The 1% no longer needs the useless eaters (99%) - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Truth To Power wrote:... humans are not cattle...

I agree with you that humans are not naturally cattle.

But neither are cows or pigs. These animals are "broken" and then caged, drugged, tied down, and otherwise humiliated. They are then bred for certain characteristics that "the farmer" desires, in order to increase his wealth.

This model... is the basis for Abrahamic religions.

" Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! " Christianity

" The Golden Calf" Judeism

[7.179] And certainly We have created for hell many of the jinn and the men; they have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear; they are as cattle, nay, they are in worse errors; these are the heedless ones. Islam


The Islamic quote is actually anti-human-cattle. It reminds the reader that becoming cattle might be a comfortable trend to follow, but it leads to a loss of your ability to see and to think.

The other two Abrahamic religions encourage cattle-like behavior (or farmer-like behavior towards human cattle).

It should be remembered that these religions came about at a time when a huge chunk of humanity were farmers or shepherds. And because this was the most common daily routine of civilized and less civilized humans, it seems to have ensured that "animal husbandry" would become THE model for civilizations. THE metaphor. THE goal and successful model.
QatzelOk wrote:I agree with you that humans are not naturally cattle.

But neither are cows or pigs. These animals are "broken" and then caged, drugged, tied down, and otherwise humiliated. They are then bred for certain characteristics that "the farmer" desires, in order to increase his wealth.

This model... is the basis for Abrahamic religions.

" Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! " Christianity

" The Golden Calf" Judeism

[7.179] And certainly We have created for hell many of the jinn and the men; they have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear; they are as cattle, nay, they are in worse errors; these are the heedless ones. Islam


The Islamic quote is actually anti-human-cattle. It reminds the reader that becoming cattle might be a comfortable trend to follow, but it leads to a loss of your ability to see and to think.

The other two Abrahamic religions encourage cattle-like behavior (or farmer-like behavior towards human cattle).

It should be remembered that these religions came about at a time when a huge chunk of humanity were farmers or shepherds. And because this was the most common daily routine of civilized and less civilized humans, it seems to have ensured that "animal husbandry" would become THE model for civilizations. THE metaphor. THE goal and successful model.

No wonder PETA wants to liberate the domesticated animals.
Tainari88 wrote:No wonder PETA wants to liberate the domesticated animals.

A few areas I agree with PETA on.

- Zoos should be banned
- Pets should be banned. This one is controversial, This one gets a very NIMBY type of reaction from many people. Yea, I owned pets in the past, but have now seen the light. Nothing more hilarious than an Eco warrior with a pet.

If I were 1% rich, I would lobby the government to ban pets and shutdown zoos.
Rancid wrote:A few areas I agree with PETA on.

- Zoos should be banned
- Pets should be banned. This one is controversial, This one gets a very NIMBY type of reaction from many people. Yea, I owned pets in the past, but have now seen the light. Nothing more hilarious than an Eco warrior with a pet.

If I were 1% rich, I would lobby the government to ban pets and shutdown zoos.

I agree about banning zoos; they are a relic of a bygone era. They keep trying to ‘reinvent’ themselves, but it convinces nobody. Anyone who has seen a big cat confined in a zoo knows that this is a fundamental wrong. The confinement drives them insane, it breaks them.

Pets, on the other hand, I’m more equivocal about. The pet industry is inhumane and exploitative, but some animals actually choose to be pets, because the alternatives are far worse for them. Stray cats or dogs have been known to ‘adopt’ humans and move into a household. It requires a huge leap of faith on their part, but it can work out for them. What I cannot understand, however, are those people who buy a pet from a pet store or online, keep it for a few weeks, then get bored with it and neglect it or even abandon it on a roadside somewhere. Wtf?! :eh:
Rancid wrote:A few areas I agree with PETA on.

- Zoos should be banned
- Pets should be banned. This one is controversial, This one gets a very NIMBY type of reaction from many people. Yea, I owned pets in the past, but have now seen the light. Nothing more hilarious than an Eco warrior with a pet.

If I were 1% rich, I would lobby the government to ban pets and shutdown zoos.

A just society is one which "encourages" animals to become pregnant then steals their offspring at 8 weeks old and dresses them in cute outfits.
Potemkin wrote:It’s happened twice for us. You have no idea how grateful the animal is. :)

You love cats. You cat lover!

The cats I have are street cats. Mexican street cats. They come along, and make a lot of noise when hungry. You feed them and pat them on the head for a minute or two--and they are back out there killing innocent birds, lizards, and other small creatures. Typical predators. They also like to sun themselves in my terrace on the second floor and use my drying socks on the patio furniture to lounge themselves on top of at night. I found a bunch of cat hair on some black socks I was drying on my patio furniture yesterday. I had to rewash them all.

