes control and proclaims himself dictator, his first move was to remove the Greek army from Cyprus!

Anyway, his reign lasted for 7 years and when the Turks invaded Cyprus, the Greek universities organized a rebellion against his rule on the 17th of November 1973(we just had the 50-year anniversary 2 days ago). He sent the tanks to put them down and once the first tank breached the uni's gates, it marked the end for his regime as Greeks took to the streets and brought the regime down in 1974. This has been dubbed the 'Athens Polytechnic Uprising'.

Before 1974, the right-wing had been quite dominant in political life, after 1974, the conservatives themselves started to seriously liberalize society, constitutional safeguards for speech, assembly, and parties while personal and private rights were massively expanded. Churches, Schools & Universities were proclaimed constitutional 'safe-spaces' where armed & police forces were totally banned from entry.

In 1981, Andreas Papandreou formed PASOK(Panhellenic Socialist Movement) veering further left from his father's Center Union party and won the elections in a landslide. He invited the communists that had been banished and deported in 1949 back to the country and gave them all veterans honors and pensions.

Thus a political wound was proclaimed to have been healed.

It should be noted that the 2 major figures of Greek politics today, the current PM Mitsotakis(Conservatives) and the former PM Papandreou(PASOK) both come from the Center Union Party. Mitsotakis's dad was the Economy Minister of the Center Union government and the first Apostate. Papandreous dad was the Defense Minister and Intelligence Chief of the same government. Eventually, Mitsotakis founded New Democracy(Conservatives) while Papandreou founded PASOK.

PASOK as a party was destroyed in 2012 when it decided to go into a coalition government with the Conservatives to save the country from bankruptcy. But we may see it come back yet again, as Syriza is decomposing, and Syriza is effectively PASOK 2.0, now the dissolution of SYRIZA could bring PASOK back from the dead!

In any case, I wanted to give you an idea but more importantly to clarify the seminal moments:

Cretan Uprising brings new blood(literally) in Greek Politics.
The liberals become a dominant force until the King and the right-wingers won the elections amidst the Greco-Turkish War for the anti-war ticket.
Fascism dominates the 30's and 40's.
The Communists get expelled from the country in 1949.
Conservatives run amok, national consciousness certificates are instituted for inter-governmental and state appointments.
The Liberals come back again in 1964-1967.
1967-1974 Colonels take over.
1974 Conservatives return and liberalise.
1981 Pasok becomes the first socialist government, liberalisation goes into hyperdrive.
1986-2004 Greek Golden Age is ushered.
2007 financial crisis begins.
2012 PASOK collapses.
2023 Syriza collapses.
Venizelos was at war with Ottoman & Republican Turkey first as an insurrectionist rebel in Crete, then he was at war with Turkey in 4 further wars(Greco-Turkish War 1896), Balkan Wars, WWI, Greco-Turkish War 1920-23.

He had 4 or 5 assassination attempts against him, he was exiled twice and convicted to death certainly more than twice.

In the 1930's, he launched the Greco-Turkish Friendship initiative, he restored relations, and proposed Kemal Ataturk for a Nobel Peace Prize :eek:
noemon wrote:This is mostly to organize my own thoughts on the matter.

So it will be in the form of notes.

Also, by "Greek left", I mean the centre-left-liberal parties that dominated particular eras of Greek politics.

I'm going to start with WWI onwards and will not deal much with Greek politics prior to WW1 and the Balkan Wars.

Right, so.

Greek politics have largely been dominated by the right-wing during the course of the past 2 centuries.

The major challenge to right-wing parties came right before the Balkan Wars and more particularly during the Cretan Uprising.

A bit of background just to put this into context. As the country transformed, geographically and demographically so did its politics.

For during 1821-1900, Greece was constrained within the confines of the Peloponnese and Attica. This particular area in the corner of Europe had been in decline since the Byzantine Empire and during the revolution it became even more depopulated and largely barren of economic activity. The major Greek economic & cultural centers of the time were: Chios, Zante, Hydra, Odessa, Budapest, Constantinople, Smyrne & Trebizond. It should be noted that even for those organizing the Greek Revolution, modern-day Romania was a more important target than modern-day Southern Greece. The Peloponnese was dominated by warlike people such as the Maniots, while Attica, Euboea and some islands were dominated by the equally warlike Arvanites. The first century of Greece was mired with constant civil wars between them 2, as well as anaemic growth and a lack of civic obedience. People like the Maniots and the Arvanites had risen up against the Ottomans, but they had largely done so for their own benefit.

