Circumcision versus transgender hormones in children - Page 51 - Politics | PoFo

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Do you think the following should be banned for these children?

both should be allowed
circumcision should be allowed, but not transgender hormones
transgender hormones should be allowed, but not circumcision
both should not be allowed
@Pants-of-dog Lies. Nature is not a social construct. That's a stupid thing to say, as well as being a lie.

Nature does care about exceptions- these are often called mutations and abnormalities. These things disappear in nature, by natural selection.

No one here is transphobic.

Pants-of-dog wrote:One side has referred to biologists and how they determine human sex, medical science studies, the consensus of medical professionals, and empirical facts.
Yes. That is the side I am on.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The other side claims this is all lies.
This is the side you are on. Yours the one that tries to politicize everything to confuse the science and actual biology that shows your ideology to be one of delusion and self-deception. Yours is the one trying to call sex/gender a social construct. Social Constructs do not change what the facts actually are.

A transwoman is not a woman. They are still a male.
A transman is not a man. They are still female.

There are two sexes and two genders. Man and Woman. A trans person is not of a different gender. Biological reality.

The very rare exception, does not change the facts. Albinos are born all the time, but we're not going to say this is the norm, are we?

Most of the idiots and fools that are activists(like you) are not trans people, as they aren't trying to transition. They are "gender fluid" and other nonsensical terms to describe how they might feel on any particular day. They want everyone else to refer to them by non-existent and made-up pronouns, and will compel them to do so. They want to demean the normal people by calling them "cis" or "Terf" when they don't find their delusions appealing, or criticize their poor choices.

The ideologues for gender identity politics are the worst bigots on this forum.
Godstud wrote:@Pants-of-dog Lies. Nature is not a social construct.

You misread. You misreading is not equal to me lying.

Rules and exceptions to rules are a social construct. Nature does not care about social constructs.

Please try to read my posts more carefully.
The logic by which humans have decided this is a rule and XY females are the exception has already been clarified. The fact that humans have a logical and rational reason to decide this is rule and XY females are exceptions does not change the fact that the idea of biological organisms fitting into neat little categories that follow rules is still a social construct that we place upon nature.

If the number is 1 in 100 000, there are literally tens of thousands of these people walking around, and we should just ignire the fact that they exist because it makes categories inelegant?
@Pants-of-dog Rules and exceptions are natural and not social constructs either.

It does not make a difference if there are a million people with 1 leg walking around the earth. Humans have 2 legs, and that is the biological and natural norm. Your exception is not the rule, and you pushing this lie is idiotic.

The also applies to a few people who are born intersex, of which a very few of them have genitals that are abnormal. They are exceptions and should be treated well, but the big lie is that you think vast numbers of these people exist and wish to change all of society to accommodate people who think they are something they are not. i.e. Men pretending they are women, and vice versa. People pretending they are something in between, when they are clearly not.

Most of the people engaged in gender identity ideology are delusional and suffer form mental illnesses. This is simply fact.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The logic by which humans have decided this is a rule and XY females are the exception has already been clarified. The fact that humans have a logical and rational reason to decide this is rule and XY females are exceptions does not change the fact that the idea of biological organisms fitting into neat little categories that follow rules is still a social construct that we place upon nature.

If the number is 1 in 100 000, there are literally tens of thousands of these people walking around, and we should just ignire the fact that they exist because it makes categories inelegant?

We should treat it as people having a genetic condition, just like we treat those who have an extra chromosome 21, those who are born with an extra finger or conjoined twins. We don't say humans normally have more than 2 sets of chromosome 21, have 11 fingers or share a body with another human.
Godstud wrote:@Pants-of-dog Rules and exceptions are natural and not social constructs either.

It does not make a difference if there are a million people with 1 leg walking around the earth. Humans have 2 legs, and that is the biological and natural norm. Your exception is not the rule, and you pushing this lie is idiotic.

The also applies to a few people who are born intersex, of which a very few of them have genitals that are abnormal. They are exceptions and should be treated well, but the big lie is that you think vast numbers of these people exist and wish to change all of society to accommodate people who think they are something they are not. i.e. Men pretending they are women, and vice versa. People pretending they are something in between, when they are clearly not.

Most of the people engaged in gender identity ideology are delusional and suffer form mental illnesses. This is simply fact.

I never said XY females were the norm. In fact, that would be a contradiction of my actual position.

Are you confused about my position, or are you deliberately misrepresenting it?
If I misrepresent your position, @Pants-of-dog, it's only because you are so damned confused. That is the ideology you worship, though, so it's not surprising.
Confusion about my posts may stem from the fact that my posts are based on empirical science, and so people who hold underlying assumptions that hold unscientific views may be confused when they try to view position in the context of their unscientific beliefs.

I will assume that this is why people were confused.
Your ideology is the definition of confused.