As for dogs? They are destroyers of everything if not trained. And they want human attention. My little Dulce will go out in the street at every opportunity of an open electric gate and she has the opportunity to get lost, but she smells the street and when bored I find her in the front door waiting to come home and be prisoner of my home. Lol.

The Xolo dog is full of energy and high spirits. If you leave your car door open and he is around he lunges for the car and gets in there, and he then wags his tail and it is like saying, I am ready for a park stroll now, I want some entertainment. Lol.

Pets do know where the love is. That is the big attraction. Hee hee.
Tainari88 wrote: Pets do know where the love is. That is the big attraction. Hee hee.

Yes, they *love* the people who they depend on for their survival.

Over time, because of the dumbing down process that inbreeding-for-traits involves, they lose their ability to survive on their own.

And this is where most humans are today as well, thanks to the wonderful metaphor that animal husbandry provided.


Problem: If you can no longer afford to feed your "loving" 8 billion dogs, what do you do? Keep feeding them until you starve yourself, OR kill them off so that you - the FARMER - can survive?

As for dogs? They are destroyers of everything if not trained.

So would you - the loving FARMER - kill off the billions of "destroyers of everything" (modern hyper-consumers and the corporations they are enslaved to)... or would you accept your own death in order to defend the pets "you love so much?"

Potemkin wrote:...The pet industry is inhumane and exploitative, but some animals actually choose to be pets, because the alternatives are far worse for them...

These pethood-desiring animals are called "Uncle Toms" by the remaining few wild animals.
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, they *love* the people who they depend on for their survival.

Over time, because of the dumbing down process that inbreeding-for-traits involves, they lose their ability to survive on their own.

And this is where most humans are today as well, thanks to the wonderful metaphor that animal husbandry provided.


Problem: If you can no longer afford to feed your "loving" 8 billion dogs, what do you do? Keep feeding them until you starve yourself, OR kill them off so that you - the FARMER - can survive?

So would you - the loving FARMER - kill off the billions of "destroyers of everything" (modern hyper-consumers and the corporations they are enslaved to)... or would you accept your own death in order to defend the pets "you love so much?"

These pethood-desiring animals are called "Uncle Toms" by the remaining few wild animals.

No, they’re not @QatzelOk. Feral cats really don’t care what pet cats are doing or not doing. They’re doing their own thing in the wild, and that’s all they care about. Only humans tend to be purse-lipped busybodies, tutting disapprovingly over what total strangers are doing or not doing with their lives. I’m sure you’re familiar with that type of human, @QatzelOk. :)
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, they *love* the people who they depend on for their survival.

Over time, because of the dumbing down process that inbreeding-for-traits involves, they lose their ability to survive on their own.

And this is where most humans are today as well, thanks to the wonderful metaphor that animal husbandry provided.


Problem: If you can no longer afford to feed your "loving" 8 billion dogs, what do you do? Keep feeding them until you starve yourself, OR kill them off so that you - the FARMER - can survive?

So would you - the loving FARMER - kill off the billions of "destroyers of everything" (modern hyper-consumers and the corporations they are enslaved to)... or would you accept your own death in order to defend the pets "you love so much?"

These pethood-desiring animals are called "Uncle Toms" by the remaining few wild animals.

You make a lot of strong points Q.

In fact, the Aztecs and the Mayans had Xolo dogs for food. They would follow the human individual or family around and when hunting was scarce for the humans the dog would become dinner. The Spanish observed this practice. Dogs were eaten in that culture. They were not just pets.

The Xolos act very wild like in almost every way. But, they are very social creatures and love socializing.

With other dogs, and with humans.

Humans who can't stand to watch animals suffer by being killed for food for humans really should be vegetarians or vegans.
Potemkin wrote:Feral cats ...

Do you mean "abandoned pets?"

Yes, abandoned pets often get so ill that humans - the Farmer class - often has to put them down.

For their own good.

Are you saying that most Westerners (and perhaps many other civilizations) are currently feeling abandoned by their masters? That they are becoming feral? That the Farmers better do something to protect their own class against bites?

Tainari88  wrote:In fact, the Aztecs and the Mayans had Xolo dogs for food.

Many of the First Nations where I live used to keep dogs around to eat human shit, and thus, keep the place tidy.

And whenever there was a food-supply crisis, the first thing they did was to kill all the dogs.
We have a formerly abandoned pet/ former feral cat.

When one of the kids was just wee, they wanted a cute little kitten to hold and cuddle. A neighbour rescued a stray and asked us if we wanted this little cat. Because of our kid, we said yes.