Their primary concern was to push back the Ottomans, get the booty & go back home. The issue they had was that other Greek people, intellectuals, traders, and educators from these major centers had by that time flocked to the Peloponnese and had wrestled political power from the tribal Maniots and Arvanites. So a sort of equilibrium developed between these 3 groups, and eventually both Maniots and Arvanites agreed to allow the intellectuals to run politics. These intellectuals were largely what we would call today right-wing.

In the late 1800's Crete was getting anxious and several revolts started breaking out in the island calling it to be unified with Greece.

After several revolts and a couple of wars, the Ottomans granted autonomy to the Cretan state and that produced one of the finest political personalities of the century, Eleftherios Venizelos, the first PM of Crete.

Venizelos was a new type of intellectual, he was a centrist politician who effectively founded modern Greek liberalism.

A few years later, Crete got annexed and Venizelos now came to the forefront of Greek politics by launching a pan-Hellenic party and winning the elections to propel himself as Prime Minister of all Greece, Venizelos went from "terrorist" to "rebel-leader" to Autonomous Governor to Prime Minister of Greece to Vanquisher of the Ottomans within a relatively short period of time.



At the same time, the Balkan Wars break out and with a combination of luck and good fortune, Venizelos now finds himself running a country 3 times as large and 3 times as populous after the integration of Macedonia, Thrace and the islands.

Venizelos became so popular, both the King and the right-wing parties that preceded him started panicking. They started an anti-war campaign, proclaiming that electing them would mean the end of the war and the return of our troops back home. The year is 1920, Greece has won Smyrne & Constantinople and is chasing Kemal's units around central Anatolia to force them to sign the treaties.

Back home, Venizelos decides to hold premature elections to solidify his position, but he totally underestimates public opinion. He loses the elections and he loses his MP seat as well. The King and the right-wingers take over and seeing the successes of the Greek army in Anatolia they decide to forego their anti-war claptrap and push forward to capture Ankara.

However, they did not account for the fact that the WW1 Allies(namely Britain, France & Italy) are no longer subject to the treaties they had signed up with Venizelos and so the French and Italians abandoned their positions in Anatolia and stopped securing the rear and the supply lines of the Greeks. At this point in the year 1920, 24 years have passed since the war first started(1896) and Greece is standing both at the pinnacle of its achievement, having kicked the Turks out of Europe entirely and now fighting for Ankara itself. So they decide to push forward for a final blow even without the French and Italians covering their rear. They reach 10 miles from Ankara before they agreed to pack up and retreat due to a clear lack of supplies and food.

Kemal smells the weakness, attacks during the retreat and routs the Greek army. Greece loses Smyrne, Istanbul, Pontus, and Cappadokia.

Back home, they hang the right-wingers, kick the King out of the country(this is when Prince Philip was sent to the UK and later married the Queen), invite Venizelos back and the first major schism develops in Greek politics.

Ever since that moment, Greek politics will forever be marked with left-wingers(essentially liberals) and right-wingers, acrimony develops and each side accuses the other of national betrayal. The next 2 decades of 1930-1940 became even more difficult until fascism arrived to put a stop to national politics altogether.

During WW2, Greece had a fascist government of Ioannis Metaxas. Metaxas had been a Venizelist opponent, had studied in Germany and was a fascist, he decided however to ally himself with Britain and the Allies after Mussolini gave him his ultimatum. And within a few months, he died as well. When Metaxas died, other right-wingers from his faction took over the government but since the Germans arrived, they went to exile.

That meant that the Greek resistance movement developed outside the clutches of the Greek government and was largely a communist-run affair.

By the time the Germans retreated, the resistance movement had already liberated 95% of Greece and once the Germans evacuated Athens, it quickly moved into Athens too.

The Greek government in exile and its British allies came to Greece a week later and after they congratulated the resistance movement they requested it be disbanded. The communists argued that they should be integrated in the regular Greek armed forces but their request was rejected out of fear it would give them too much power and popularity and so the Civil War began even before WW2 had ended, of course British snipers were instrumental in creating the conditions for the civil war as well but that is another subject.

The communists lost the war and they were consequently tortured and deported, hundreds of thousands of Greek communists were forced to leave the country in 1949. The right-wingers were not just winners but now totally dominant in politics.

