Will Obama precedent help Trump? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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He opposed “partisan witch hunts . . . We need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards . . . Nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past . . . we must resist the forces that divide us, and instead come together on behalf of our common future."

Is this the language of a Republican candidate whitewashing Trump’s actions regarding the January 6 insurrection? No, they are reasons given by President Obama as to why he did not prosecute CIA agents and their superiors who engaged in torture or approved it in the post 9-11 war on terror.

If a Republican other than Trump wins the 2024 presidential election, Obama’s comments will give him or her the perfect rationale for pardoning Trump and even others convicted for their involvement in the January 6 upheaval.

Furthermore, Obama’s failure to take the torture issue to court tacitly let stand the argument that CIA agents were following the legitimate legal advice of John Yoo, the deputy assistant attorney general who drafted the memo that redefined torture as “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

If CIA agents received immunity after following legal advice, then, Trump’s lawyers might argue, the former President should also receive immunity after following legal advice that his efforts to halt the election certification were legitimate.


I don't know. He could get pardoned if he is elected again and pardons himself, or if he is not elected again, sometime in the future, when a different Republican candidate is elected they might maybe pardon him depending on the political winds at that time in the future. But he is also about to get indicted here in the state of Georgia and he can't pardon himself on state convictions nor can future Republican Presidents pardon on state convictions.
Rancid wrote:I'm pretty sure Trump will get pardoned at some point.

If Desantis wins, yeah. I don't think Desantis will win because he's a natural loser.

The man is a natural bitch. How the fuck do you run against someone whose coat tails you rode on and say, "My opponent is unfit for office which is why you should vote for me. Also, I think he is perfect and faultless and I will pardon him. Vote for me, the guy who will pardon the crimes of the guy who you love and I will not criticize, and who will pardon himself if given the chance. I'm Trump-lite."

Like, even in his own campaign ads for governor, Ron was not the focus. He had his wife do the talking. He just did baby talk while reading to his kid saying, "And Trump said he would build the wall," while reading a baby book to his child before his wife did the rest of the talking. He knows he's fucking poison to anyone he interracts with in person. That's why he's always hiding in a corner. Fucking loser can't even carry a 30 second television ad he's so devoid of charisma.

I know this is barely related I just love how shitty Desantis' messaging is. Just an absolute moron clown who ran on stupid "Fox News Thing of the Week" shit by passing laws about gas stoves (only 8% of Floridians use gas stoves) and shouting about vaguely defined wokeness. Because that's the only option he had to get attention while treading the fine line of not criticizing Trump and not praising him.

Like, the only smart thing he figured out is that nobody liked him so that this election was the only chance he had to take on Trump under the worst conditions possible. He's so combative and authoritarian within his own party that it was this cycle or nothing. Every politician his age in any important position was smart enough to sit this cycle out and not burn their legacy on Trump calling them "Meatball Ron" or some other shit that the base loves.

And now every reporter following him is looking for the next scoop on what a massive weirdo he is, shouting things like, "Ron! Eat this pudding cup!" and pissing him the hell off because he's such a fragile, asocial authoritarian that any interraction with humanity completely shatters him.

Personally, if I were Desantis' Campaign Manger, here is what I'd say:

"Ron, I know you're not autistic (I'm lying here, I completely believe he's autistic), but let's switch lanes. Say you're the first autistic presidential candidate. That's relatable. People have autistic relatives, and they love them. Their desire to support them will transfer to a desire to support you. Focus on your pragmatic mind and unique worldview."

Ron: "Gotta watch Wapner. Gotta watch Judge Wapner."

SpecialOlympian wrote:If Desantis wins, yeah.....

I think Republicans have no principals. Funny how those that talk so much about honor, lifting yourself by the boot straps, etc. etc. are the mentally weakest, least ethical, least moral, least principled among us.

I think any Republican would pardon him, because they are that principaless. They are that bankrupt. They are treasonous pieces of shit. All of them.

Including that shit head Cruz.

That whole party had their chance to bar Trump from office, and they didn't.
IIRC latest opinion polls suggest Trump would easily win the GOP primary. It's possible that's what the Biden Administration wants, too.