The cat turned out to be evil. Or, more kindly, her time as a stray made her difficult and unapproachable. No holding and cuddling. And then my wife got pregnant, so I took over cat litter duties, and basically ended up taking care of her.

13 years later and the old thing is still around, complaining, being difficult and unapproachable. I kind of feel like I am her pet.

Never had to worry about mice or rats, though.
I lived on a street where one of the houses had dozens of cats/kittens running everywhere on the property. Across the street there was another house with a lot of cats also. Neither of them bothered to spayed/neuter their cats so they all just had sex with each other and procreated uncontrollably. The cats would walk back and worth across the street all the time between both houses.

Looking back, I should have called some kind of animal authority on these 2 houses since the situation was out of control and the cats were everywhere. It was a cornucopia of cats. If you own pets, look after them responsibly. I finally understood the meaning....

Unthinking Majority wrote:

Bob Barker using the vulnerable state of his "a new car!" audience to implant abortion-memes.

Isn't this just a way of hinting that "abortion" is the only means of avoiding genocide against your own people as the population of "feral humans" reaches an environmental breaking point?

*"A new car! A NEW CAR!" (don't forget to abort your babies)*

I think the nuclear war and mass famines that are approaching... indicate that the pre-genocide propaganda wasn't effective at all. Perhaps it didn't reach enough feral cats to even make a dent in the overpopulation of the cat litter we call "the earth."
QatzelOk wrote:I agree with you that humans are not naturally cattle.

Or artificially.
But neither are cows or pigs.

Sure they are.
These animals are "broken" and then caged, drugged, tied down, and otherwise humiliated. They are then bred for certain characteristics that "the farmer" desires, in order to increase his wealth.

You are just anthropomorphizing. Animals do not have the same sensibilities people do.
This model... is the basis for Abrahamic religions.

Oh, please...
The other two Abrahamic religions encourage cattle-like behavior (or farmer-like behavior towards human cattle).

Farmers look after their cattle. The privileged just take from the productive. Your analogy is invalid.
Truth To Power wrote:Your analogy is invalid.

Saying things like "sure they are" doesn't invalidate an analogy.

You are going to have to work a bit harder on responding to complex concepts. One-word throw-away lines aren't effective enough.

Do you ever go for long walks in nature in order to think a bit more deeply about complex issues, or are you just a response-machine who uses worn-out tropes?
QatzelOk wrote:Saying things like "sure they are" doesn't invalidate an analogy.

Sure it does, when the analogy is based on the false premise that cows are not naturally cattle.
You are going to have to work a bit harder on responding to complex concepts.

Your concept isn't complex. It is just invalid.
One-word throw-away lines aren't effective enough.

Do you ever go for long walks in nature in order to think a bit more deeply about complex issues, or are you just a response-machine who uses worn-out tropes?

In your dreams, you are able to think as clearly and deeply about subtle, complex issues as I habitually do all the time.

Check your Fact wrote:FACT CHECK: Did Klaus Schwab Write
That Billions Of ‘Useless Eaters’ Will Be Eliminated By 2050?

An image shared on Instagram claims World Economic Forum (WEF) executive chairman Klaus Schwab predicted the erasure of 4 billion “useless eaters” by 2050.

Verdict: False

The statement appeared in a 1992 book by Dr. John Coleman. There is no evidence Schwab made such a remark or included it in his book.

Fact Check:

The image claims the alleged quote stems from a passage in the book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” authored by Schwab and Monthly Barometer founder Thierry Malleret. The passage says around 4 billion “useless eaters” would be “eliminated” by 2050 through various methods, including war and starvation.

“Energy, food and watershal (sic) be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite,” the passage reads in part, adding that it would continue until the world population reaches a “manageable” level of 1 billion people. (RELATED: Did The World Economic Forum Report On The Omicron Variant In July?)

The statement, however, does not appear in the book nor on Schwab’s verified Twitter account. The WEF’s social media posts and its press releases likewise make no such comment. Check Your Fact was unable to locate a single credible news report online of Schwab making such a remark.

“Mr. Klaus Schwab has never made such a statement,” WEF spokesperson Alem Tedeneke told Check Your Fact in an email...

It turns out it was Dr. John Coleman, and not Klaus Schwab, who predicted that 4 billion "useless eaters" would be eliminated by 2050. I hope the authors of this meme have apologized to Mr. Schwab regarding this misquote. I know I always apologize when I attribute quotes to the wrong poster.

So it was John Coleman who wrote these words. Quoted below:

James H Fetzer wrote:“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.

The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.” (p. 105)...


So it wasn't Klaus Schwab who wrote these words.

Question: Did Klaus Schwab read this book and believe in it?

And it was also debunked.

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