In the 1950's, a liberal Venizelos ally, George Papandreou launches the Center Union party and in the 60's he wins with the largest share ever recorded in Greek history surpassing 50% of the votes cast.

The King starts getting nervous and calls the PM in the Palace for a chat, he tells the PM that as per tradition, the King has a right to appoint the Defense Minister and the Intelligence Chief. The PM disagrees, he tells the King that this is merely a convention he had with the right-wing and not a constitutional right and that the elections have defined the government already. He should be able to choose his own cabinet 100%.

He decides to call his son Andreas, who is at the time a Prof. of Economics at Princeton and asks him to return to run these 2 offices(Defense Minister and Intelligence Chief), Andreas comes to Greece but the King continues to argue with him and his dad over their decisions. He goes further and starts criticizing them out in public. In the meantime, the Cyprus issue is raging with inter-communal violence and Andreas decides to step in, he sends 20k soldiers in the island of Cyprus to form the first Cypriot Army, this angers the British colonial authorities, who in turn call on the Americans(Lyndon Johnson at the time) to moderate the Greeks & they also called on the Turks who were instructed by the British Ambassador to use the Istanbul Greek minority as leverage, in 1955 the Istanbul Pogrom happens, the 400k Greeks leave the City forever and the Cyprus UN conference to decide on Cyprios Independence gets canceled. Britain has secured yet another divide-and-conquer victory.

Nevertheless, the Americans and the Brits start a campaign against the government and especially against the Greek military presence in Cyprus.

Amidst the turmoil and because some pro-Royal Ministers(the 'Apostates') tendered their resignation from government, an unheard-of, minor officer who was training with the CIA in the Greek army, seizes control and proclaims himself dictator, his first move was to remove the Greek army from Cyprus!

Anyway, his reign lasted for 7 years and when the Turks invaded Cyprus, the Greek universities organized a rebellion against his rule on the 17th of November 1973(we just had the 50-year anniversary 2 days ago). He sent the tanks to put them down and once the first tank breached the uni's gates, it marked the end for his regime as Greeks took to the streets and brought the regime down in 1974. This has been dubbed the 'Athens Polytechnic Uprising'.

Before 1974, the right-wing had been quite dominant in political life, after 1974, the conservatives themselves started to seriously liberalize society, constitutional safeguards for speech, assembly, and parties while personal and private rights were massively expanded. Churches, Schools & Universities were proclaimed constitutional 'safe-spaces' where armed & police forces were totally banned from entry.

In 1981, Andreas Papandreou formed PASOK(Panhellenic Socialist Movement) veering further left from his father's Center Union party and won the elections in a landslide. He invited the communists that had been banished and deported in 1949 back to the country and gave them all veterans honors and pensions.

Thus a political wound was proclaimed to have been healed.

It should be noted that the 2 major figures of Greek politics today, the current PM Mitsotakis(Conservatives) and the former PM Papandreou(PASOK) both come from the Center Union Party. Mitsotakis's dad was the Economy Minister of the Center Union government and the first Apostate. Papandreous dad was the Defense Minister and Intelligence Chief of the same government. Eventually, Mitsotakis founded New Democracy(Conservatives) while Papandreou founded PASOK.

PASOK as a party was destroyed in 2012 when it decided to go into a coalition government with the Conservatives to save the country from bankruptcy. But we may see it come back yet again, as Syriza is decomposing, and Syriza is effectively PASOK 2.0, now the dissolution of SYRIZA could bring PASOK back from the dead!

In any case, I wanted to give you an idea but more importantly to clarify the seminal moments:

Cretan Uprising brings new blood(literally) in Greek Politics.
The liberals become a dominant force until the King and the right-wingers won the elections amidst the Greco-Turkish War for the anti-war ticket.
Fascism dominates the 30's and 40's.
The Communists get expelled from the country in 1949.
Conservatives run amok, national consciousness certificates are instituted for inter-governmental and state appointments.
The Liberals come back again in 1964-1967.
1967-1974 Colonels take over.
1974 Conservatives return and liberalise.
1981 Pasok becomes the first socialist government, liberalisation goes into hyperdrive.
1986-2004 Greek Golden Age is ushered.
2007 financial crisis begins.
2012 PASOK collapses.
2023 Syriza collapses.

That is really interesting.

The Greek economy at present is in bad shape then?

It is interesting but I was reading about this doctor who is Greek but practiced for years in London, England. He was a world-renowned doctor in his field of medicine.

