Ghosts of aborted fetuses - Politics | PoFo

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The “aliens” in “alien abductions” are really the ghosts of aborted fetuses who have come back to haunt us.

In the classic alien abduction experience, the abductee first sees a bright light like the "light at the end of the tunnel" related by people who have had near-death experiences: evidence of a spiritual encounter. The victim is then raised into a UFO where he or she lies paralyzed on an examination table. Aliens in this "clinic" poke the abductee's body with instruments and extract reproductive material. The aliens are described as having fetal-like characteristics: hairless, small bodies with underdeveloped limbs and large heads.

These spirits are forcing people to share the humiliating and painful experience of being aborted. The "alien" appearance is part of the spiritual message: We treat the embryo like it isn't human. Yet the most alien feature, the large black eyes, has a counterpart in the womb. At six weeks, the eyes of the embryo are wide open and black, without eyelids or irises.

The 1993 movie Fire in the Sky, about a logger's claim that he was abducted by aliens, is nearly literal in depicting the abductee as a fetus. Inside the "spaceship," the abductee breaks out of a placenta-like casing and then floats in a womb-like cavern while grasping what appears to be an umbilical cord.

The similarity between the abduction aliens and fetuses was also noted by Matt Graeber in the Summer 1996 issue of UFO Sightings. In the article "UFO Abductions: Nocturnal Terror," he observed, "Many female abductees are persons who have suffered the loss of a child through miscarriage or they may have terminated a pregnancy (or pregnancies) by clinical abortion . . . How odd it seems that the 'fetus-like aliens' should be 'so caught up' with gynecological procedures and genetic experimentation upon American earth women at precisely the same point in time we Americans are so obsessed with the abortion issue."

While Graeber suggested that alien abduction imagery is generated by internal psychological conflict, I argue that the experience represents contact with the spiritual world.
That was interesting, if not really fuckin' bizarre.

Inside the "spaceship," the abductee breaks out of a placenta-like casing and then floats in a womb-like cavern while grasping what appears to be an umbilical cord.

I honestly don't see the relevance here.

See, you're talking about ghosts of fetuses. Do these ghosts, somehow, invade the minds of those who describe their alien abduction? I think that's far fetched, at best, but it's really the only way to explain it, isn't it? How else would they get the whole process so correct?

Many female abductees are persons who have suffered the loss of a child through miscarriage or they may have terminated a pregnancy (or pregnancies) by clinical abortion

If every abductee were a woman who had an abbreviated pregnancy, I'd say you were on to something. But if what you say is true, we'd never even know that Travis Walton existed.

Like I said, interesting, but weird...
By 1996 reports of alien abductions seemed to have ceased. The alien/abortion metaphor took a new turn. Souls repeatedly aborted had evolved into the monsters of the movie Independence Day. The murdered unborn had symbolically returned in a mothership pregnant with death. Dilate, fire breaks as fire poured down on skyscrapers.

I voiced my concerns in an election-related press release, which I mailed to several newspapers and the Bob Dole campaign office. I suggested that Dole should alert the public to the abduction-abortion connection. Citing imagery from Independence Day, I warned, "If we elect another President who ignores the holocaust of abortion, a shadow will fall across America. Hell will pour from the heavens and a fire storm of civil war and terrorism will sweep the nation."

The press release was dated September 11, 1996. The skyscrapers fell exactly five years later when aliens abducted airline passengers. A civil war may be next.

Through abortion, America had the freedom to choose Death, and Death has chosen America.
Robert Urbanek wrote:By 1996 reports of alien abductions seemed to have ceased. The alien/abortion metaphor took a new turn. Souls repeatedly aborted had evolved into the monsters of the movie Independence Day. The murdered unborn had symbolically returned in a mothership pregnant with death. Dilate, fire breaks as fire poured down on skyscrapers.

I voiced my concerns in an election-related press release, which I mailed to several newspapers and the Bob Dole campaign office. I suggested that Dole should alert the public to the abduction-abortion connection. Citing imagery from Independence Day, I warned, "If we elect another President who ignores the holocaust of abortion, a shadow will fall across America. Hell will pour from the heavens and a fire storm of civil war and terrorism will sweep the nation."

The press release was dated September 11, 1996. The skyscrapers fell exactly five years later when aliens abducted airline passengers. A civil war may be next.

Through abortion, America had the freedom to choose Death, and Death has chosen America.

Intriguing thread. There may well be a significant amount of collective guilt that is buried deep in the unconscious public psyche, which expresses itself in fantasies such as ''Alien Abduction''... (And even a man can feel guilty about all this). However, I do not believe that this would account for the phenomena of UFO and/or ''Alien Sightings'' as a whole.
The reports of Hamas terrorists cutting off the heads of babies brings to mind the decapitations that may occur during abortions.

abortionist Timothy Johnson testified: “When one does a D&E [abortion], technically one of the challenges is to remove the fetal skull, partly because it is relatively large, partly because it is relatively calcified, and it is difficult to grasp on occasion. So one of the common technical challenges of a dismemberment D&E is what is called a free-floating head or a head that has become disattached and needs to be removed. . .

. . . It’s supremely ironic that we accuse Islamic governments of savagely decapitating their own people, yet they accuse Western governments of savagely decapitating their own children.

Perhaps the ghosts of aborted fetuses have again possessed terrorists and, like on 9-11, have exacted blind retribution.

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