It sounds unlikely those who voted Biden in 2020 would vote Trump now, even more so after what happened at the Capitol. The Biden Administration would very much prefer to make this election about Trump's behavior in 2020 and 2021 than anything else, and maybe that'll be necessary to end trumpism for once and for all too.
wat0n wrote:IIRC latest opinion polls suggest Trump would easily win the GOP primary. It's possible that's what the Biden Administration wants, too.

It sounds unlikely those who voted Biden in 2020 would vote Trump now, even more so after what happened at the Capitol. The Biden Administration would very much prefer to make this election about Trump's behavior in 2020 and 2021 than anything else, and maybe that'll be necessary to end trumpism for once and for all too.

Don't underestimate the power of the stupidity of Americans. Trump could totally win.
Rancid wrote:Don't underestimate the power of the stupidity of Americans. Trump could totally win.

Do you want to bet again 100 bucks to Charity that Trump won't be president?
Rancid wrote:Don't underestimate the power of the stupidity of Americans. Trump could totally win.

Indeed, he could... But honestly it sounds unlikely. I can see him winning if he's cleared of all charges in all cases (or if some, like the GA election interference case, aren't filed) though.
Trump will win the nomination of the GOP and win the general election. Scandal only works against people who are at least feeling shameful about what they do or don't do. Lawfare only works if you have physical force to back it up. Go on, put him in jail and he'll win the Presidency, pardoning himself from cell bloc c as everyone laughs. Rigging elections only work if the posted results are accepted by the losing side, and not made into an intimidating banner to carry ensuring a triumph in the next election. Few have the will or enthusiasm to seriously or intelligently resist, and there's little leadership against him, when his enemies are feckless and stupid and arrogant.

Which is obvious because his followers are most of the people who work and pay taxes, keep the utilities and basic services on, keep law and order and defend the country. He could easily be beaten if an opponent actually cared more about working people, real regular people, instead of identity politics and policing the world for the elites and their corporations. Producers, not Parasites.

Trump at least pretends to, even though the bastard is one of the elite 1% himself and believes in the Capitalism that has so enriched him. But, working class people will still gladly lob the fucking orange human hand grenade once more to stick it to those hypocritical scum who despise, not so much him, but THEM.
Rancid wrote:I think Republicans have no principals.

I don't vote Democrat because I think they stand in opposition to America's extremist rightwing that's teetering on the edge of full on Fascism. I vote for them because it's a slow roll into complete failure to function as a society.

Like, Republicans see the Weimar Republic and think, "That's a good starting point, why did nobody think of this before?" And the Dems, like the Republicans, are run by aging consultant ghouls who constantly tell them, "No, nobody actually likes the idea of not spending 10X what the next country does on military contracts to give everyone free healthcare and free education. Hissssss.... I'm literally a giant lizard in a cloak who is doing nothing to hide my lack of humanity."

Democrats just are absolutely averse to wielding power of any kind, and they're my only alternative to wide eyed Christian Theocratic fascists who think we should burn down the entire country in the name of Christ because Dyllan Mulvaney got a single branded tallboy of Bud Light beer.
My choices are:

Kamala Harris: "I'm a former prosecutor doped to the gills on Xanax and the idea of opening a small business IF you went to a state college and IF you employ at least 5 employees at your small business (which would naturally be a liquor store) in a minority community, then we will consider forgiving your student loan debt."

Mike Pence: "I literally think Garfield is the pinnacle of Western Art. I refuse to be alone with a woman because it violates my Christian values. If Israel says it's right, I will bathe the Earth in God's righteous hellfire by launching all our nukes and I will be your president in the next life."

Trump: "Have you noticed that toilets don't suck your shit hard enough? I take big shits... *pauses for applause*

I know. I know. I take the biggest shits. Mike Pence? He takes little shits like a rabbit *the crowd boos loudly for five minutes*

Because I'm a big strong man. Meatball Ron doesn't take shits like I do. He wants your toilets to be weak... so weak, the man hasn't taken a good shit in his entire life."
That's one of my favorite Trump bits where he just goes to random towns and says, "Have you noticed your plumbing is really weak now? Jews Nancy Pelosi did that."

It's not true at all, but his pig person base just loves the idea of taking powerful shits or being so fucking filthy that they can't get clean anymore under their weak, liberal showerheads.
Rancid wrote:......

Let me think about that.

Description should read: JohnRawlses penis is larger than mine so I am donating money to charity. :excited:

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