In his early life, he was active in far-left causes and was going to dedicate himself to those causes when he wound up sitting in on a lecture about ultrasound technology. He became obsessed and switched to medicine. He wound up with a stellar career.

I think he is one of many influential Greek men and women in history.

I wish I knew more about the long history of Greek politics. I have barely enough time to study for Mexican citizenship and they require you to study a history book on Mexican history. I thought they would start fairly modern. No. They started when the first Native American Indian peoples crossed the Bering Strait.

I know mythology well since my mother loved that a lot.

And Greek mythology is an integral part of Spanish academics really.

The Greek Hero doctor I read about and saw his documentary in the series on Netflix. I think he was born in Cyprus in a rural town. I think Cyprus has a lot of progressive policies. I remember reading about them.

I read this and it seems there was a war in 1974 and the Turks invaded Cyprus but it was never a Greek island right?

The Greek economy at present is in bad shape then?

It is in a good shape today and getting better with very positive signals.

This has effectively neutralised Syriza and last month a new leader came to take over the party, Stefanos Kasselakis, who within a month he managed to destroy SYRIZA as the party the past couple of days has lost all its composite organisations.

SYRIZA was a coalition, all its partners have left it and is now polling in third place behind PASOK.

I was not aware of this doctor guy, so will look him up!

noemon wrote:It is in a good shape today and getting better with very positive signals.

This has effectively neutralised Syriza and last month a new leader came to take over the party, Stefanos Kasselakis, who within a month he managed to destroy SYRIZA as the party the past couple of days has lost all its composite organisations.

SYRIZA was a coalition, all its partners have left it and is now polling in third place behind PASOK.

I was not aware of this doctor guy, so will look him up!


Cyprus politics looks as complicated as Puerto Rican politics. :lol:

I am seeing a pattern of wars and resentments with the Turks. How do Greeks get along with the Turkish?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_ ... government.
The Turks arrived in Armenia and Azerbaijan around the year 1000 CE, they were pushed by the Huns and the Mongols from central Asia.

Initially, they were used by the Greeks to check on the Arabs and Persians but eventually as the Empire declined they ascended.

It would not be an understatement to say that Greeks and Turks have been fighting wars every few decades for more than 1000 years.

The past few years, Erdogan grew quite bold as he succeeded in Libya and Armenia to impose his own solutions, but this year he has calmed down considerably against Greece in particular as he has taken up another enemy now which is Israel.

Greco-Turkish relations seem to be quiet today but he could explode any minute.
noemon wrote:training with the CIA

LOK, Greek special forces, did a bit more than train with the CIA. When Greece joined NATO in 1952, they were the CIA in Greece.

See Operation Gladio.
Further observations:

1) The Greek Liberals, .ie the Liberal Party -> Center Union -> PASOK have been more patriotic and 'nationalist' than the Conservatives.

a) WWI conservatives sought neutrality to appease their German allies, Liberals sought active war participation on the Allied Side, civil war happened to get Greece involved in the War which it did, and through this participation, the 300k Greek army also became decisive in the Macedonian Front when it breached the German-Austria-Bulgaria lines opening the road to Vienna and knocking Germany, Austria, and Bulgaria out of the war.
b) Greco-Turkish War & Balkan Wars, Liberals secure Macedonia, Thrace, Aegean Islands, Smyrne & Constantinople. Conservatives lose the Anatolian possessions.
c) WWII again conservatives sought neutrality to appease their German allies, liberals sought active war participation on the Allied side.
d) Cyprus Issue, conservatives sought appeasement, Liberals sought active military engagement and sent 20k soldiers in Cyprus to secure the island.
e) Macedonian Issue, conservatives sought appeasement, PASOK imposed an embargo.
f) On the issue of Gladio, conservatives were active collaborators, Liberals sought to nationalise the LOK, that is partly the reason for the schism between the Liberal Government and the Palace that led to the junta.

2) Despite this fact, extreme Greek nationalists due to historical allegiances prefer to ally with the "Palace" and its foreign attendants, than support a patriotic party that happens to be on the left side of their politics. In Laconia where the "Spartan" nationalists are vastly concentrated, this is the major argument that I use to convert the neanderthals to a more centrist view and divorce them from their political superstitions.

3) American & British foreign policy vilified the Papandreou's, despite Andreas being a US citizen and a Professor of Economics at Princeton and despite George(the father) being a pro-British politician.

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