Agender: A person who does not identify themselves with or experience any gender. Agender people are also called null-gender, genderless, gendervoid, or neutral gender.
Abimegender: Associated with being profound, deep, and infinite. The term abimegender may be used alone or in combination with other genders.
Adamas gender: A gender that is indefinable or indomitable. People identifying with this gender refuse to be categorized in any particular gender identity.
Aerogender: Also called evaisgender, this gender identity changes according to one’s surroundings.
Aesthetigender: Also called aesthetgender, it is a type of gender identity derived from aesthetics.
Affectugender: This is based on the person’s mood swings or fluctuations.
Agenderflux: A person with this gender identity is mostly agender with brief shifts of belonging to other gender types.
Alexigender: The person has a fluid gender identity between more than one type of gender although they cannot name the genders they feel fluid in.
Aliusgender: This gender identity stands apart from existing social gender constructs. It means having a strong specific gender identity that is neither male nor female.
Amaregender: Having a gender identity that changes depending on the person one is emotionally attached to.
Ambigender: Having two specific gender identities simultaneously without any fluidity or fluctuations.
Ambonec: The person identifies themselves as both man and woman and yet does not belong to either.
Amicagender: A gender-fluid identity where a person changes their gender depending on the friends they have.
Androgyne: A person feels a combination of feminine and masculine genders.
Anesigender: The person feels close to a specific type of gender despite being more comfortable in closely identifying themselves with another gender.
Angenital: The person desires to be without any primary sexual characteristics although they do not identify themselves as genderless.
Anogender: The gender identity fades in and out in intensity but always comes back to the same gendered feeling.
Anongender: The person has a gender identity but does not label it or would prefer to not have a label.
Antegender: A protean gender that can be anything but is formless and motionless.
Anxiegender: This gender identity has anxiety as its prominent characteristic.
Apagender: The person has apathy or a lack of feelings toward one's gender identity.
Apconsugender: It means knowing what are not the characteristics of gender but not knowing what are its characteristics. Thus, a person hides its primary characteristics from the individual.
Astergender: The person has a bright and celestial gender identity.
Astral gender: Having a gender identity that feels to be related to space.
Autigender: Having a gender identity that feels to be closely related to being autistic.
Autogender: Having a gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself.
Axigender: A gender identity that is between the two extremes of agender and any other type of gender. Both the genders are experienced one at a time without any overlapping. The two genders are described as on the opposite ends of an axis.
Bigender: Having two gender identities at the same or different times.
Biogender: Having a gender that is closely related to nature.
Blurgender: Also called gender fuss, blurgender means having more than one gender identities that blur into each other so that no particular type of gender identity is clear.
Boyflux: The person identifies themselves as male, but they experience varying degrees of male identity. This may range from feeling agender to completely male.
Burstgender: Frequent bursts of intense feelings quickly move to the initial calm stage.
Caelgender: This gender identity shares the qualities or aesthetics of outer space.
Cassgender: It is associated with the feelings of considering the gender irrelevant or unimportant.
Cassflux: There is a fluctuating intensity of irrelevance toward gender.
Cavusgender: The person feels close to one gender when depressed and to another when not depressed.
Cendgender: The gender identity changes from one gender to its opposite.
Ceterogender: It is a nonbinary gender where the person has a specific masculine, feminine or neutral feelings.
Ceterofluid: Although the person is a ceterogender, their identity keeps fluctuating between different genders.
Cisgender: Being closely related to the gender assigned at birth during the entire life.
Cloudgender: The person’s gender cannot be comprehended or understood due to depersonalization and derealization disorder.
Collgender: Various genders are present at the same time in the individual.
Colorgender: In this category, colors are used to describe gender, for example, pink gender or black gender.
Commogender: The person knows that they are not cisgender yet continues to identify as one for a while.
Condigender: The person feels their gender only under specific circumstances.
Deliciagender: Associated with the feeling of having multiple genders but preferring one over the other.
Demifluid: Having multiple genders, some fluid while others are static.
Demiflux: A combination of multiple genders with some genders static, whereas others fluctuating in intensity.
Demigender: The individual has partial traits of one gender and the rest of the other gender.
Domgender: The individual has multiple genders with one dominating over the rest.
Duragender: Having more than one gender with one lasting longer than the others.
Egogender: It is a personal type of gender identified by the individual alone. It is based on the person’s experience within the self.
Epicene: It is associated with a strong feeling of not being able to relate to any of the two genders of the binary gender or both of the binary gender characteristics.
Esspigender: The individual relates their gender identity with spirits.
Exgender: The denial to identify with any gender on the gender spectrum.
Existigender: The person’s gender identity exists only when they make conscious efforts to realize it.
Femfluid: The person is fluid or fluctuating regarding the feminine genders.
Femgender: A nonbinary gender identity that is feminine.
Fluidflux: It means to be fluid between two or more genders with a fluctuation in the intensity of those genders.
Gemigender: The person has two genders that are opposite yet they flux and work together.
Genderblank: It is closely related to a blank space.
Genderflow: The gender identity is fluid between infinite feelings.
Genderfluid: The person does not consistently adhere to one fixed gender and may have many genders.
Genderfuzz: More than one gender is blurred together.
Genderflux: The gender fluctuates in intensity.
Genderpuck: The person resists to fit in societal norms concerning genders.
Genderqueer: The individual blurs the preconceived boundaries of gender in relation to the gender binary or having just one gender type.
Gender witched: The person is inclined toward the notion of having one gender but does not know which.
Girlflux: The individual identifies themselves as a female but with varying intensities of female identities.
Healgender: A gender identity that gives the person peace, calm, and positivity.
Mirrorgender: Changing one's gender type based on the people surrounding.
Omnigender: Having or experiencing all genders. ... rticle.htm

Where is the science, smartass? Where? You're fucking delusional! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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